Google/You Tube Login Help

Either the feds, to prevent citizens from seeing the video because of possible citizen demonstrations or insurrection, or Google, playing along with government information suppression fearing government reprisal, OR BOTH have decided to make access to this video as difficult as possible.

The video is somewhat risque or even slightly pornographic, however, that is NO REASON for the government to infringe 1st Amendment Rights. Government uses the fear of terrorism to control the public just like ancient governments used religion to contol their citizens.

So, therefore, I have provided detailed instructions for gaining access to the video.

  1. If you don't have a Google login, then create one here.
  2. Use your new or existing Google Login UserId & Password to login here.
  3. After logging in, you should see a "veiled threat page" entitled Google Accounts. The page asks "innocently", What would happen if you lost access to your Google Account?
  4. Ignore this page and click the "Go back one page" button. The TSA Help video should begin.