Uncle Sam, the thief, taking citizens for a ride!!!
"I'm for a flat tax -- as long as the flat rate is zero.
The object is to get rid of big government,
not find a new way of financing it." Harry Browne



Uncle Sam is a THIEF!


A picture is worth a thousand expert opinions


  • If I wanted America to Fail, I wouldn't change a thing.
  • Rather obvious that most sane, capitalist, conservative (even some liberals), self-sufficient Americans want smaller government and lower taxes. See the debt bar chart OR go here for detailed numbers.
  • Mission Accomplished
  • Unions Are the American Republic Destroyers. Help give freedom back to workers who would choose NOT to pay union dues.
  • Social Economics 101
  • Congressmen Seek To Lift Propaganda Ban {government sanctioned lies}
  • PREZ and CONgress don't care about the BILL of RIGHTS or the rest of the CONSTITUION, the document that separates the United States of America from the WORLD. Recent history (based on legislation and the 2008 presidential choice of America's young & dumb) shows that older voters are disgusted with the federal government and know that its a massive failure. The kids voted for Obama because they believed his rhetoric.


    "One man decides how much money to conjure out of thin air, how much inflation to create, how artificially low he wants to keep interest rates to screw people who save in favor of people who spend recklessly.

    One man decides which countries to bomb, which countries to invade, which countries to bail out.

    One man decides that children should be fondled at airports and bathed in radiation.

    A small group of men decide how much money to confiscate from their citizens, how much to blow on mind-numbingly stupid spending intiatives, and how much to indebt future generations.

    It's a remarkable fraud... and only a few people get it."

    Simon Black

  • Federal Reserve Destruction of America
  • America's Future is a GOOD Education for Kids
  • Forget about FREEDOM! and get ready for more TYRANNY because CONgress legislates the end of Posse Comitatus (also here) and the Prez decrees Homeland Security both of which will lead to much less freedom in the near future when those who know history are dead. The Police State is here! The TSA is merely a confirmation of the coming totalitarian state.

    How To Avoid The Obamacare Death Trap
    January 28, 2013 by Bob Livingston

    We are less than one year out from healthcare tyranny under the oligarchy-endorsed Obamacare.

    It’s very deceptive to call Obamacare socialized medicine. The law has nothing to do with healthcare. It’s just the opposite. It’s sickness care. The Nazis had their gas chambers and America has “medical care,” which is the most sophisticated killing machine that demented minds can create.

    Americans are mentally dependent on the “medical” brainwash. When our dumbed-down people hear the trigger word “medical care,” they go blind and hyperventilate. They do not know a scam from a sham. They will go unanimous for anything with the term “healthcare” in it.

    Obamacare is not healthcare. It has absolutely nothing to do with healthcare. It’s a great transfer of wealth and population control with a ticket to the death panels when we are no longer considered productive citizens.

    As the paper money regime collapses, the money creators are speeding up the printing presses in a desperate ploy to transfer the wealth of the American people before it becomes worthless anyway. It is disguised warfare against the American people.

    It reminds one of the last days of the Nazi regime. As the cities were reduced to rubble, German citizens were being shot for “treason.” In the last days of any regime, the process of oppression of citizens is intensified.


  • The cause of America's failure is self-evident. Let's be clear, national debt and annual deficit are merely the result of the lack of responsibility, ethics, and general immorality in CONgress and the Executive branch of the federal government. The Federal Reserve purchase of 60% of US treasury notes and bonds floods the government (and dilutes the dollar's value) with cash making all sorts of fraud and general irresponsibility possible. The feds hire more bureaucrats to gain even more control over the public when some real Americans express their very strong feelings of dissatisfaction about government excess and largess. Historically, when a country accumulates as much debt as the federal government, the result is (from this article):
    • Social Unrest
    • Resource Shortages
    • Extractive tax policies
    • Police State tactics
    • Default
    • Currency Collapse
    • Banking/financial crimes
    • Rising crime
    • Internal or external war
  • The primary problem and how to fix it!
  • After the debt and bloated government is dowsized, a complete restoration of freedom is required. This restoration requires the federal government to behave legally and ethically, constantly checking each other for failure of mission.

Government has taken power and money from the people and centralized it in DC. The Federal Reserve, the funding arm and currency debasing government creation, enables this taxing, regulating, oppression. The current disregard for American values will DESTROY AMERICA if it is not stopped, returning power back to States, local governments, and the PEOPLE.