Fear of Big Labor![]() Uncle Sam, the thief, taking citizens for a ride!!!
The question asked after the Indiana Right-to-Work Law victory, the first State in a decade to realize that unions, especially government workers unions are a socialist cancer was: So why aren’t states scrambling to embrace right-to-work laws? And the answer was Four words: fear of Big Labor.
Obamacare will unionize doctors! There is NO DOUBT that unions are a micro-socialist/communist faction in the USA which began in an era in the history of the USA when railroads and steel mills were just developing (late 1800s – early 1900s). Also, during that time (1917-1918), Russians were slaughtered and starved under the rule of Tsar Nicholas II. Russians started their revolution which brought Communism, viewed in the USA by many (including community organizers) as a wonderful development for the poor Russian people. Those times in America were fraught with strife between business owners and workers. Workers were not treated with respect by employers. The disrespect of the late 19th and early 20th century DOES NOT EXIST today. If you have a company's required skills, you can get a good-paying job with medical and pension benefits. Today (21st century) the only CLASS STRUGGLE in the USA is the one consisting of low income people who want government to rob the rich to give to them! Sounds like a famous quote from Karl Marx. Persons with SKILLS whether the skill is in Business Administration or a Heavy Machinery Operator can always get a good job. But unions force workers to pay dues to the union which are used to donate to politicians. Just because unions have always been in control for auto workers, steel workers, government workers, etc. doesn't mean these unions should continue to exist. Union workers are ripped-off by their unions. In many cases, unions cause inferior products and services to be developed and/or delivered. Unionized workes are not only inefficient, they are paid too much for the product delivered. This assertion can be proved! If one views one’s economic existence as a failure either because one's skills were not upgraded or whatever reason, then you might join with a union (socialist) to TAKE from business owners and corporations who have learned, studied, worked, built, saved and earned their rightful position (BUILDERS generic for company owners) . Companies offer employment (because companies need help) to those who want outrageously MORE from the owners than the owners can offer and make a profit and remain in business (solvency). Those angry with their existence because they have not availed themselves of opportunities to earn a better economic life will join unions. The “power” of numbers (look at Egypt) can potentially FORCE BUILDERS to give away TOO MUCH to unions. This has been the case for decades in the State and the Federal governments. Unions have TAKEN from the taxpayer and participated in the destruction of our Republic and our Capitalist economy. Unions are an economic CANCER on the USA body that will destroy the greatness of our conutry if allowed to continue. The State and Federal governments MUST scale back on previous contracts to require significantly greater contributions from union employees for their pension and healthcare. IF UNION MEMBERS WILL NOT AGREE, THEN LAY THEM OFF UNTIL THE FINANCIALS COME INTO BALANCE. |