Pledge Your Opposition to Hillary's Global AgendaAugust 2012 - NRA Stops U.N. Arms Trade TreatyIt can and has happened in the USA!!! [NOTE: may require several click attempts (may be free speech suppresion)]. |
The United Nations attempts to strip USA Citizens of their 2nd Amendment Rights. The goal is to sucker countries of the world into signing a treaty that requires countries to confiscate all firearms. This would merely protect autocrats from armed rebellion to overthrow their regimes of torture and control. If weapons are confiscated, only governments and criminals will have weapons! The Constitution of the United States of America was not written by the United Nations and the Constitution clearly states the right of a Citizen of the USA to Keep and Bear Arms. This Right cannot be infringed by any US official, much less some UN bureaucrats attempting to relieve Americans of their rights. The real reason that Americans are freer and remain freer than the citizens of ALL other foreign countries in the world is our 2nd Amendment rights. Do you believe for a minute that if Americans did NOT have the right to keep and bear arms that we would still be as free as we are? Police Departments and governments all over the USA are in the process of militarizing --- storing weapons, training police in the use of weapons, developing strategies and battle plans --- for the eventual day that there is another serious, devastating "emergency" that will enable the government to declare Martial Law and eliminate our Constitutional liberties. If there weren't 100 million gun owners, Martial Law would never be lifted, reverting back to the Constitution. Government is sufficiently weaponized that the Martial Law scenario becomes more probable every day. The Supreme Court for the moment has a majority of Justices who support the Constitution, but if "Jimmy" Maynard Obama gets reelected, he would have the possible opportunity to nominate three (3) new, hyper-liberal, socialist judges who don't support the Constitution and indicate by their past actions that they would limit rights of the Constitution. Obama has already nominated Sonia Sotomayor and Elena Kagan. These hyper-liberal judges were swiftly voted onto the Court by the socialist-progressive Senate. Ruth Bader Ginsberg has actually stated that she doesn't care for our Constitution.
The following is a list of links to videos that illustrate the resistance to the UN attempts to strip Americans of their defense: