Is Government a Crook?

Uncle Sam, the thief, taking citizens for a ride!!!
"I'm for a flat tax -- as long as the flat rate is zero.
The object is to get rid of big government,
not find a new way of financing it." Harry Browne


Uncle Sam is a THIEF!



Government Employees: The True 1%

Real Threat: Government Employee Unions

We Did Build That!

Most Americans are busy with their lives. They're not concerned with government unless government fails to do arguably the most important job which is to defend the USA against all enemies, foreign and domestic. Government bureaucracy, arrogance, and stupidity caused 9/11. The problem was not corrected with another layer of bureaucracy that enables more government employees (thieves) to legally steal more money from Citizens of the USA (business owners and their employees).

Probably the most disgusting story ever told is the story of how our elected mis-representatives (House & Senate) have permitted the government employees' union to financially cripple the USA by secretly and lackadaisically yielding to union demands without negotiating for the People they represent, both federal and state governments. The cities of Stockton and San Bernadino, California and most infamously Detroit, Michigan and many other cities nationwide will declare bankruptcy because these cities can no longer pay government employee salaries and pensions. The ridiculously high pensions and salaries are the result of negotiations intended to steal from citizens by incrementally increasing taxes. Instead of just complaining about taxes, citizens are finally participating (angrily) in their governments because their (mis)representatives are not representing them but instead they are 'legally' embezzling from them.

Obama said: "I owe those unions. "When their leaders call, I do my best to call them back right away. I don’t consider this corrupting in any way.” Now, November 21, 2012, the CONgress is finally looking for ways to trim the budget (should have done this long ago) and government employee unions are lobbying for HIGHER pay. Should taxpayers pay Government Employees more? Read this and decide for yourself.

From WikiPedia:

The political slogan “Workers of the world, unite!” is one of the most famous rallying cries of communism, found in The Communist Manifesto (1848), by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. A variation ("Workers of all lands, unite") is also inscribed on Marx's tombstone

The Communist Manifesto, originally titled Manifesto of the Communist Party (German: Manifest der Kommunistischen Partei) is a short 1848 book written by the German Marxist political theorists Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. It has since been recognized as one of the world's most influential political manuscripts.[1] Commissioned by the Communist League, it laid out the League's purposes and program. It presents an analytical approach to the class struggle (historical and present) and the problems of capitalism, rather than a prediction of communism's potential future forms.

There is NO DOUBT that unions are a micro-socialist/communist faction in the USA, and maybe today's unions don't know their own historical origins. Maybe part of the hidden agenda of our elected, socialist-progressive mis-representatives is "just looking the other way" and allowing government employee unions to takeover the government. Is this just paranoia or has it progressed over time and is it continually happening in reality NOW? It is a FACT that every government employee belongs to the government employees' union. So, someone approved contracts and someone "negotiated" contracts. Obviously, mobody in the government cares about their "SERFS" (citizens & taxpayers) who pay the bills.

The wealth-jealous people of the USA whine constantly about the rich people who have worked for their wealth, the supposed top 1 percent of the income pyramid. Well, I recommend that everyone view this video about Government Employees: The True 1 Percent. Government is bankrupt precisely because of the SCAM perpetrated by government employees' unions (new video) and ignored by our mis-representatives.

During 125 years CONgresses, Presidents, and the Courts have created an impenetrable, faceless, unaccountable bureaucracy whereby almost any violation or infringement of the Constitution can occur without eventually isolating the bureaucrat(s) ultimately responsible for the failure. The bureaucracies of hundreds of agencies are NEVER ELIMINATED and NEVER REDUCED in size even if the original purpose is now obsolete!


Why Do We Need Term Limits?

John Adams said, “Without [term limits] every man in power becomes a ravenous beast of prey”. That being said, here are some of the reasons we believe our country needs Term Limits.

  1. Term Limits can help break the cycle of corruption in Congress. Case studies show that the longer an individual stays in office, the more likely they are to stop serving the public and begin serving their own interests.
  2. Term Limits will encourage regular citizens to run for office. Presently, there is a 94% re-election rate in the House and 83% in the Senate. Because of name recognition, and usually the advantage of money, it can be easy to stay in office. Without legitimate competition, what is the incentive for a member of Congress to serve the public? Furthermore, it is almost a lost cause for the average citizen to try to campaign against current members of Congress.
  3. Term Limits will break the power special interest groups have in Congress.
  4. Term Limits will force politicians to think about the impact of their legislation because they will be returning to their communities shortly to live under the laws they enacted.
  5. Term Limits will bring diversity of people and fresh ideas to Congress.
  6. Term limits for lawmakers: when is enough, enough?

[Editor's Note: If you want to get rich, i.e. advance from a low paying government bureaucrat job on the local or state level, THEN GET ELECTED TO THE US CONGRESS (House or Senate). Once you're elected, it's easy to steal from your campaign contributions or the Congressional budget allocated to your seat and staff. You can go on a government-funded junket with 'lavishly' paid expenses. The list of ways to steal from the government while in office is inexhaustible. There are only a few Congressmen who left Congress just wealthy instead of a multi-millionaire. Of course, there are several who arrived in Congress as multi-millionaires and don't need to steal from the government.]

The PRIMARY cause of the government agenda to expand is the socio-progressive mindset of many elected officials (Sen. Harry Rude for one) and their lackeys, the permanent bureaucrats who remain after elections, the government employees who pay forced-dues to UNIONS. The bigger government gets, the more FORCEFUL control government can exert on its citizens. After all, government bureaucrats need something to do on the job besides playing games, viewing porn on their computers, or talking on the phone.

BIG government continues to get bigger almost ENTIRELY because government employee unions implicitly threaten elected officials into a quid-pro-quo deal, i.e. unions will donate their union's dues to candidates who support the expansion of government. Expansion includes higher pay, automatic raises, automatic promotions, and more new hires to expand the union's dues revenue. Examples of recent expansions are Homeland Security (Big Brother), the TSA, the NSA's new Utah Data Center and ObamaCare's 16,000 new IRS employees who, in the end, will be destructive of our civil rights in their futile attempt to enforce the 'individual mandate' just as the DEA has been and is unable and incapable to stop 'illegal' drug trafficking.

Bureaucracies are ineffective and inept because 1/2 to 2/3 of union employees were hired to do 'make-work' jobs, i.e. they're deadweight! The organization of bureaucracies is completely unmanageable and employees are COMPLETELY UNACCOUNTABLE. A goverment-union employee cannot be fired, reprimanded, admonished, or retrained without the direct and threatening involvement of the union. Action against a government employee that does not meet with union approval can cause 'work slow-downs' and other disruptive work environment problems. The end result might be that the union provides financial support for the opposing candidates in the next election especially if those candidate(s) make an under-the-table deal with the union for union bucks. THIS KIND OF UNION ACTIVITY HAS DESTROYED AND CONTINUES TO DESTROY COMPANIES IN THE PRIVATE SECTOR. Only the government can tolerate this employee insubordination because the government is supported by the TAXPAYER (and the Federal Reserve)! If the Taxpayer won't pay higher taxes (pay-check extraction), then CONgress figures new, sneakier, and more complex means of stealing from citizens or the Fed floods the economy with more money out-of-thin-air to fund these expansions. Government will never go out of business except taxpayer money will disproportionately be redistributed to union workers unless genuinely insulated elected officials can be found who will defund and/or eliminate unnecessary departments/agencies and reduce the entire government to the barest, most efficient form. Government can no longer be a workfare employer of last resort.

Government Employee Unions contribute their forced-dues (compulsory as a condition of employment) to Democrat and sympathetic Republican candidates. The same union members, the staff of elected Democrats and Republicans sit at the contract negotiation table where excessive salaries (40% higher than private sector) and lavish benefit packages (pensions that pay $100-200K a year at retirement) plus multiple sick days, holidays, and vacation days are "negotiated". If any candidate or incumbent stands up against a specific proposal to add (or increase an existing) agency or generally stands up to cut goverment, all of the financial resources of the unions are used in the next election to defeat the incumbent or a challenging opponent who espouses any government cutting policy. Does anyone see the conflict-of-interest?

I estimate that one-third to one-half of government employees do productive work for only two hours a day. The net result is that GOVERNMENT MUST GROW! In the book Shadowbosses, the author writes that their are only two groups of people in the USA --- Pie-makers and Pie-eaters or Taxpayers and Taxreceivers. In the private sector, most unions are careful not to demand too much for fear of driving their employer into bankruptcy or out of business entirely. In the public sector, the Pie-eaters expand their government gravy train endlessly at will and the Federal reserve and the Pie-makers pay for the never-ending government expansion. More and more union members are hired every year to continue this de facto corruption.


FROM Shadowbosses:

"The percentage of private sector workers in unions has been declining since the 1950s, both because unionized businesses have been failing and because workers in new businesses don't choose to unionize. Basically, private sector unions have been driving themselves out of business for sixty years."

"Government employee unions are a totally different animal. Government employee unions use politics as the central plank of their business plans --- unlike private sector unions, which have far less need for politics to maintain their bottom line."

"Then, these unions keep our government inefficient by preventing it from reorganizing, streamlining, and privatizing government services, because more efficient government would mean less union dues revenue. There will be a tipping point when our government gets so big that the last remaining taxpayers in America will no longer be able to support the enormous cost of running our government. And we are rapidly approaching this point."



FROM More Evidence That The U.S. Government Is A Criminal Enterprise

July 15, 2013 by Bob Livingston

The U.S. government is a criminal enterprise and is out of control. The U.S. Constitution was drafted to limit government and affirm the natural rights held by the people, but it is serially ignored and violated by the President, the Congress, the Supreme Court and law enforcers both Federal and local.

The result is growing tyranny and a police state and a Nation that is becoming a simmering cauldron of unrest — sparked by the passage of unConstitutional laws by a Congress controlled by moneyed interests; the affirming of those laws by the Supreme Court; long-term high rates of unemployment; a declining standard of living; increased regulation by unaccountable, bought-and-paid-for psychotic government functionaries; money printing; a presstitute mass media; [Editor's Note: love that word!] increasingly militarized and militant local law enforcement officers; and a declining morality encouraged by both the political and celebrity classes — that is poised to explode.

The elected class and their handlers have been at war with the American people, the Constitution and the American way of life for many years. In the beginning, they used gradualism to sneak small abuses by an unobservant public. But as the unConstitutional encroachments gained ground, they accelerated. We are now rapidly heading toward a calamitous event that will rock the system to its core and, hopefully, restore us to Constitutional governance.


FROM Official Education Spending Figures Do Not Incorporate Full Cost of Teacher Pensions


Despite the centrality of pensions in debates over government budgeting and education policy, the federal government dramatically underestimates teacher pension costs in its official education spending figures. States report to the federal government only the yearly contributions to teacher pension funds rather than the present value of accrued benefits. Since states and local school districts routinely contribute less to their pension funds than is needed to cover future benefits, correcting this accounting problem could add tens of billions of dollars—somewhere around $1,000 per pupil—to official education spending estimates. The federal government should revise its data collection procedures to require proper accounting of teacher pension costs, giving taxpayers a more accurate picture of education expenditures.

That’s right—the real cost of education is far higher than we’ve been told, but it’s not because of extra classroom resources or newer facilities. It’s because of teachers’ pensions.

Richwine explains:

"This undercounting occurs because the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) allows states to define teacher pension costs as whatever school districts happen to contribute to their pension funds each year, rather than the amount needed to pay for future pension benefits."

The truth of the matter is Collective Bargaining neither a Privilege nor a Right.

Five Ways Collective Bargaining Tramples Various Unalienable Rights:

  1. Collective bargaining agreements take away the right of individuals to pursue a career of their dreams void of union affiliation
  2. Collective bargaining agreements force individuals into organizations against the free will of those members
  3. Collective bargaining agreements force union dues out of members who do not even want to belong
  4. Collective bargaining agreements dictate what members can and cannot do with their free time.
  5. Collective bargaining agreements even dictate what non-members can and cannot do with their free time!

Read more: Pro-Union Activist Threatens the Michigan Governor: 'We'll Be at Your Daughter's Soccer Game'

Union That Bankrupted Hostess [Twinkies] to Receive Generous Government Subsidies