Dear Eric,
In 2011, Wisconsin enacted sweeping reforms freeing public sector workers from paying forced union dues.
Wisconsin teachers and civil servants opted-out from paying union dues in droves, drying up Wisconsin’s union bosses’ forced-dues-to-politics pipeline.
Just a few years later, Wisconsin took the next step and became the 25th Right to Work state.
Now, a case just taken up by the Supreme Court could cut off the forced-dues spigot nationwide.
Friedrichs v. California Teachers Association is an important step towards finally respecting the First Amendment rights of America’s public servants.
Forcing teachers and other government employees to pay dues to a union they do not support as a condition of employment is now squarely before the court.
I’ll tell you how you can have a direct impact on this case in a moment, but I want to make sure you understand why this case is so crucial.
If a favorable ruling is handed down, every single American public sector worker could be freed from paying forced union dues -- nationwide.
So I've directed National Right to Work Foundation staff attorneys to file a “Friend of the Court” amicus brief very soon -- bringing the strongest arguments possible in favor of worker freedom to the Court.
But for a case this important, you and I need to do more.
That’s why I’ve directed Foundation staff to put together a grassroots blitz in 15 targeted states.
The goal of this blitz will be to turn up the heat on 15 targeted attorneys general to urge them to sign on to an amicus brief as well.
The 15 targeted states are: Arkansas, Florida, Idaho, Indiana, Louisiana, Michigan, Nebraska, Nevada, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Wisconsin, and Wyoming.
These 15 attorneys general represent Right to Work states where the benefits of worker freedom have been proven time and time again over the course of years -- even decades.
With the right amount of pressure from constituents these attorneys general will have no choice but to sign on to an amicus brief.
And their signatures would add significant strength to the arguments for worker freedom.
But generating that grassroots pressure will only be possible with your help.
We’ve set a budget of $4,000 for each of these 15 targeted states. And we have a clear deadline by which all amicus briefs must be filed -- September 11th, less than a month away.
That means you and I must raise the full $60,000 needed by Monday, August 31st for this plan of action to have the greatest impact.
Will you make a generous contribution of $75, $150, or even $225 towards that goal today?
Depending on funding, your generous contribution will help implement a three-part plan in each targeted state, including:
- Placing full-page newspaper ads, explaining to the American people what's at stake;
- Contacting millions of supporters directly by mail, email, social media and phone to rally them to demand their attorneys general sign on to an amicus brief; and,
- Personally lobbying dozens of sympathetic columnists, talk radio hosts, editorial writers and bloggers in each state who can help mobilize public opinion.
But executing this full program will only be possible with your help.
You and I must raise the full $60,000 needed by Monday, August 31st for this plan of action to have the greatest impact.
Will you make a generous contribution of $75, $150, or even $225 towards that goal today?
I really hope that you will help out today.
That’s because a favorable ruling by the nation’s highest court would have sweeping ramifications beyond the First Amendment freedom of association rights of civil servants.
Not only could it give every public employee in America Right to Work protections, but with government union bosses stripped of their forced dues powers to fund Big Labor’s political agenda, the impact would be even bigger.
You see, Big Labor funnels billions of dollars each election cycle into the campaign coffers of their handpicked politicians -- money hardworking men and women earn to support their families, churches and communities.
In fact, according to the National Institute for Labor Relations Research (NILRR), union bosses spent nearly two BILLION dollars supporting their pet candidates in 2013 and 2014 alone.
All funded with money stripped from the pockets of civil servants, many of whom would be fired if they didn’t pay up!
Ending forced unionism would free government workers forced to toil under union boss lock and key.
The fact is, compulsory unionism is the engine that skyrockets government spending, balloons taxes and corrupts our political system.
Year after year, elected officials negotiate labor contracts for over 19 million state and local government workers.
And when government union bosses “bargain” with elected officials behind closed doors -- taxpayers virtually always lose.
But executing this full program will only be possible with your help.
You and I must raise the full $60,000 needed by Monday, August 31st for this plan of action to have the greatest impact.
Will you make a generous contribution of $75, $150, or even $225 towards that goal today?
You see, the High Court will not only consider arguments by Foundation staff attorneys but also Big Labor lawyers, their “academic” apologists and probably even Barack Obama’s top lawyer.
Frankly, with essential First Amendment rights at stake, it’s crucial the High Court hear from as many state attorneys general in America, championing the freedom of association of their civil servants, as possible.
That's why your Right to Work Foundation's work is so critical.
The fact is taking on the Friedrichs v. California Teachers Association case is just one of the fronts we're fighting on..
With nearly 200 active cases right now, here's just a glimpse of what Foundation attorneys are working on:
- Scores of cases attacking Big Labor's use of forced dues to fund its political machine -- vitally important now as union operatives are already gearing up to install another puppet politician in the White House and take back the U.S. Senate.
- Challenges to the aggressive compulsory unionism policies pushed by Obama appointees in the executive branch, including the Department of Labor and the NLRB.
- Critical cases defending and enforcing state Right to Work protections, especially in the newest Right to Work states: Indiana, Michigan and Wisconsin.
Here's the rub. Your Foundation continues to operate on a tight budget in 2015, and it's crucial we allocate our resources to cover all our bases.
That’s why when I directed Foundation staff to put together this grassroots blitz for 15 targeted states, I assured them supporters like you would step up.
With the deadline to file amicus briefs coming up on September 11th, we don’t have much time.
That means you and I must raise the full $60,000 budget needed for this program by Monday, August 31st for this plan to have the greatest impact.
Will you make a generous contribution of $75, $150, or even $225 towards that goal today?
Thank you in advance for standing up for worker freedom.
Mark Mix
P.S. In 2011, Wisconsin enacted sweeping reforms freeing public sector workers from paying forced union dues.
And with those reforms paving the way, Wisconsin became the 25th and latest Right to Work state earlier this year.
Now, a case just taken up by the Supreme Court could do the same thing nationwide.
The Friedrichs v. California Teachers Association case is critical for worker freedom.
That’s why I’ve directed Foundation staff to put together a grassroots blitz in 15 targeted states to turn up the heat on those state attorneys general to urge them to sign on to an amicus brief as well.
We’ve set a budget of $4,000 for each of these 15 targeted states. And we have a clear deadline by which all amicus briefs must be filed -- September 11th, less than a month away.
That means you and I must raise the full $60,000 needed by Monday, August 31st for this plan of action to have the greatest impact.
Will you make a generous contribution of $75, $150, or even $225 towards that goal today?
The National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation is a nonprofit, charitable organization providing free legal aid to employees whose human or civil rights have been violated by compulsory unionism abuses. The Foundation, which can be contacted toll-free at 1-800-336-3600, is assisting thousands of employees in nearly 200 cases nationwide. The Foundation's mailing address is 8001 Braddock Road, Springfield, Virginia 22160. Its web address is
To help the National Right to Work Foundation grow, please forward this to a friend.
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