Stop the NSA!!
![]() Uncle Sam, the thief, taking citizens for a ride!!!
[Editor's Note: While many citizens may think that LIBERTY cannot be restored, it is recommended that one should consult THIS to really RESTORE LIBERTY!! Items 11 and 12 clearly list the CAUSE of NSA's snooping. The eavesdropping can ONLY stop with repeal of those two acts. If we are TRULY represented, then the ENTIRE LIST must be enacted. SEE THIS to understand our Nazi America!] |
FROM More Evidence That The U.S. Government Is A Criminal EnterpriseJuly 15, 2013 by Bob LivingstonThe U.S. government is a criminal enterprise and is out of control. The U.S. Constitution was drafted to limit government and affirm the natural rights held by the people, but it is serially ignored and violated by the President, the Congress, the Supreme Court and law enforcers both Federal and local. The result is growing tyranny and a police state and a Nation that is becoming a simmering cauldron of unrest — sparked by the passage of unConstitutional laws by a Congress controlled by moneyed interests; the affirming of those laws by the Supreme Court; long-term high rates of unemployment; a declining standard of living; increased regulation by unaccountable, bought-and-paid-for psychotic government functionaries; money printing; a presstitute mass media; [Editor's Note: love that word!] increasingly militarized and militant local law enforcement officers; and a declining morality encouraged by both the political and celebrity classes — that is poised to explode. The elected class and their handlers have been at war with the American people, the Constitution and the American way of life for many years. In the beginning, they used gradualism to sneak small abuses by an unobservant public. But as the unConstitutional encroachments gained ground, they accelerated. We are now rapidly heading toward a calamitous event that will rock the system to its core and, hopefully, restore us to Constitutional governance. |