Capitalism is the Greatest Economic & Financial Framework

Uncle Sam, the thief, taking citizens for a ride!!!
"I'm for a flat tax -- as long as the flat rate is zero.
The object is to get rid of big government,
not find a new way of financing it." Harry Browne


Uncle Sam is a THIEF!


Obama was elected only because the economy of the USA crashed due to federal government housing laws/regulations, Fannie & Freddie, and the Federal Reserve. Some really foolish, ignorant people thought his form of historically failed government (Socialism or Communism) might be better than Capitalism, proven to be successful anywhere tested.

In fact, the "dot com bubble" followed by the "housing bubble" were mostly caused by the combination of federal government housing laws and the Federal Reserve's dollar-debasing credit expansion. There is NO SUCH THING as "free money" in a truly capitalist economy free from government meddling. Centralized banking caused the failure.

People lost homes and jobs. The stock market crashed and government gained even more socialist control over private enterprise by buying controling interests in failing companies. The feds knew that government intervention and meddling in the economy since 1995 were the primary cause of the economic failure, so printing and borrowing more of the already almost valueless dollar to bail out companies was their only possible procedure to both retain a little favor and gain even more control over private enterprise. "Hope and Change" was a lie from the beginning of Obama's campaign and suckers believed this scam. Government NEVER does ANYTHING successfully! An example of how government parasites will destroy healthcare is here.

Throughout history when governments of any form meddled in private business (or in many cases private became government-owned), the meddling caused economic failure. The collapsed economy of the now defunct Soviet Union is a perfect example. The US federal government was originally designed and intended to have only a limited influence in the affairs of privately-owned enterprises. Minimal taxes, laws, and regulations are the only way governments should exist. Now, the federal government uses every government and Federal Reserve caused "emergency" to gain more socialistic control over the means of production. Business can assure a prosperous economy if government gets out of the way.

From the Ludwig von Mises Institute:
President Obama, The View, and the False Notion of Too Big To Fail

If there is one thing Barack Obama has proven throughout the first term of his presidency besides his expert use of grandiose, simplistic rhetoric, it is his ineptness at understanding economics. Last year, the President hilariously blamed automatic teller machines and kiosks for unemployment. Because politics is defined by reactionary and short term consideration, Obama doesn’t see the additional employment and capital surpluses that result by eliminating labor costs.

Such Luddite-esque thinking often provides all the more justification for government interference [the cause of US economic failure] in the marketplace to try and equalize outcomes. This view is paired with the perception that rather than society giving legitimacy to the state first, the state and its enforcers are destined to guide society. Under the pretenses of promoting the public good, [Soviet-like] central planners see failure not as a necessary process of the market but an opportunity to usurp more authority. Ludwig von Mises accurately recognized the inevitable goal of economic regulation decades ago:

Interventionism cannot be considered as an economic system destined to stay. It is a method for the transformation of capitalism into socialism by a series of successive steps.

Nowhere is this more prevalent than in today’s financial sector. The recent $2 billion trading loss by Wall Street giant JP Morgan has given more ammo to the crowd that wishes Washington to have more of a say over the operation of the big banks. Obama, ever the politician, has taken the loss as an opportunity to tout the merits of banking regulation. In an interview on the daytime talk show The View, the popular ladies get his thoughts on Jamie Dimon’s big flub. From McClatchy:

WHOOPI GOLDBERG: So now I’m wondering because I watched this JP Morgan Chase thing just go down. I’m wondering (A) what do you think happened and (B) sir what are you going to do about it because this has to be the last straw.

PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA: Well look, first of all, JP Morgan is one of the best managed banks there is. Jamie Dimon the head of it is one of the smartest bankers we got and they still lost $2 billion dollars and counting precisely because they were making bets in these derivative markets. We don’t know all the details yet. It’s going to be investigated, but this is why we passed Wall Street reform. The whole point was, even if you’re smart, you can make mistakes and since these banks are insured backed up by taxpayers, we don’t want you taking risks where eventually we might end up having to bail you out again, because we’ve done that, been there, didn’t like it.

BARBARA WALTERS: Specifically, though, Mr. President, you have all of these things in place, some working, some not. Are you — is the federal government going to do anything more so that this doesn’t happen?

This video enthisiastically compares and contrasts Capitalism vs. Government Meddling (or what gvernment calls "partnership"). I favor complete Laissez-faire Capitalism.