![]() Uncle Sam, the thief, taking citizens for a ride!!!
"It Can't Happen Here!" ... or has it happened already beginning with Teddy Roosevelt, Woody Wilson, FDR, and then Johnson, Nixon, (Carter, a really bad joke, was the people rebound from Nixon) both Bush's, and Obama all along with a complicit CON gress? Reagan was a special case of a President who said most of the right things but behind the scenes told Congress to spend more than they ever had using the USA credit card. Contrary to the general ignorance of Americans, WE the PEOPLE are not FREE! WE the PEOPLE live in a POLICE STATE! Those who criticize feds get black-listed! by the IRS. The IRS should be abolished and the AGENDA for RESTORING AMERICA itemizes IRS ELIMINATION (item 13). Eventually, WE the PEOPLE will be forced to show our PAPERS! WE the PEOPLE will eventually be taxed at least 90% by the fraudulently ratified 1913 Income Tax (and here) and inflated prices and Obamacare.
![]() The "LIMITED" federal government, defined by the "supreme law of the land" (violated daily), will go bankrupt if WE the PEOPLE don't do something to force the feds to cut spending! The 1913 Federal Reserve (Federal Reserve Act passed the same year as the income tax, 16th Amendment ratification; WHAT a COINCIDENCE?) enables the government to inflate the currency and cause prices to rise. With these 'rubber bucks', the feds finance never-ending wars around the globe causing hatred toward the feds while giving food stamps and other government benefits to scroungers and malingerers in the USA. The 2013 dollar is worth 3 cents when compared with the 1913 dollar. Government Employees Unions have overtaken most governments, federal and states, such that employees are paid very extravagant salaries with extremely excessive pensions and healthcare. Union bosses run the bureaucracy. Government can't penalize, discipline, cut the pay of, demote, or fire a union worker without causing a 'slowdown' (as if it weren't sluggish enough already). Unions force ALL union workers (not just government) to be in a union and pay union dues. THIS IS MARXIST!
Soon, WE the PEOPLE who once had individual freedom will be even more DISARMED (than WE already are) in violation of the 2nd Amendment. WE the PEOPLE need to FORCE "CON gress" and the Executive Branch (led by fascists who give away socialist money to win supporters) to RESTORE a LIMITED government by demanding that States Petition a Constitutional Convention to not only pass Term Limits, but eliminate most of the federal government established since 1900. WE the PEOPLE need only the Departments of State, Defense, Treasury, and Justice.
![]() "...open warfare on the people." WE the PEOPLE are constantly misdirected away from RESTORING LIBERTY and reducing government by events piped to and reported by FCC regulated, complicit Press. Whenever WE pressure to RESTORE LIBERTY or LOWER TAXES or any other demand for individual freedom, WE the PEOPLE are distracted and diverted to "other topics". "If I wanted America to fail, I wouldn't do a thing! and "NOTHING" is what Americans have done to RESTORE LIBERTY! The current question is NOT "WHO IS JOHN GALT?" (although that has already begun), but WHO IS OBAMA? (recommend pausing the video to read displays). Also, nobody ever knew or met Obama at Columbia University. There is something VERY WRONG with Obama's record. Check this and this! Watch Ron Paul's '1984' Warning Ron Paul was first elected in 1976. |
FROM More Evidence That The U.S. Government Is A Criminal EnterpriseJuly 15, 2013 by Bob LivingstonThe U.S. government is a criminal enterprise and is out of control. The U.S. Constitution was drafted to limit government and affirm the natural rights held by the people, but it is serially ignored and violated by the President, the Congress, the Supreme Court and law enforcers both Federal and local. The result is growing tyranny and a police state and a Nation that is becoming a simmering cauldron of unrest — sparked by the passage of unConstitutional laws by a Congress controlled by moneyed interests; the affirming of those laws by the Supreme Court; long-term high rates of unemployment; a declining standard of living; increased regulation by unaccountable, bought-and-paid-for psychotic government functionaries; money printing; a presstitute mass media; [Editor's Note: love that word!] increasingly militarized and militant local law enforcement officers; and a declining morality encouraged by both the political and celebrity classes — that is poised to explode. The elected class and their handlers have been at war with the American people, the Constitution and the American way of life for many years. In the beginning, they used gradualism to sneak small abuses by an unobservant public. But as the unConstitutional encroachments gained ground, they accelerated. We are now rapidly heading toward a calamitous event that will rock the system to its core and, hopefully, restore us to Constitutional governance. |
[Editor's Note: Citizens who have paid in to Socialist Insecurity (SS) all their lives vehemently protest any tampering with SS. However, SS was installed as a government program in 1935 when the world was in Depression. Franklin Roosevelt (FDR) could have passed a ham sandwich in those days. SS was and has been just another source of revenue for government scumbags. SS is a SOCIALIST program disguised as a "safety net". If government had established a PRIVATE retirement plan (like CONgress has for itself), SS would be solvent today and government couldn't ROB it like today. Our 'mis-representatives' represent only themselves --- NOT their constituents! Mis-reps are on a power trip to gain more and more power over us. An informal historical study of the last 100 years with depression, recessions, world wars, 'police actions', and inflationary devaluation of the dollar (most of which was caused by government) shows that each event was used as an excuse to tighten the control over citizens. Our mis-representatives have legislated themselves an increasingly larger slice of the economic pie while slowly destroying the private economy which provides their piece of the pie. Mis-representatives sit high above those who testify and make their photo-opportunistic speeches to impress the public and the suckers of America are impressed and vote for the best speech --- not the proof of a real representative's effort to downsize government and remove government intrusion from American life. Central Planning will INEVITABLY FAIL ! The government procedure for gaining complete, totalitarian control of a nation is first to make everyone dependent on government, either by supporting people financially or eliminating all choices except the government choice. Then, government can do anything it wants. These government clowns will succeed at one and only one thing: the government will cause the creation and expansion of a black market for all goods and services that will destroy the economy. Eventually, all citizens who can leave America will expatriate to a more favorable country. Government in this country was NEVER envisaged to consume 40% of the economy and NEVER meant to meddle in the lives of FREE people. |