Diferences with other Parties

Uncle Sam, the thief, taking citizens for a ride!!!
"I'm for a flat tax -- as long as the flat rate is zero.
The object is to get rid of big government,
not find a new way of financing it." Harry Browne

Uncle Sam is a THIEF!


From How do Libertarians, Republicans, and Democrats differ?

Here's how typical Libertarians, Democrats, and Republicans will vote if elected to federal office — regardless of what they say they'll do:

Federal spendingDramatically reduce government spending now. Balance the budget now. No more debt.More, more, more spending! Balance the budget when hell freezes over. Trillions more debt.More, more, more spending! Balance the budget when hell freezes over. Trillions more debt.
TaxesEnd the income tax. Abolish the IRS. Never raise taxes.Raise the income tax. Keep raising FICA, alternative minimum tax. Raise other taxes.Keep the income tax high. Keep raising FICA, alternative minimum tax. Raise other taxes.
Government spyingOnly with valid warrant. Welcome home Edward Snowden.Keep mass surveillance. Banish and slander Edward Snowden.Keep mass surveillance. Banish and slander Edward Snowden.
Medical insurance mandatesRepeal Obamacare. Rescind regulations. Dramatically lower cost of health care.Keep Obamacare. Increase regulations. Drive up cost of health care.Replace Obamacare with similar regulations. Drive up cost of health care.
Politicians killing American citizens without trialStrictly forbid.Keep option to kill.Keep option to kill.
Militarization of policeRemove military equipment from domestic police forces.Keep armored trucks, M-16 rifles, and grenade launchers in your town.Keep armored trucks, M-16 rifles, and grenade launchers in your town.
Middle East conflictsPeace and diplomacy. Allow free trade. Bring troops home NOW.Bombs away! Cut off food and medicine. Put U.S. service men and women in harm's way.Bombs away! Cut off food and medicine. Put U.S. service men and women in harm's way.
Racial profilingTreat all citizens equally under the law.Keep racist policies that target minorities.Keep racist policies that target minorities.
War on DrugsEnd it! Release non-violent prisoners. Allow medical cannabis.Cling to failed prohibition. Keep non-violent prisoners locked up. Deny medical treatment.Cling to failed prohibition. Keep non-violent prisoners locked up. Deny medical treatment.
U.S. military presence in more than 130 other countriesStop meddling! Bring troops home to their families.Keep meddling abroad. Separate troops from their families.Keep meddling abroad. Separate troops from their families.
Military spendingReduce spending dramatically. Defense, not offense.Increase spending. Feed the military-industrial complex.Increase spending. Feed the military-industrial complex.
Monetary policySecure Americans' financial assets. Stabilize prices. Market sets interest rates. Allow Bitcoin and other currencies.Print money with abandon. Devalue the dollar. Diminish American assets. Force prices up. Politicians set interest rates. Prohibit alternative currencies.Print money with abandon. Devalue the dollar. Diminish American assets. Force prices up. Politicians set interest rates. Prohibit alternative currencies.
Marriage equalitySupport and vote for it.Waffle, delay.Waffle, oppose.
GunsRepeal anti–self defense laws.Pass new laws that disarm innocent Americans.Enforce laws that disarm innocent Americans.
Wage price-fixing ("minimum wage")Repeal wage controls to give the poorest a chance.Impose price controls and kill jobs for the poor.Impose price controls and kill jobs for the poor.
EducationReturn control to parents, teachers, local communities. Enable high-quality, diversified education. Allow property taxes to drop.Centrally plan education. One size fits all. Sustain high dropout rates and illiteracy. Drive up property taxes.Centrally plan education. One size fits all. Sustain high dropout rates and illiteracy. Drive up property taxes.