I believe the next step to unraveling the damage Barack Obama and his liberal policies have done to America is electing a Republican president who will chart a new course and restore the time-tested principles of Liberty and limited government in America.
With your help, I'm ready to answer the call and do just that.
But I need to know you're prepared to stand with me because the powerful forces that control the Washington Machine are going all-out to stop me.
You know I have a bullseye on my back.
The Washington Machine wants nothing more than to see you and me stumble so they can continue the Big Government, big spending status quo that's gone unchecked for decades.
They know our movement — standing strong for principle — is our Republican Party's best chance to WIN in 2016.
That's why polls now show me leading Hillary Clinton in critical swing states and show me as the best positioned Republican to take on and defeat Hillary in November 2016.
And it's why I've been called the "Democrats' Enemy #1" by the media.
A million dollars. That's how much the politicians running the Washington Machine borrow — PER MINUTE!
The result? A staggering $18 TRILLION in debt.
This madness is unsustainable, and the fiscal crisis that faces our nation must be taken seriously and immediately addressed.
If elected president, I will work to balance our budget and only spend what comes in.
We must cut spending in all areas, particularly areas that are better run by state and local governments. And we must work to cut taxes across the board for ALL Americans.
You and I have witnessed the consequence of career politicians running Washington, D.C. for too long now.
They care far more about their careers than what's best for the country, and they've been growing more and more out-of-touch with each successive term.
I believe it's time to put an end to the profession of "career politician" by imposing term limits on how many times a member is allowed to seek re-election.
As a Senator, I've introduced legislation to limit the amount of time a member of the U.S. House of Representatives and the Senate may serve.
As president, I will continue to support term limits as a way of ensuring that your elected officials act in direct representation of you and your needs.
The bills are often plopped on our desks only a few hours before a vote. They're thousands of pages long.
And unfortunately no one reads them.
In fact, who can forget those words from 2010 when Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi stated, "we have to pass the [ObamaCare] bill so that you can find out what's in it..."?
That's why I introduced the "Read the Bills Act" in Congress.
If passed, this critical legislation would force Congress to actually read the bills they vote on — and delay legislation one day for every 20 pages of language before passage to help eliminate cronyism and insider funny business!
As a practicing ophthalmologist for 17 years — specializing in cataract and glaucoma surgeries, LASIK procedures and corneal transplants — the ObamaCare issue angers me like few others.
And I know the millions of Americans who voted to kick Democrats out of office in November want my colleagues to do MORE than just chip around the edges of ObamaCare.
It's time the Republican Party delivered. With your help, I'm ready to lead the fight to repeal every word of ObamaCare. PERIOD.
In 2013, we learned President Obama's NSA was collecting BILLIONS of emails and phone calls from law-abiding American citizens literally every day.
I fear our Constitution's Fourth Amendment is on the brink of total destruction. And I truly fear where the United States could be headed unless you and I put an end to the government's out-of-control spying on American citizens.
In the new Congress, I'm fighting to pass my Fourth Amendment Protection Act, which would stop mass data collection on innocent American citizens without a warrant.
I'm also fighting in the courts as well, with my class-action lawsuit, which I hope will FORCE the Obama administration to end this unconstitutional madness.
The Federal Reserve's "print-now-ask-questions-later" policies helped create the housing bubble and resulting financial crisis of 2008.
But instead of learning their lesson, the secretive Fed has doubled-down, creating yet another bubble — this time in the stock market!
I truly fear what it could mean for the future of every American if the Fed isn't reined in.
The good news is, the announcement of my campaign for president put the unaccountable and secretive Federal Reserve front and center in the public spotlight.
One news report even stated my campaign "poses the clearest populist threat to central bank in generations."
You and I can't take our country back until accountability is forced on the out-of-control Federal Reserve.
For nearly 70 years — with our federal government's blessing — Big Labor bosses have mocked our Constitution and strangled our economy as they've built a massive political empire on the backs of hardworking Americans.
These workers' forced union dues — confiscated by union bosses under the threat of job termination — have bankrolled tax-and-spend politicians like Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid for decades.
Whether it's out-of-control spending, ObamaCare or radical social policy, Big Labor's billions are at the root of virtually every attack on our liberty.
That's why every freedom-loving American has a stake in the fight to pass my National Right to Work Act. If passed, this critical legislation will end forced union dues in America once and for all.
If elected president, I look forward to signing the National Right to Work Act into law the moment it comes across my desk.
Of course, I understand none of these fights may be won overnight. But they're fights you and I must begin right now.
With political experts zeroing in on the 2016 presidential race, I believe it's never been more important that you and I clearly show the American people what we stand for.
I'm ready to lead the fight for our shared principles and values — the "bold colors" Ronald Reagan proved result in victory.
Your contribution will help me get my message out to as many voters as possible across the country using everything from U.S. mail to email and social media.
Not only that, but it will help me keep our campaign — the campaign the Washington machine fears more than any other — growing by leaps and bounds.
Whether it's $20.16, $50, $75, $100, $250, $500 or even $1,000, any amount you can contribute will help me get my message out and be a tremendous boost to my campaign.
Whatever amount you can afford, please know your contribution is greatly appreciated and will be put to immediate use.
Believe me, I understand only a few people are able to afford $5,400 — the maximum legal amount allowed under federal law.
Those who seek out positions of power tend to be paranoid, hypocritical wimps. Consider the issue of firearms. Politicians have many thousands of mercenaries (soldiers and "law enforcers") wielding all sort of deadly weapons--guns, tanks, missiles, drones, etc. Yet those same politicians pee themselves at the thought of the rabble owning semi-automatic rifles. From their twisted, elitist perspective, it's perfectly fine for them to swipe many billions of dollars from their subjects to spend on all manner of armaments, but if YOU want to possess a rifle, they think you should have to ask their permission, and register it, and make sure they always know what you own.
They also expect to be allowed to do things in secret, while claiming the right to spy on you and everyone else. As far as they are concerned, it's none of your business what they do, or what weapons they have, but it is their business to know everything that you do and everything that you have. Of course, they will pretend that their goal is to protect you from the "criminal element," but you'd have to be pretty dense to actually believe that. Why do you suppose they mostly whine about civilians having weapons that:
are used in only a tiny percentage of actual crime, and;
are the most effective types of weapon for resisting "government"
You don't need to be a rocket scientist to figure it out. People who gravitate towards political office think they have the right to rule you. That's the job they applied for. And, of course, extorting you and bossing you around could be rather more difficult if you are better armed than their enforcers. So they hand out machine guns to their mindless thugs, but have tantrums about you having a 30-round magazine.
A new Congress has been seated, and it brings the prospect of perhaps, maybe, potentially, in a possible way doing something about the runaway federal deficits. And in other news, several New York area bridges are for sale, which you can acquire at a bargain price.
Excessive Spending Destroys!
Feds Have a Spending Problem — DO NOT RAISE THE CEILING!
Feds Have a Sewage Problem!
Becky Gerritson: "...government is out of control!" and "...our representative government has failed us."
A federal judge on Thursday ordered the IRS to detail under oath how some of former agency official Lois Lerner’s emails went missing, as well as any potential methods for recovering them.
Judge Emmet Sullivan of the U.S. District Court in Washington gave the Internal Revenue Service exactly a month — until Aug. 10 — to file a report, which he demanded as part of a lawsuit from a conservative watchdog, Judicial Watch, against the agency.
Judicial Watch is seeking a wide range of documents from the IRS, including Lerner’s emails, as part of a Freedom of Information Act request. It has complained that the IRS didn’t tell it that the agency couldn’t recover all of Lerner’s emails from 2009 to 2011.
Sullivan cast his ruling as a compromise, and a potential way for Judicial Watch to get answers without the court wading any deeper into the matter. Judicial Watch had asked the court to potentially compel IRS officials to testify about the lost emails, through a process called limited discovery.
The FairTax is a consumption tax unilaterally applied to all Americans at the same rate. For businesses, payroll taxes would no longer exist. Our exports would include a heavy tax for overseas buyers purchasing our products, while our imports would be cheaper for us to purchase. I'm not sure how this would affect GDP, as more information is necessary.
According to the FairTax website, "Under the FairTax, every person living in the United States pays a sales tax on purchases of new goods and services, excluding necessities due to the prebate." The prebate gives every legal resident household an "advance refund" at the beginning of each month so that purchases made up to the poverty level are tax-free.
So a family of four making something like $50,000/year should not have to pay taxes, thus preventing an unfair burden on low-income families. Since the FairTax eliminates both federal and payroll taxes, you get to keep your gross pay amount of each paycheck earned.
John Adams said, “Without [term limits] every man in power becomes a ravenous beast of prey”. That being said, here are some of the reasons we believe our country needs Term Limits.
Term Limits can help break the cycle of corruption in Congress. Case studies show that the longer an individual stays in office, the more likely they are to stop serving the public and begin serving their own interests.
Term Limits will encourage regular citizens to run for office. Presently, there is a 94% re-election rate in the House and 83% in the Senate. Because of name recognition, and usually the advantage of money, it can be easy to stay in office. Without legitimate competition, what is the incentive for a member of Congress to serve the public? Furthermore, it is almost a lost cause for the average citizen to try to campaign against current members of Congress.
Term Limits will break the power special interest groups have in Congress.
Term Limits will force politicians to think about the impact of their legislation because they will be returning to their communities shortly to live under the laws they enacted.
Term Limits will bring diversity of people and fresh ideas to Congress.
[Editor's Note: If you want to get rich, i.e. advance from a low paying government bureaucrat job on the local or state level, THEN GET ELECTED TO THE US CONGRESS (House or Senate). Once you're elected, it's easy to steal from your campaign contributions or the Congressional budget allocated to your seat and staff. You can go on a government-funded junket with 'lavishly' paid expenses. The list of ways to steal from the government while in office is inexhaustible. There are only a few Congressmen who left Congress just wealthy instead of a multi-millionaire. Of course, there are several who arrived in Congress as multi-millionaires and don't need to steal from the government.]