Dear Eric,
Over the years, tax-and-spend politicians have complained that America needs to adopt more wealth redistribution schemes from European countries.
But there’s one area where they refuse to follow the rest of the world’s lead.
NLT members have long known that America’s 39% corporate tax rate is the highest in the developed world, and a recent report shows just how badly it’s kneecapped our economy.
According to the non-partisan Tax Foundation, the US currently ranks as one of the least tax-competitive of all industrialized countries: 32 out of 34.
Great Britain, Germany, Japan, Switzerland . . . everyone except France and Portugal beats us.
Particularly in recent years, many countries have realized that slashing their corporate taxes is the key to keeping economic investment at home.
But Obama would rather punish companies that move overseas than do anything that would make them want to stay.
His so-called “solution” is to double down on the very burdens that caused the problem in the first place.
It’s a shame that when the rest of the world actually gets it right, tax-and-spend politicians refuse to see it.
It’s time to make them take notice.
Gary Paumen, President
National League of Taxpayers
P.S. Barack Obama, Harry Reid and their big-government allies are doing everything they can to spend our nation into oblivion.
To fight back, your National League of Taxpayers relies completely on the support of concerned Americans like you.
And even $5 or $10 can go a long way.
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