The Election in November is about the survival of FREEDOM and our Constitution !!!

  1. Let the Finger-Pointing Begin
  2. Go All In! Work Locally with Your NRA-ILA Campaign Field Representative
  3. GO ALL IN ! Watch Wayne at Western Conservative Summit! GO ALL IN !
  4. Urge Your U.S. Senators to Support the "Sportsmen's Act of 2012"
  5. Preparing Today for Success on Election Day! Are You Ready?
  6. Watch Drug Cartel Killers Show You The FAILURE of OBAMA! GO ALL IN!
  7. Wayne LaPierre: Eric Holder's Illegal Gun Sale
  8. Fast and Furious: Why Eric Holder Will Lose the Legal Fight

NOTE: Labels and adjectives to describe our "mis-representatives" and "judges" below are used because of past actions and behavior which demonstrate that the labels are appropriate. The slow, imperceptible movement (last 100 years) from freedom to socialism (and fascism) is indisputable.

The real reason that Americans are freer and remain freer than the citizens of ALL other foreign countries in the world is our 2nd Amendment rights. Do you believe for a minute that if Americans did NOT have the right to keep and bear arms that we would still be as free as we are?

Police Departments and governments all over the USA are in the process of militarizing --- storing weapons, training police in the use of weapons, developing strategies and battle plans --- for the eventual day that there is another serious, devastating "emergency" that will enable the government to declare Martial Law and eliminate our Constitutional liberties. If there weren't 100 million gun owners, Martial Law would never be lifted, reverting back to the Constitution. Government is sufficiently weaponized that the Martial Law scenario becomes more probable every day.

The Supreme Court for the moment has a majority of Justices who support the Constitution, but if "Jimmy" Maynard Obama gets reelected, he would have the possible opportunity to nominate three (3) new, hyper-liberal, socialist judges who don't support the Constitution and indicate by their past actions that they would limit rights of the Constitution. Obama has already nominated Sonia Sotomayor and Elena Kagan. These hyper-liberal judges were swiftly voted onto the Court by the socialist-progressive Senate. Ruth Bader Ginsberg has actually stated that she doesn't care for our Constitution.

Quoting Chris W. Cox:

This November’s election isn’t about the direction of our country over the next four years – it’s about the very survival of our Constitution, our values, and our freedoms as we know them. If freedom-loving Americans needed any more evidence for this, U.S. Supreme Court Associate Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg recently provided it.

In a visit to Cairo, Egypt, Justice Ginsburg told Al Hayat television, “I would not look to the U.S. Constitution, if I were drafting a constitution in the year 2012.”

Instead, she urged Egyptians to look elsewhere to more modern constitutions in South Africa, Canada, and even the European Convention on Human Rights.

Of course, not one of these governing documents comes close to adequately guaranteeing the fundamental human rights and liberties enshrined in our U.S. Constitution. It’s also worth pointing out that Ginsburg’s eagerness to diminish the sanctity of America’s supreme law is hardly shocking, as this isn’t the first time she’s gone out of her way to disparage the document she swore an oath to uphold.

At the recent CPAC Convention, Wayne LaPierre very poignantly listed the many failures of Obama's Administration and the many actions supported by Obama to restrict our 2nd Amendment rights:

  • Endorsed a total ban on the manufacture, sale, and possession of all handguns
  • Endorsed a ban on sale and transfer of all semi-automatic firearms
  • Backed a 500% increase of taxes on guns & ammunition
  • Voted to ban single-shot, over-under, and side-by-side shot guns
  • Said that the right of citizens to carry a firearm for personal protection should be banned nationwide
  • Supported efforts to prohibit Americans from keeping a gun in their homes for self-defense

The list or endorsements and anti-gun support above is a set of activist moves by "Jimmy" to restrict the use of or ban firearms.

Wayne LaPierre further reinforces the NRA's GO ALL IN ! at the 2012 NRA Annual Meeting and what ALL eligible citizens must do for the support of freedom and our nation's survival on Election Day 2012! Watch Wayne's speech!

Government efforts at state and federal levels are using taxpayer funds to remove the supply of either guns or ammunition from the market.

A suspicious and possible threat to freedom is a company called Freedom Group, backed by Cerberus Capital Management (the company that bought Chrysler after Obama gave it to the unions). Freedom Group is buying old U.S. gun manufacturing companies. The questions center around whether Freedom Group entered the business purely for freedom and profit or is Freedom Group a monopolist that will eventually take all firearms off the market except for government buyers? How do we know whether Freedom Group is working for profit or for Cerberus (their private capital owner) and the Feds to take guns off the market? This may be a WARNING !!

How about the illegal government actions? Eric Holder's "Fast & Furious" program that Holder or "Jimmy" don't know anything about (it's called "plausible deniability" but it isn't very plausible). Holder's program was designed to arm the Mexican drug cartels so they could stir up armed conflict in the US causing deaths of Americans. In the end, firearms could be banned because of Holder's created emergency. This was just gun-smuggling, plain and simple. It didn't work out to Holder's expectation. Meanwhile, the Justice Department's shredders have been working overtime. Why isn't Holder in jail? Why hasn't Obama resigned?

Then, if you can't get any support for your socialist, power-grab to disarm Americans (so they can't defend themselves against government) at home, why not go international with your attempts to destroy the Constitution. Go to the UN and support the UN's international plan to confiscate guns. Our one-term President Obama supports this international effort even though he swore to uphold the Constitution of the United States of America !

100 million gun owners will REMOVE Obama from office !! See sample NRA Nobember election Ads beginning at 18:30 minutes into Wayne's speech.