Freedom...Time to Relearn How to Think for Yourself
The federal government has tried to convert America into a statist "nation state"
with emphasis on Marxian beliefs. If I gave you $5 million with the requirement that you do EXACTLY as I demand, would you take the money? Well,
your State governments on a MUCH LARGER scale have complied EXACTLY with the feds for many, many of their demands. It is time to stop obeying the feds when their
demands destroy the foundation of America!
“When force is the standard, the murderer wins over the pickpocket. And then that society vanishes in a spread of ruins and slaughter.
Do you wish to know whether that day is coming? Watch money. Money is the barometer of a society’s virtue.
When you see that trading is done, not by consent, but by
compulsion—when you see that in order to produce, you need to obtain permission from men who produce
nothing—when you see that money is flowing to those who deal, not in goods, but in
favors—when you see that men get richer by graft and by pull rather than by work,
and your laws don’t protect you against them, but protect them against
you—when you see corruption being rewarded and honesty becoming a
self-sacrifice—you may know that your society is doomed.”
Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand in a conversation from Francisco d'Anconia (a producer of goods) to Bertram Scudder (a corrupt scumbag)
Those with the Constitutional financial responsibility of the USA are reckless fools!
Amendment: 11/11/2018
"Welfare of the nation", "...sharing...", "selfishness", "Equalization of Opportunity provided by government". Taking from wealthy people who have earned
their wealth with skills they have acquired. The wealthy must SHARE their wealth with low-life fools unskilled to earn and who need a "living wage" to survive
because they are able but unwilling to acquire skills and provide for themselves.
"From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs"
a Karl Marx slogan
Should competent, educated persons support people who are capable but ignorant and unwilling to support themselves? Not only unwilling to function for
themselves but spit in your face because you refuse to accomodate their needs. What kind of world acquiesces to such demands? People who are able to
provide for themselves CHOOSE to be homeless and starve!
Such help should ONLY be offered or provided to those UNABLE to help themselves, and even then, only subsistence provisions (food, clothing, shelter in
"invisible hand", individual, self-interested actions (selfish?) have unintended social benefits.
Anyone who believes this country is free is an idiot!
"The politicians only want power so they can 'serve' you."
"Extortion and thuggery are good things when they're called law!"
Larken Rose
Uncle Sam, the thief, taking citizens for a ride!!!
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Back in the day (way back before "situational ethics" and our statist federal government) when teachers loved to teach children, young adults, and took pride in watching
the youngsters advance (instead of money-grubbing with their teacher's union), teachers taught Dr. Stanley Milgram's psychology experiment to their students in the hope that
they might instill strength, individualism, integrity,and leadership into their students. The "American Way" was once defined by that list (or similar) of traits. The USA has been
sold to the highest bidder by government and unions. Today teachers teach Socialism and Collectivism as alternatives to Capitalism and Individualism, the bedrocks of the USA.
Now, many teachers provide a role model that shows students how to "game the system", by cheating, lying, and doing just enough to get by and barely graduate. Many
students who manage to graduate from high school today can't read, write, or do simple arithmetic proficiently. Failing teachers are over-paid in bankrupt school districts that
rip-off taxpayers by providing sub-standard service to their students while many parents merely view school as a day-care center to get their children out of their hair.
Admittedly, there are violent, incorrigible "students" today who belong in prison and should be permanently expelled. Because of Federal Reserve generated inflation, the
destructive socialist policies of LBJ's healthcare industry destruction, his "War on Poverty", his fraudulently escalated Vietnam War (that destroyed a generation), and the "I
am Woman" female thrust to get away from motherhood responsibilities, both parents work and leave the children to school supervision. Gangs of violent teenagers become
attractive and compete with the "boredom" of daily school life.
The percentage of school districts with failing students or high dropout rates or low percentages of college enrollees is a measure of the future failure of the USA. The
percentage of college enrollees who graduate with math, science, technology and engineering degrees is also a measure of the USA's future.
This article, entitled Bedrock of a Free Society by Joel F. Wade, presents reasoning
about courage and integrity and about Obedience to Authority, a psychology experiment,
the second phase of which demonstrated that people will follow leaders who behave with courage and integrity, i.e. don't do something that is wrong. The first phase proves that
people will follow leaders even to the extent that these followers will injure or kill others at the behest of the leaders. I wonder how that applies to government followers?
American companies import many employees with advanced scientific degrees including chemistry, computer science, and math from foreign countries (like India) because
parents and primary and secondary schools are failing to inculcate the desire for future advancement in students who have the aptitude for mathematics and science. Many
parents are not "scientists" themselves, so they wouldn't necessarily impress upon their children the benefits of a college degree in the sciences even though such degrees are
the best chance for future advancement.
Someone (unknown who) said "America is the only nation in the history of
the world to pass from barbarism to decadence without first going through civilization." America needs a Renaissance in the 21st Century that doesn't involve the further
subjugation and wealth redistribution of American citizens or of the citizens of other countries (without a declaration of war), but, instead, a century of rebuilding to include the
restoration of the strict enforcement of the Constitution with 'limited government' and a bright, new recognition and understanding that strong governments lead to
enfringement of freedoms and eventual public anger and revolt (just like the Middle East).
The major causes of the federal government's involvement in the affairs of every country in the world instead of focusing on government's limited role in America only are
the World Wars and Socialism. It's time to quit policing the world and come home.
The CONgress (by
Article V of the Constitution) has proposed and
States have ratified many new amendments to the Constitution, some that increase their power over us citizens. CONgress can propose amendments, and the
alternative method to CONgressional proposals can come from States via
Article V. When "We the People" — meaning
a very large majority — are opposed to Acts of CONgress like the INCOME TAX or ENDLESS WARS or the FEDERAL RESERVE, Acts that restrict and regulate our
LIBERTY, Acts that are a waste of money, Acts that have caused unrecoverable indebtedness, then through local representaatives of our States WE can propose
Amendments to be ratified by States just like CONgress.
STATES and the PEOPLE of America are very angry at the federal goverment's violation of its
constitutionally-defined boundaries. States created the federal government in 1787 with LIMITED powers defined in the Constitution. All powers not
given by States to the feds remain with the States by Article X. The feds have through deceit, distortion, and falsification rearranged the entire contractual agreement
between States and the federal government. The feds have become a very powerful, all consuming force in American government. The time has come for States to rein in the
federal government, to take power back, to limit the federal government's power, and to add some detailed restriction to the definition of CONgress, the Executive, and the
A new, well-organized group of volunteers in all 50 states have gathered to restore America to
its roots by limiting all 3 branches of the federal government with a
Convention of States (CoS) organization (alternate site,
CoS Action). This is a Convention of States to AMEND the Constitution — NOT rewrite it!
Recently, CoS held an Article V, Convention
simulation with appointed volunteers from all 50 States. The simulated Convention demonstrated how a well-organized CoS can vote for proposed amendments
to the Consitution that are popular enough to be ratified by the necessary 3/4ths of States (38). Obviously, only proposed Amendments that are likely to pass
both Houses of the legislatures of thirty-eight (38) States, that is, the required 3/4ths of States to ratify an Amendment to the Constitution should be proposed.
See the Final Report here.
The purpose in a Convention of States, simulated or real, is to PROPOSE AMENDMENTS that give power back to the People. The proposed amendments must reflect the
thinking, objectives — the goals of people of States — who want to restore our Constitutional Republic to one that represents the people.
ARTICLE V Convention of States—Restore the Appropriate Balance!
A real CoS, requires that 2/3rds of States (34) send an "application" to CONgress requesting that
CONgress schedule a CoS. State Legislatures are composed of an Assembly and Senate. Each "house" must pass a bill separately and send the resolution to their
Governor. Then the State sends an "application" to the CONgress. When the federal CONgress receives applications from 34 States, the CONgress is required to set a date for
the Convention of States. CONgress is NOT involved otherwise. The States have the Convention, propose amendments, and dispatch the precisely worded amendments to
their respectives assemblies and senates for ratification. CONgress only schedules the Convention.
America, the country about which citizens and immigrants have learned can be restored, and that vison of yesterday can be updated to 2017.
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