Not business of Feds! Another of many, many examples where the unintended consequences of Intervention, world-policing, and 'mation-building' has gone wrong!
The past 14 days, you and thousands of fellow Americans have shown an outpouring of support for both Trey Gowdy and the Congressional Select Committee's mission to find out the truth and demand justice for what happened in Benghazi.
But Eric, this is just the beginning...Trey Gowdy is in for a bigger fight than we could've imagined.
Let me explain.
The Clinton Dynasty has reared it's ugly head and it's only getting worse. As you are well aware, the Clinton's have a knack of getting away with everything, but we must ensure that isn't the case this time around.
Two years ago, four Americans were murdered in Benghazi.
Yet, instead of providing Americans with the truth about what happened that night, Hillary Clinton continues to work furiously to lie, throw up smokescreens, and distract from the truth.
And here's why it's important: in advance lines of her new book, Hillary has the audacity to CONTINUE THE LIES!
She writes -- "There were scores of attackers that night, almost certainly with differing motives...It is inaccurate to state that every single one of them was influenced by this hateful video. It is equally inaccurate to state that none of them were."
That's right, Hillary is STILL BLAMING the YouTube video and clinging to the story that Benghazi was not in fact a PLANNED TERRORIST ATTACK ON AMERICA!
This is absolutely ludicrous -- Hillary lied and Americans died.
And as the Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton was responsible for all diplomats and Americans working in those facilities, yet she has taken zero responsibility for her actions.
Please, Eric, we must stand up to these smokescreens and continue to expose Hillary for what she did and quite frankly, did NOT do.
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