Hannibal Is Still Circling Rome
April 16, 2012 by Bob Livingston
Even years after his death, the Roman Senate continued to cry “Hannibal is at the gates,” using the peoples’ fear of Hannibal exactly as the U.S. government and its lapdog politicians today use the myth of terrorism. We are sacrificing liberty for “security” because of the created, imagined threat of terrorists.
The government bureaucracy will never accept responsibility for the collapsing economy, and the elite who run the United States will never give up power. Instead, they attack U.S. citizens on all fronts.
The grand design is to take the remaining wealth of the American people. The borders are silently closing. Tax havens are being attacked. And every wire coming into the United States is being traced for identity.
Even if U.S. authorities collected every foreign bank account or investment, it would make absolutely no difference in the financial default that is coming. It’s a ruse!
There can be no free society once government has granted itself the power to confiscate property, imprison people under any pretext (or without a pretext) and without charge. This is now true in America.
We have professional, lifelong politicians who are paid by the government and directed by the elite. They don’t dare pass legislation to impose term limits to stop career politicians.
The people are now the enemy of the state, and their remaining wealth is seen by the politicians as their solution to maintaining perpetual power. The peoples’ rights, privileges and immunities are being stripped away.
Quoting Bob Livingston:
The conversation about taxes in America is all wrong.
The political elites and the complicit media have convinced the vast majority that taxes are necessary to fund government. Politicians and wrongheaded economists bloviate about where to get the money to fund “necessary” government programs and about paying one’s fair share. Now comes word from the Congressional Budget Office that taxes will increase by more than 30 percent between 2012 and 2014.
The conversation is not being framed correctly, and that is by design. The messengers (propagandists) of the elites want it that way.
First of all, what is truly necessary to fund government; or, better yet, what is necessary government that must be funded? These are questions that are not asked. Politicians won’t address these questions because their goal is to accrue more power over the people through government [italics & color added]. Politicians never relinquish power, and government never shrinks. [emphasis added]
Think for a moment. In 2000, President Bill Clinton submitted a budget of $1.9 trillion for the 2001 year. Do you recall hardships, starving children, neglected old people or a military with antiquated weapons that year? For 2012, President Barack Obama feels his budget must be $3.7 trillion.
With few exceptions over the past 100 years, politicians have been corrupted beyond belief. They are amoral mobsters who now brazenly steal in the open. When they talk of “cutting government,” they are not talking about cutting anything. They are using doublethink on the American people, and the American people are buying into it.
Politicians believe that government must grow, so they operate under the assumption that a growth by a certain percentage each year is not really growth, but the status quo. So when they speak of cuts, what they are speaking of is cutting the rate of growth. Government never gets smaller. (The exception, of course, is Ron Paul, who has said he will cut $1 trillion out of government in his first year and eliminate whole government agencies.)