Free Action Fax to
My U.S. Congressman
I am writing to encourage you to cosponsor and seek roll call votes on H.R. 2472 and H.R. 2473.
Whereas: Most states have strong laws on the books to outlaw stalking and identity theft; and
Whereas: There is now court precedent incorrectly ruling that these state laws are preempted by the National Labor Relations Act, and therefore cannot apply to union officials; and
Whereas: To prevent union-label politicians or other state courts from adopting that absurd legal theory, Congressman Tom Price has introduced legislation to clarify federal law, to ensure employees can be protected from malicious abuse and disclosure of their personal information by union officials; and
Whereas: These two bills simply and explicitly state that the NLRA does NOT preempt anti-stalking and anti-identity theft laws.
Therefore: I urge you to cosponsor H.R. 2472 and H.R. 2473, and do everything you can to help bring them to the House floor.