Dear Gun Owner and Supporter of the Constitution,
What else will you and I find out?
Every day, more facts about the Obama administration’s radical third-world tactics hits the news . . .
Last week, you and I learned the Obama administration wiretapped Associated Press reporters.
But perhaps the worst of it all was that the Obama administration used the IRS to target and harass political enemies!
In fact, the National Foundation for Gun Rights non-profit filing with the IRS is still yet to be approved after 19 months -- and I can’t help but think I’ve been one of the IRS 500 top targets for “extra scrutiny.”
Months ago, as the fight over gun control just began to rear its ugly head, your National Association for Gun Rights drew a line in the sand . . .
No more gun control. No deals. Not one more gun owner’s name. Not a single bit more information about American gun owners for the federal government. PERIOD.
Stories like these are exactly why.
Today, I’m counting on you to sign a NEW No Gun Control/No Deals petition to your U.S. Congressman and Senators IMMEDIATELY.
If you've already signed your new petition, I’m counting on you to forward this email to every pro-gun friend and family member you have .
The Obama administration is clearly drunk on power.
Early in President Obama’s first term, you and I learned firsthand the lengths his administration would go to try and RAM gun control down our throats when they just looked the other way while bloodthirsty Mexican gangs ran guns across the border -- resulting in the tragic death of U.S. Border patrol agent Brian Terry.
That should have tipped enough folks off . . .
But it didn’t.
And in December of last year, after the horrific tragedy in Newtown, Connecticut, the Obama administration jumped into action, pushing a massive wish list of anti-gun schemes, thinking they had the perfect excuse to ram gun control down our throats. Not one would have made an ounce of difference.
Criminals and killers don’t get their guns legally. Like the Newtown killer, they often steal them.
I know I’m not breaking any news here, but the gun-grabbers know all of this.
- *** They don’t want more “background checks” (GUN REGISTRATION) to prevent murders.
- *** They don’t want an expanded federal “NO GUN” database to keep the mentally ill from getting their hands on guns.
- *** They don’t even want to ramp up penalties on gun crimes to stop “straw purchasers.”
They want our names, our information and records of our gun purchases so they can set the stage for the day they can finally CONFISCATE our guns.
And they prey on Americans’ fears of “too much freedom” and politicians’ desire to appear “reasonable” to hasten that day.
Well, as Thomas Jefferson said, “I prefer the tumult of liberty to the quiet of servitude.”
And I have one simple message to politicians in BOTH parties.
If you think it’s “reasonable” to hand this President and this lawless administration more information about American gun owners after all the outrageousness you and I see hitting the news, THINK AGAIN.
If you and I hand over our freedom and our liberties, it WILL eventually be abused by those in power -- regardless of whether it’s President Obama or someone else occupying the White House.
I’m tired of watching Washington, D.C. strip away our liberties.
And I want to do everything I possibly can to ensure our Second Amendment freedoms aren’t flushed away from members of both political parties in Congress.
If you agree, I’m counting on you to do two things . . .
First, sign your new No Gun Control/No Deals petition to your U.S. Congressman and Senators IMMEDIATELY.
During the last fight on gun control, your National Association for Gun Rights delivered literally every petition we had.
I need to reload. And FAST.
Secondly, please forward this email to every pro-gun friend and family member you have.
Thirdly, please agree to a generous contribution of $105 TODAY.
Your generous contribution will help me reach even more Second Amendment supporters.
But if that’s too much, please agree to $70 or at least $35 immediately.
Members of Congress who want to hand this President -- or any other -- more information about American gun owners after the news of the last week need to have their head checked.
You and I have a chance to seize the momentum in this fight over gun control.
But we have to act.
So please sign your NEW No Gun Control/No Deals petition, forward this email to as many friends and family members as you can, and agree to your most generous contribution of $105, $70 or at least $35 TODAY.
For Freedom,

Dudley Brown
Executive Vice President