The Massive Myth about Hillary Rodham Clinton
By Bill Bonner, Chairman, Bonner & Partners on July 3, 2014 --- FROM Bonner & Partners.

Source: Wikipedia
Hillary’s smiling face has looked up from the desk for two weeks.
We wanted to read her book, if only to mock and jeer, but we couldn’t bring ourselves to open it. It was too big. Too earnest. Too carefully put together. There would be no surprises.
Like Hillary’s photo on the cover, every detail had been checked by pollsters and approved image consultants. No facts that didn’t support the uplift of the narrative were allowed. No ideas that don’t appeal to the majority voter were permitted.
Hillary is made appear tough, but fair… well-informed… hard working… with a razor-sharp intellect and a heart like road kill on a hot, sunny day: warm, soft and overpowering.
Hard Choices
Finally, we had to do our duty, on your behalf, dear reader. We opened the book so you don’t have to. The book, called Hard Choices, is hard to pick up. And easy to put down.
Not because you will disagree with its ideas; there are no ideas to disagree with. Instead, the book is full of self-serving and empty blah blah. It wallows in the glory of the US Empire… and of course, the incredible, gracious tenacity of Hillary Rodham Clinton.
All you have to do is to look at the photos. There you find Hillary shaking hands with every corrupt, incompetent leader the world has to offer… as well as demonstrating all the qualities the dim voter may look for.
In one she is compassionate towards children. In another she is an activist for women. She is a fun-loving secretary of State, too. There’s a photo of her at the piano with Bono. Another of her dancing at a party in Cartagena, Colombia. And there’s Joe Biden whispering in the ear of a giggling Hillary.
What a gal!
The premise of the book is that leaders have to make tough decisions. Her first was her decision to leave a promising career as a Washington lawyer to go to Little Rock and help Bill with his political career.
On the evidence, this paid off. Bill hit it big in politics. Hillary became his partner – like Evita to Juan Perón. Or Christina to Néstor Kirchner. Now, Hillary is in line to be the first woman president.
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