Shut down the Benghazi hearings!!!
Congressional Democrats are threatening Trey Gowdy in order to shut down the Benghazi Select Committee and protect Hillary Clinton.
Let me explain: the Congressional Select Committee on Benghazi just met for the first time this year, and Chairman Gowdy has received a blistering round of letters and attacks from Congressional Democrats.
Eric, Congressman Trey Gowdy is under attack! We knew this was coming, and now we need your immediate help to support him.
Before you do anything else I need you to click here and show your immediate support for Trey Gowdy.
Before you do anything else I need you to click here and show your immediate support for Trey Gowdy.
Democrats have turned to the liberal news media to assure the public that Hillary is cooperating with Congressman Gowdy and the Committee. But here are the facts:
- >>> Hillary Clinton's State Department is stonewalling and refusing to turn over key documents for Gowdy's investigation.
- >>> According to reports, the CIA has refused multiple committee requests for important documents critical to the investigation.
- >>> Democrat leaders on the Committee are attacking Trey Gowdy in an effort to shut down the investigation and discredit Gowdy's findings.
- >>> Most importantly, Chairman Gowdy reports -- HILLARY CLINTON STILL HAS NOT AGREED TO TESTIFY.
For the reasons listed above, your renewed support is more important than ever.
Will you renew your support by signing your Support Gowdy Petition immediately & fight back against the Democrats' effort to kill the investigation?
Between the stonewalling from Clinton loyalists embedded deep in the federal government, the attack letters Gowdy is receiving from Congressional Democrats, and the conspiring liberal news media -- it is clear: there is an organized campaign to hide the truth, to protect Hillary from scrutiny, and prevent her from having to appear.
Click here to sign your Support Trey Gowdy & Continue the Hearings petition IMMEDIATELY!
Two years ago, four Americans were murdered in Benghazi. Yet, instead of providing Americans with the truth about what happened that night, Hillary Clinton continues to work furiously to lie, throw up smokescreens, and distract from the truth.
Trey Gowdy is our best hope to finally get the answers Americans deserve, but he needs our help now more than ever. Sign the petition and chip in just $5 or more below so we'll have the funds to support Gowdy and protect him from the Clinton media machine as he digs to clear the federal stonewall!
Follow this link to sign your Support Gowdy & Continue the Committee petition.
Please, we must stand up to these smokescreens and continue to expose Hillary for what she did and quite frankly, did NOT do.
Trey Gowdy is taking on the Clinton Empire, and we need to show him he has our support.
Senator Ted Harvey
P.S. Trey Gowdy is our best hope to finally get the answers Americans deserve, but he needs our help now more than ever. Chip in just $5 (or more if you can afford it) so we'll have the funds to support Gowdy and protect him from the Clinton media machine as he digs to clear the federal stonewall!
P.P.S. Several departments of the Executive branch have ground to a halt to prevent the House Select Committee on Benghazi from discovering and deposing relevant documents and witnesses. The stonewalling that has been largely ignored by the media is the Democrats last-ditch-attempt to protect Clinton and elect her president.
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