"I'm for a flat tax -- as long as the flat rate is zero.
The object is to get rid of big government,
not find a new way of financing it." Harry Browne
SLF sues Obama's EPA
How States Can Stop Obamacare
A new study by Michael F. Cannon explains how a critical mass of states exercising their vetoes can force Congress to reconsider, and even repeal, Obama's harmful and unpopular health care law. ![]() |
Since the Great Depression, recessions have always been followed by strong recoveries within two years of market bottoms. Now, more than four years since the market bottom in March 2009, the U.S. economy as measured by the labor-force participation rate, which captures the percentage of working age people in the labor force, has just dropped to a new 34-year low at 63.3%. GDP growth from the market bottom has averaged 1.94% annually, the worst post-recession rebound in the last 70 years. Is An Artificial Economy Sustainable? By Scott S. Powell Monday, April 08, 2013
FROM Liberty & How Things Are Not Always As They SeemSunday, July 14, 2013 by Chris Rossini*** The ideas of liberty held by the AmeriKan public were so strong though, that it would take until the beginning of the 1900's for public opinion to noticeably turn in the opposite direction. I stress that this is when public opinion noticeably turned. The attitudes of U.S. government officials turned long before that. They just had to achieve their goals piecemeal. But from the early 1900's on, the speed of the belief in government control began to take off. Let's go back to the tipping point that occurred over 100 years ago. It was not an easy time for the idea pushers of government control. Battling liberty was a difficult task. They probably felt very similar to the way we feel today. It was no doubt hard to for them to forsee how they could possibly succeed. Ludwig Von Mises wrote: The ideal of liberty seemed to be so firmly rooted that everybody thought that no reactionary movement could ever succeed in eradicating it. It is true, it would have been a hopeless venture to attack freedom openly and to advocate unfeignedly a return to subjection and bondage. But antiliberalism got hold of people's minds camouflaged as superliberalism, as the fulfillment and consummation of the very ideas of freedom and liberty. It came disguised as socialism, communism, and planning. Mises also wrote (my emphasis): Thus, about the middle of the nineteenth century, it seemed that the ideal of Socialism had been disposed of. It was at this moment that Marx appeared. In other words, it sure seemed like liberty was unstoppable in AmeriKa, just as it seemed like The British Empire was unstoppable prior to 1776. But, once again, things are not always as they seem. Massive changes often happen when they are least expected. AmeriKa tipped in the early 1900's thanks to a small group of individuals who intensely desired complete government control. Once again, it only took enough people to get on board. The rest would be taken on a very nightmarish ride. *** |
FROM Homeschooling: The Future of Liberty, by Ron PaulA common feature of authoritarian regimes is the criminalization of alternatives to government-controlled education. Dictators recognize the danger that free thought poses to their rule, and few things promote the thinking of “unapproved” thoughts like an education controlled by parents instead of the state. That is why the National Socialist (Nazi) government of Germany outlawed homeschooling in 1938. Sadly, these Nazi-era restrictions on parental rights remain the law in Germany, leaving parents who wish greater control over their children’s education without options. That is why in 2006 Uwe and Hannalore Romeike, a German couple who wanted to homeschool their three children for religious reasons, sought asylum in the United States. Immigration judge Lawrence Burman upheld their application for asylum, recognizing that the freedom of parents to homeschool was a “basic human right.” Unfortunately, the current US administration does not see it that way, and has announced that it is appealing Judge Burman's decision. If the administration is successful, the Romeikes could be sent back to Germany where they will be forced to send their children to schools whose teaching violates their religious beliefs. If they refuse, they face huge fines, jail time, or even the loss of custody of their children! The Administration’s appeal claims that the federal government has the constitutional authority to ban homeschooling in all fifty states. The truth is, the Constitution gives the federal government no power to control any aspect of education. [Emphasis added] Furthermore, parents who, like the Romeikes, have a religious motivation for homeschooling should be protected by the free exercise clause of the First Amendment. Editor's Note: Regardless of parental motivation for Homeshchooling, the paramount reason for Homeschooling should be to teach a child to THINK and provide a wide variety of information as a foundation for that thinking. Governments prefer IGNORANT people because ignorance is the foundation for dictatorship and Totalitarianism.
"All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent." Thomas Jefferson |
[Editor's Note: Citizens who have paid in to Socialist Insecurity (SS) all their lives vehemently protest any tampering with SS. However, SS was installed as a government program in 1935 when the world was in Depression. Franklin Roosevelt (FDR) could have passed a ham sandwich in those days. SS was and has been just another source of revenue for government scumbags. SS is a SOCIALIST program disguised as a "safety net". If government had established a PRIVATE retirement plan (like CONgress has for itself), SS would be solvent today and government couldn't ROB it like today. Our 'mis-representatives' represent only themselves --- NOT their constituents! Mis-reps are on a power trip to gain more and more power over us. An informal historical study of the last 100 years with depression, recessions, world wars, 'police actions', and inflationary devaluation of the dollar (most of which was caused by government) shows that each event was used as an excuse to tighten the control over citizens. Our mis-representatives have legislated themselves an increasingly larger slice of the economic pie while slowly destroying the private economy which provides their piece of the pie. Mis-representatives sit high above those who testify and make their photo-opportunistic speeches to impress the public and the suckers of America are impressed and vote for the best speech --- not the proof of a real representative's effort to downsize government and remove government intrusion from American life. Central Planning will INEVITABLY FAIL ! The government procedure for gaining complete, totalitarian control of a nation is first to make everyone dependent on government, either by supporting people financially or eliminating all choices except the government choice. Then, government can do anything it wants. These government clowns will succeed at one and only one thing: the government will cause the creation and expansion of a black market for all goods and services that will destroy the economy. Eventually, all citizens who can leave America will expatriate to a more favorable country. Government in this country was NEVER envisaged to consume 40% of the economy and NEVER meant to meddle in the lives of FREE people. |