The Solution
From the USA's defense perspective, I think all non-critical international military bases should be closed bringing US troops home. "Internationalism" does not equate to US Empire. Today, "Internationalism" is Interventionism and Interference to continue America's WW2 hegemony. The purpose is to prevent war --- not cause war. The US should go to war if and only if attacked or if there is irrefutable evidence of imminent attack. Irrefutable evidence does not mean "manufactured" evidence like the Gulf of Tonkin. I would like Americans to rally to a future President who prevents war instead of one who makes his legacy waging war. ![]() The State Dept. should only negotiate trade agreements and resolve disagreements to PREVENT war and terrorism. No US involvement in any foreign country's internal affairs and no US "bribes" to prop up a dictator's military position. Dictators maintain power only as long as their own youthful strength and the power over their people via their security forces such as the SS or Homeland security.
"How do wars start? Diplomats lie to reporters and then believe what they read in the newspapers." -- Karl Kraus (Austrian writer, 1874 - 1936) ![]() Sometimes war is used to stimulate the economy and improve a given president's domestic polls. The economy would BOOM if the federal government's intrusion into every aspect of life were diminshed by half, i.e. cut the government by 50%, and restore liberty!
THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT MUST BE DOWNSIZED TO 1787 LEVELS ! That means Departments of State, Defense, Treasury, and Justice only! Everything else must go! |