By Jocelynn Smith, Sr. Managing Editor
Don’t lock your front door before going to bed tonight.
And when you run to the store next, don’t lock your car doors.
It only makes sense, right? You’ve got nothing to hide so why take those seemingly common sense steps to protect yourself?
That’s certainly what the government propaganda machines would have you believe.
In a recent poll of 500 Americans, Pew Research reported that while 90% had heard of the government’s surveillance programs, only 10% considered using email encryption tools. In fact, 49% believed it was acceptable for the government to monitor Americans if they “used encryption software to hide files.”
Since the Edward Snowden revelations, Americans have been worn down by the frustrating thinking of “If you’ve got nothing to hide, then you’ve got nothing to worry about.” But we have a right to our privacy. Bob Bauman, Chairman of Freedom Alliance, eloquently stated in a recent article to subscribers, “Privacy is an inherent human right, essential for us to live in dignity and respect. The choice here is liberty versus insidious official control of our lives and fortunes.”
And yet, Pew reports that only 2% of those polled had actually started using encryption tools to protect their email. Too few are willing to take the steps to guard their privacy.
Protecting your privacy isn’t about having something illegal to hide, but protecting what is yours from intruders. Just like the safe in your house protecting your important documents and the lock on your front door.
I would love to hear from you. Do you have a right to protect your privacy from the government and others such as hackers? Is using encryption only giving the government an excuse to monitor you? Do you think you have a right to use encryption to protect your information? Write me at
Jocelynn Smith,
Sr. Managing Editor, Sovereign Investor Daily
[Editor's Note: The Right to Privacy against government intrusion is guaranteed by the 4th Amendment. The 4th refers explicitly to Search & Seizure and the Legislative-Executive-Judicial Cabal (Federal Dictatorship) has weakened this Amendment by allowing random traffic stops and search & seizure at airports. Although not explicitly stated in the 9th Amendment, the Right to Privacy is implied or encompassed by the 9th since any Rights not specified by Amendments are provided by the 9th. Read for yourself.]