Homeland Big Brother

? Preparing for Domestic Revolution in USA ?

From Ammo? What Ammo? DHS Takes Unprecedented Step of Redacting Mass Ammunition Purchase
Mac Slavo
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Uncle Sam is a THIEF!



A report from Paul Joseph Watson at Infowars indicates that the Department of Homeland Security [Homeland Big Brother] has redacted their most recent purchase order for ammunition. With DHS having purchased over one billion rounds of ammunition in just the last year and an outcry across alternative media web sites and blogs, it seems they are now looking to hide their activities, even though the only legal reasons for redacting government related documents is through a Congressional mandate or a national security issue.

Why does Homeland Big Brother (HBB) need all this ammo? Is HBB giving ammo to police departments across the USA in preparation for the next American Revolution? Is HBB giving ammo to the Defense Department (DoD) to re-supply the armed forces? DoD purchases ammo with their own purchasing department, yes? Is HBB giving ammo to the rebels in Syria? Is this just a government accounting gimmick to hide expenditures within HBB?

Has everyone read the analysis of the "Trapwire" Surveillance System? Does HBB really think that Americans buy their story of terrorism? Why does HBB need ONE BILLION ROUNDS of AMMO?