The Real Meaning of the 2nd Amendment...Joseph Story knew...
Uneducated and ignorant People today with no civil alternative are avenging real or imagined transgressions with guns.
Also, uneducated and ignorant police today with no psychological alternative are overreacting to real or imagined threats with guns.
FROM Weekend Edition: Doug Casey on Guns: And anyway, you can't rely on the police to be there when you need them. Even as societies are increasingly disarming themselves, relying more on the state for everything, the police are becoming more and more of a clique unto themselves. In other words, the first obligation of police officers is to other cops � their co-workers. Their second obligation is to their employers � the government. And their third obligation � and it's a distant third � is to "serve and protect" society. "Serve and protect" is increasingly just a PR slogan. So, in today's world, you actually need a gun more, not less.
It's a happy coincidence that the moral and the practical are the same. But I find that's almost always the case. - Doug Casey
[Ayn] Rand would argue that the practical is practical because it is moral. So, what about the third leg of the "right to keep and bear arms" argument? As the character V put it so well in V for Vendetta, people should not be afraid of their governments, governments should be afraid of the people. A disarmed population is at the mercy of the worst thugs of all: those in uniform and their masters. - Louis James, Editor, International Speculator
Anyone who believes this country is free is an idiot!
"The politicians only want power so they can 'serve' you."
"Extortion and thuggery are good things when they're called law!"
Larken Rose
Joseph Story (1779�1845) was born during the American Revolution, and came of age in the early years of the new United States of America. He was a scholar of the U.S. Constitution, and, eventually helped found the Harvard Law School.
In 1811, Story was appointed to the Supreme Court by President James Madison � who knew a few things about the U.S. Constitution, in that he helped write it. Story was a contemporary of another famous member of the Supreme Court, Chief Justice John Marshall (1755�1835).
In 1833, Justice Story published a study titled, Commentaries on the Constitution of the United States. In a discussion of the Second Amendment, Story stated:
"The right of the citizens to keep and bear arms has justly been considered, as the palladium of the liberties of a republic; since it offers a strong moral check against the usurpation and arbitrary power of rulers; and will generally, even if these are successful in the first instance, enable the people to resist and triumph over them."
If events in the USA progress to where citizens must kill federal agents to "resist and triumph over them.", then we, as citizens have NOT performed our duties that are necessary to re-emphasize our rights and history as FREE INDIVIDUALS. Contrary to all the many discussions about whether the Constitution is a "living document" to be modified at whim by legislation, the intent of the authors was to provide citizens their protection against government infringement. See Let�s Abandon The Constitution, Says Professor by Tom Woods for an analysis of a professor's suggestion of abandoning the Constitution.
Notwithstanding today's violence perpetrated by insane, very angry people incapable of dealing with their personal, psychopathological problems, "Guns don't kill people, people do!" One might theorize that agents of the Socialist Left in CONgress and the Executive have instigated and incited the recent violent gun incidents by chosing and chaneling mentally unstable young people into acting out with gun violence so the public will be "scammed" into supporting "emergency" legislation to further slaughter the 2nd Amendment. Eric Holder easily comes to mind. Given our government's past performance on multiple occasions, such a theory would not be difficult to believe.
If the CONgress wants "emergency" laws to pile on top of the mounds of existing laws that already make gun owners and prospective gun owners second class citizens, the CONgress should evaluate their position objectively and factually without the radical emotion from people who have experienced recent gun violence. Instead of the National Criminal database maybe CONgress should further restrict citizens' rights with a National Insane Americans database.
History shows that citizens in countries of the world, devoid of knowledge and influence in their governments, who acquiesced to government mandates to disarm themselves eventually lost not just their firearms but ALL freedoms because disarmed citizens cannot defend themselves or resist tyranny. Any heavily armed, criminal, corrupt government can control its citizenry if citizens are swindled by supposed 'well meaning' government mis-representatives. Worse still would be the situation where citizens facing overwhelming firepower are forced to relinquish their weapons.
The majority falls prey to the delusion�popular in some circles�that ordinary people are too careless and stupid to own guns, and we would be far better off leaving all weapons in the hands of professionals on the government payroll. But the simple truth�born of experience�is that tyranny thrives best where government need not fear the wrath of an armed people. Our own sorry history bears this out: Disarmament was the tool of choice for subjugating both slaves and free blacks in the South. In Florida, patrols searched blacks� homes for weapons, confiscated those found and punished their owners without judicial process. See Robert J. Cottrol & Raymond T. Diamond, The Second Amendment: Toward an Afro-Americanist Reconsideration, 80 Geo. L.J. 309, 338 (1991). In the North, by contrast, blacks exercised their right to bear arms to defend against racial mob violence. Id. at 341- 42. As Chief Justice Taney well appreciated, the institution of slavery required a class of people who lacked the means to resist. See Dred Scott v. Sandford, 60 U.S. (19 How.) 393, 417 (1857) (finding black citizenship unthinkable because it would give blacks the right to �keep and carry arms wherever they went�). A revolt by Nat Turner and a few dozen other armed blacks could be put down without much difficulty; one by four million armed blacks would have meant big trouble.
. . .
All too many of the other great tragedies of history � Stalin�s atrocities, the killing fields of Cambodia, the Holocaust, to name but a few � were perpetrated by armed troops against unarmed populations. Many could well have been avoided or mitigated, had the perpetrators known their intended victims were equipped with a rifle and twenty bullets apiece, as the Militia Act required here. If a few hundred Jewish fighters in the Warsaw Ghetto could hold off the Wehrmacht for almost a month with only a handful of weapons, six million Jews armed with rifles could not so easily have been herded into cattle cars.
My excellent colleagues have forgotten these bitter lessons of history.
The prospect of tyranny may not grab the headlines the way vivid stories of gun crime routinely do. But few saw the Third Reich coming until it was too late.
The Second Amendment is a doomsday provision, one designed for those exceptionally rare circumstances where all other rights have failed � where the government refuses to stand for reelection and silences those who protest; where courts have lost the courage to oppose, or can find no one to enforce their decrees.
However improbable these contingencies may seem today, facing them unprepared is a mistake a free people get to make only once.
Judge Alex Kozinski dissenting in Silveira v. Lockyer, 328 F.3d 567 (9th Circuit 2003) (full text)
Also, the above decision which concluded that individuals did NOT have the right to keep and bear arms was nullified by the Supreme Court in 2008.
Bloomberg Says Interpretation of Constitution Has to Change [Editor's Note: NO! Bloomberg has to change!]
Welcome To The Wild Midwest
Those who seek out positions of power tend to be paranoid, hypocritical wimps. Consider the issue of firearms. Politicians have many thousands of mercenaries (soldiers and "law enforcers") wielding all sort of deadly weapons--guns, tanks, missiles, drones, etc. Yet those same politicians pee themselves at the thought of the rabble owning semi-automatic rifles. From their twisted, elitist perspective, it's perfectly fine for them to swipe many billions of dollars from their subjects to spend on all manner of armaments, but if YOU want to possess a rifle, they think you should have to ask their permission, and register it, and make sure they always know what you own.
They also expect to be allowed to do things in secret, while claiming the right to spy on you and everyone else. As far as they are concerned, it's none of your business what they do, or what weapons they have, but it is their business to know everything that you do and everything that you have. Of course, they will pretend that their goal is to protect you from the "criminal element," but you'd have to be pretty dense to actually believe that. Why do you suppose they mostly whine about civilians having weapons that:
- are used in only a tiny percentage of actual crime, and;
- are the most effective types of weapon for resisting "government"
You don't need to be a rocket scientist to figure it out. People who gravitate towards political office think they have the right to rule you. That's the job they applied for. And, of course, extorting you and bossing you around could be rather more difficult if you are better armed than their enforcers. So they hand out machine guns to their mindless thugs, but have tantrums about you having a 30-round magazine.
Article V - States Can Demand a Constitutional Convention
The Congress, whenever two thirds of both houses shall deem it necessary, shall propose amendments to this Constitution, or, on the application of the legislatures of two thirds of the several states, shall call a convention for proposing amendments, which, in either case, shall be valid to all intents and purposes, as part of this Constitution, when ratified by the legislatures of three fourths of the several states, or by conventions in three fourths thereof, as the one or the other mode of ratification may be proposed by the Congress; provided that no amendment which may be made prior to the year one thousand eight hundred and eight shall in any manner affect the first and fourth clauses in the ninth section of the first article; and that no state, without its consent, shall be deprived of its equal suffrage in the Senate.
[Editor's Note: A Constitutional Convention could propose a Term Limits Amendment to limit congressional terms and restore our "LIMITED" government. The most important Amendment besides Term Limits would be to REPEAL all federal government departments, agencies, and programs that are not WRITTEN in the Constitution.]
Why Do We Need Term Limits?
John Adams said, �Without [term limits] every man in power becomes a ravenous beast of prey�. That being said, here are some of the reasons we believe our country needs Term Limits.
- Term Limits can help break the cycle of corruption in Congress. Case studies show that the longer an individual stays in office, the more likely they are to stop serving the public and begin serving their own interests.
- Term Limits will encourage regular citizens to run for office. Presently, there is a 94% re-election rate in the House and 83% in the Senate. Because of name recognition, and usually the advantage of money, it can be easy to stay in office. Without legitimate competition, what is the incentive for a member of Congress to serve the public? Furthermore, it is almost a lost cause for the average citizen to try to campaign against current members of Congress.
- Term Limits will break the power special interest groups have in Congress.
- Term Limits will force politicians to think about the impact of their legislation because they will be returning to their communities shortly to live under the laws they enacted.
- Term Limits will bring diversity of people and fresh ideas to Congress.
Term limits for lawmakers: when is enough, enough?
[Editor's Note: If you want to get rich, i.e. advance from a low paying government bureaucrat job on the local or state level, THEN GET ELECTED TO THE US CONGRESS (House or Senate). Once you're elected, it's easy to steal from your campaign contributions or the Congressional budget allocated to your seat and staff. You can go on a government-funded junket with 'lavishly' paid expenses. The list of ways to steal from the government while in office is inexhaustible. There are only a few Congressmen who left Congress just wealthy instead of a multi-millionaire. Of course, there are several who arrived in Congress as multi-millionaires and don't need to steal from the government.]
Obama Administration to Sign U.N. Arms Trade Treaty "In the Very Near Future"
NRA-ILA: Petition to STOP the UN GUN BAN
Wayne LaPierre's testimony link below.
What would your State Legislature do if feds passed an unConstitutional Act like a gun ban ??
Government brain-washing of naive Americans.
Regarding individual rights, Ben Franklin allegedly said, "Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote."
Americans PUSHBACK for Liberty and Freedom!!
Former governor of West Virginia, Joe Manchin, is following Obama's lead, goose-stepping to his podium to announce his support for Obama's Gun Registration/Confiscation drive to destroy the 2nd Amendment and the rights of American citizens.
See National Association for Gun Rights (NAGR)'s video below.
Go to NAGR internet site.
The gun grabbers won the first battle in the war over our gun rights earlier today by voting 68-31 to defeat Rand Paul's filibuster of Harry Reid's motion to bring gun control to the floor.
Sixteen Republicans voted wrong, and two Democrats voted right.
Here are the 16 Republican Senators who chose to stand with Harry Reid, Chuck Schumer, Barbara Boxer, and Dianne Feinstein INSTEAD OF Rand Paul:
- Lamar Alexander (R-TN)
- Kelly Ayotte (R-NH)
- Richard Burr (R-NC)
- Saxby Chambliss (R-GA)
- Tom Coburn (R-OK)
- Susan Collins (R-ME)
- Bob Corker (R-TN)
- Jeff Flake (R-AZ)
- Lindsey Graham (R-SC)
- Dean Heller (R-NV)
- John Hoeven (R-ND)
- Johnny Isakson (R-GA)
- Mark Kirk (R-IL)
- John McCain (R-AZ)
- Pat Toomey (R-PA)
- Roger Wicker (R-MS).
The two Democrats who voted right were Mark Begich (D-AK) and Mark Pryor (D-AR).
NRA-ILA: Petition to STOP the UN GUN BAN
The World's First 3D-Printable Handgun
Addington, head of Heritage�s Edwin Meese III Center for Legal and Judicial Studies, lays out some of the dangers in Reid�s proposal:
Check NRA Institute for Legislative Action for the latest news.
Read these articles to understand how the feds are destroying the Constitution, the document that impedes their efforts:
If a person is unable to logically analyze information because of their formal education in today's education-propaganda system, then real ideas are not studied for their insight, creativity, and content but studied for developing a method of "attacking the man" (debate tactic) to destroy the original idea by writing libelous articles or making slanderous statements about the author/thinker of the idea. This 'learning' is the result of today's propagandized education.