Statist Politicians in State Government Violate the 2nd AmendmentSTOP "POWER-FREAK", JUSTICE ABUSING POLITICIANSSEE THIS AS INTERNET PAGE ![]() ![]() Rocky Mountain Gun OwnersAR-15 Giveaway - Enter Contest Here![Editor's Note: slightly modified to widen the scope of addressees.] Dear Supporters of FREEDOM and the eventual loss of government power: I don’t usually write emails this personal and this direct -- but today I'm making an exception. We are under attack and could be in real trouble. Let me get straight to the point. In an unprecedented abuse of power, politicians in Colorado are presently meeting to silence you and millions more law-abiding gun-rights supporters. Their clear goal is to shut down Rocky Mountain Gun Owners once and for all. In what can only be described as a kangaroo court proceeding in the Colorado legislature, anti-gun politicians are in the process of sanctioning and silencing a private citizen whose only offense is steadfastly defending the 2nd Amendment of the United States Constitution. As you will see, their ultimate goal is to close you off from the political process and bankrupt Rocky Mountain Gun Owners, eliminating the most effective gun-rights group in Colorado history. If we lose… it could be the last political battle we are able to fight. This is happening right now. Let me give you the facts: RMGO knows the most effective means of pressuring weak-kneed politicians is by contacting their constituents and having them directly lobby their so-called “representatives.” That’s exactly what we did with a certain Colorado GOP “representative” named Cheri Gerou. However, Gerou didn’t like hearing from her pro-gun constituents on gun-rights issues and she EXPOLODED with a public temper tantrum. On February 15th, “Representative” Gerou initiated a public and violent altercation with gun rights supporter and RMGO staffer Joe Neville. With the height of arrogance, “Representative” Gerou summoned Mr. Neville to her, confronted him violently, verbally assaulted him -- saying F**K YOU -- multiple times, and physically intimidated and assaulted him by poking him in the chest multiple times. [Editor's Note: Listen to an interview of mis-Representative Cheri (and ex-Representative) with a RMGO provided video here! It is obvious that power-hungry politicians all over the USA are using the Newtown crazy man's rampage as their EMERGENCY to disarm gun owners, so that eventually, only government will have weapons and private citzens will be defenseless against tyranny!!] And when Mr. Neville very calmly replied by suggesting to the “representative” that he believed RMGO would notify her constituents of her behavior, she EXPOLODED AGAIN, summoned the Sergeant of Arms and demanded the gun-rights defender be kicked out of the State Capitol. Then in a clear effort to turn the tables after her despicable behavior, “Representative” Gerou scurried to the anti-gun, Democratic Speaker of the House and filed an official complaint against Mr. Neville. That’s right, despite her role as the instigator, aggressor, and arguably criminal actor in this encounter, Rep. Gerou had the arrogance to file a complaint against Mr. Neville and demand that he be “investigated.” Those are the facts. Please click on this link and make an immediate personal gift to help defend gun rights today. However, I can't begin to tell you how bad it will be if we lose this fight...
You see, if the anti-gun politicians are successful in silencing the pro-gun community in Colorado, it will send chilling shockwaves through the pro-gun community not only in the Rocky Mountains, but across the country. Anti-gun politicians are making a clear statement: if you stand up for your 2nd amendment rights you will be harassed, cursed at, charged with a crime, called before an anti-gun tribunal, ridiculed publically in the press and ultimately have sanctions imposed by an anti-gun legislative body. That’s why I’m asking you to make a special – but immediate – contribution to Rocky Mountain Gun Owners today. The stakes are so high. My friend, I’ve spent my entire life fighting for gun rights. I have stood toe-to-toe with Dianne Feinstein fighting the so-called “assault-weapons” ban. I led the charge against former Colorado Governor Bill Owens when he supported gun control legislation in Colorado. I have been under fire, testifying in front of hundreds of legislators across the county defending your 2nd Amendment rights to “keep and bear arms.” Today, it seems like I'm fighting them all at the same time and more. And while I will never give up the fight for the 2nd Amendment... I can't continue to fight without your immediate help. So before you finish this email, please click on this link and make an immediate personal gift to help defend gun rights today. Your donation of $100, $50, or even $30 – or whatever you can afford – will help us battle this onslaught. My friend, as I wrote above... we are in trouble. I have never written a more personal note for help before and I don't know that I ever will again. And I hope after reading my email you will decide to join me in fighting back by going to this link and making the most generous contribution you can afford. I'm going to fight back with -- or without -- your help. The only question is: will I have the necessary resources to fight and win or will we be run over by the anti-gun mobs that clearly have the system rigged in their favor? It's up to you. Please send help if you can. Very Sincerely Yours, Dudley Brown Executive Director P.S. Anti-gun forces and politicians around the country are trying to muzzle gun rights activists with threats of intimidation, personal attacks and even hauling us up on trumped-up “ethics” charges. If we let them get away with it, there will literally be nothing stopping them from destroying our Second Amendment rights. Please click on this link and make an immediate personal gift to help defend gun rights today. Your gift of $100, $50, or even $30 – or whatever you can afford – will help us battle this onslaught. |