The Federal Reserve Was the Primary Cause of the Great Depression
and the 100% cause of the Great Recession

For the Great Depression, 50% tariffs were the other cause.

Governor William J. Le Petomane: "We've gotta protect our phoney baloney jobs, gentlemen!"
Blazing Saddles, 1974

The intelligent people of government—elective, appointed, hired—are assigned the job of managing the economy. Theoretical economic studies at university have filled the educated brains of government people who have the heedless insolence to think that they can PLAN our economy from the ivory towers of D.C.

The article below illustrates that people working for income and profit to raise their own standard of living handle planning that government can only imagine. With government's high taxes, ridiculous regulations, and authoritative agencies that central plan American lives, the economy can only flounder and stumble to inevitable recession or depression trying to comply with taxation, rules, tariffs, and the usual fumbles and failures of the Federal Reserve.


I recommend two (2) movies for interested viewers. If Democrat voters (or any voter) want to understand what is wrong with their party, I recommend a documentary movie that contains a completely corroborated history of the Democrat Party. The documentary's title is: Hillary's America: The Secret History of the Democratic Party. The documentary was produced by Dinesh D'Souza who was 'railroaded' by the Obama Administration into a kangaroo court controlled by a corrupt judge and sentenced to prison for producing another documentary, 2016: Obama's America. All FACTS presented in these documentaries are the historical evidence of the failure of the Democrat Party although the Democrats have many allies that support these Communist/Socialist attempts to destroy America, and no group of FAKE NEWS companies can deny the FACTS.

Professor Carol Swain, Poli. Sci. & Law, Vanderbilt U. for Prager University
Professor Swain appears in one segment of Dinesh D'Souza's aforementioned video.

While America has a Constitution that guarantees freedom of speech, it doesn't guarantee an everyday political education. If Americans believe in their freedoms guaranteed by the Bill of Rights, if Americans believe that Capitalism is the greatest creator of individual wealth the world has ever experienced (historical facts prove this assertion), then Americans should know the people and organizations who want to destroy America from within. Therefore, the best documentary available that exposes and identifies these enemies who have grown much stronger since the Russian Revolution is The Enemies Within.

Also near the end of The Enemies Within documentary, the video requests that citizens call their Senators and Representatives (those NOT affiliated with the Muslim Brotherhood and other subversive Marxist organizations) to support S. 68: Muslim Brotherhood Terrorist Designation Act of 2017 and H.R. 377: Muslim Brotherhood Terrorist Designation Act of 2017. After watching the video, you will clearly understand why the Muslim Brotherhood is trying to destroy America from within. Many current Representatives and Senators are affiliated with persons and organizations whose precepts, behavior, and speech are as Marxist as Vladimir Lenin without identifying themselves as Marxist. One of these organizations has infiltrated America like a final stage cancer. These un-American organizations must be excised like a massive tumor. This is NOT McCarthyism since you will SEE and UNDERSTAND the evidence presented in the video.

"The most effective way to destroy people is to deny and obliterate their own understanding of their history."
George Orwell


Anyone who believes this country is free is an idiot!


See the block below subtitled CONVENTION of STATES

"The politicians only want power so they can 'serve' you."

"Extortion and thuggery are good things when they're called law!"

Larken Rose


Get into the Action; Get information. Join here.

FROM How Big Government Made the Depression Worse, and Would Do Similar Damage Today

By Walter E. Williams / January 3, 2018



We are a nation of 325 million people. We have a bit of control over the behavior of our 535 elected representatives in Congress, the president, and the vice president.

But there are seven unelected people who have life-and-death control over our economy and hence our lives�the seven governors of the Federal Reserve Board.

The Federal Reserve Board controls our money supply. Its governors are appointed by the president and confirmed by the Senate and serve 14-year staggered terms.

They have the power to cripple an economy, as they did during the late 1920s and early 1930s. Their inept monetary policy threw the economy into the Great Depression, during which real output in the United States fell nearly 30 percent and the unemployment rate soared as high as nearly 25 percent.

The most often-stated cause of the Great Depression is the October 1929 stock market crash. Little is further from the truth. The Great Depression was caused by a massive government failure led by the Federal Reserve�s rapid 25 percent contraction of the money supply.

The next government failure was the Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act, which increased U.S. tariffs by more than 50 percent. Those failures were compounded by President Franklin D. Roosevelt�s New Deal legislation.

Leftists love to praise New Deal interventionist legislation. But FDR�s very own treasury secretary, Henry Morgenthau, saw the folly of the New Deal, writing:

We have tried spending money. We are spending more than we have ever spent before and it does not work. � We have never made good on our promises. � I say after eight years of this administration we have just as much unemployment as when we started � and an enormous debt to boot!

The bottom line is that the Federal Reserve Board, the Smoot-Hawley tariffs, and Roosevelt�s New Deal policies turned what would have been a two-, three-, or four-year sharp downturn into a 16-year affair.

Here�s my question never asked about the Federal Reserve Act of 1913: How much sense does it make for us to give seven unelected people life-and-death control over our economy and hence our lives?

While you�re pondering that question, consider another: Should we give the government, through the Federal Communications Commission, control over the internet?

During the Clinton administration, along with the help of a Republican-dominated Congress, the visionary 1996 Telecommunications Act declared it �the policy of the United States� that internet service providers and websites be �unfettered by federal or state regulation.�

The act sought �to promote competition and reduce regulation in order to secure lower prices and higher quality services for American telecommunications consumers and encourage the rapid deployment of new telecommunications technologies.�

In 2015, the Obama White House pressured the FCC to create the Open Internet Order, which has been branded by its advocates as net neutrality.

This move overthrew the spirit of the Telecommunications Act. It represents creeping FCC jurisdiction, as its traditional areas of regulation�such as broadcast media and telecommunications�have been transformed by the internet, or at least diminished in importance.

Fortunately, it�s being challenged by the new FCC chairman, Ajit Pai, who has announced he will repeal the FCC�s heavy-handed 2015 internet regulations.

The United States has been the world leader in the development of internet technology precisely because it has been relatively unfettered by federal and state regulation.

The best thing that the U.S. Congress can do for internet entrepreneurs and internet consumers is to send the FCC out to pasture as it did with the Civil Aeronautics Board, which regulated the airline industry, and the Interstate Commerce Commission, which regulated the trucking industry.

When we got rid of those regulatory agencies, we saw a greater number of competitors, and consumers paid lower prices. Giving the FCC the same medicine would allow our high-tech industry to maintain its world leadership position.

[Editor's Note: In his book entitled Liberalism, Ludwig von Mises wrote: "Practically unlimited discretionary power is vested in government agencies the decisions of which are expempt from judicial review." There are so many agencies created mostly since 1932 that the feds don't know how many they've created. Agencies are independent and uncontrollable despite CONgress' attempts at oversight. Many of these agencies author regulations that restrict American life and business. Pres. Trump's efforts to eliminate regulations is one of the greatest efforts to restore the economy and prosperity to everyone who puts forth the effort to earn wealth. Top earners must first be educated as engineers and computer scientists, but Americans can't survive without plumbers, pipefitters, bricklayers, carpenters, electricians and many other trades that need skilled workers.

Every American's goal should be to vote for Conservatives who not only promise but are persuasive enough to succeed at convincing fellow CONgressmen to repeal/eliminate agencies an reduce/reorganize the remaining agencies with the mindful purpose of decreasing the entire government footprint. Practically speaking, the government can perform much more efficiently with half its current size. A lot of cash is sloshing (slushing) around D.C. today that could do better as capital for economic growth. ]

A Note for our Readers:

Trust in the mainstream media is at a historic low�and rightfully so given the behavior of many journalists in Washington, D.C.

Ever since Donald Trump was elected president, it is painfully clear that the mainstream media covers liberals glowingly and conservatives critically.

Now journalists spread false, negative rumors about President Trump before any evidence is even produced.

Americans need an alternative to the mainstream media. That�s why The Daily Signal exists.

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The 'Invisible Hand' Creates a Pencil
Milton Friedman discusses the 'Invisible Hand'



Nobel economist has no idea
where economic growth comes from

Simon Black Reporting From: Vilnius, Lithuania

July 24,2012

Paul Krugman, one of America�s most decorated faux-scientists, recently told an audience that what�s happening in the world right now is �dramatically, painfully a confirmation that a broadly demand-side Keynesian view of the world is appropriate��

The intellectual dishonesty which oozes from this statement is astounding.

Apparently on Planet Krugman, the Keynesian ideals of �spend your way out of recession� and �conjure money out of thin air like there�s no tomorrow� are sound tactics.

(Granted, this is the same guy who wrote on Friday that President Obama �always bends over backward to declare his support for free enterprise��.) [Editor's Retort: and I�ve got a bridge for sale]

Here on Earth where the rest of us live, the numbers clearly demonstrate that such tactics are merely the failed principles of central planning.

Five years into the financial crisis, tens of millions of people are still without work. Prices around the world are becoming uncomfortably high. And entire nations are going bankrupt.

Yet with every dismal jobs report or news release showing a decline in production and economic activity, politicians scurry about to announce a new �plan for growth�: more legislation, more spending� something to put the economy back on track.

Fact is, there is no great mystery to economic growth; it really takes just one thing: freedom.

I had a meeting late last week with a partner in a Lithuanian venture capital firm who told me stories about his experiences during the Soviet days going from one failed state-owned enterprise to the next. [Editor's Retort: Hmm, was one of them called Solyndra?]

It was the quintessential example of �we pretended to work, they pretended to pay us.�

Right before the Soviet Union collapsed, he was �working� for another state-owned company in the Soviet Socialist Republic of Lithuania� and upon independence, the first thing he did was immediately start a new business.

This was something he was never able to do during the Soviet days, and in time, his business thrived.

As he explained to me, all it took was the economic freedom for him to be able to start a business and use his talents to compete in the marketplace.

These places� Estonia and Lithuania in particular� are essentially devoid of natural resources. They�re tiny countries without oil or gold deposits.

And yet they�ve been able to achieve very high living standards simply because their governments got out of the way, especially compared to the rest of Europe.

It�s the same story in places like Hong Kong and Singapore� not to mention the multitude of examples throughout history.

Venice, for example, introduced something called the commenda in the 10th century; this was a sort of limited partnership in which one person (the commendator) was the passive investor in the arrangement, and the other (the tractator) was the trader who would go overseas and try to make a fortune.

When the commenda expired, the tractator would return home with a full accounting of the trip and split the profits in the way that was designated in the contract.

A lot of people became very wealthy through this system� and by extension, Venice became the richest place in Europe.

It didn�t happen because of government regulation, currency inflation, or spending intitatives. People prospered because the government got out of the way; they had the economic freedom to work hard and succeed from their own sweat, not handouts.

Of course, after a few hundred years, Venice managed to screw it up.

By the 13th century, a political elite had formed. They began to heavily regulate trade, nationalize some routes, impose heavy taxes on merchants, and even introduce a police force to do their bidding.

Devoid of the economic freedom they once had, Venice shrank into a shell of its former self.

This is, by far, one of the most important lessons from history: freedom and prosperity are inextricably linked. Free societies prosper� and as freedom declines, so does prosperity.

And it�s a very slippery slope: the more prosperity declines, the more politicians try to regulate the economy through wage controls, price controls, capital controls, etc. And the more they regulate the economy, the faster prosperity declines.


[Editor's Note: Anything sound familiar in the above report from the Vilnius? The report reads like a description of how the US Government which has morphed over the last 100 years into an autocratic, authoritarian monster, has destroyed the economy and STEALS from hard-working Americans to support both the socialist-leaning government and all the other indolent humps in America. The feds are growing a nation of scumbags who search everyday for more schemes and tricks to defraud more money from honest taxpayers.

Your money is at risk from these power-hungry thieves who are no longer accountable to the Citizens of the USA. Citizens vote and are embarassed when not long after the election, our mis-representatives continue destroying the USA with taxation, wars, socialist welfare policies, onerous regulations and GENERAL STUPIDITY! Just as the article above ends: "And it�s a very slippery slope: the more prosperity declines, the more politicians try to regulate the economy through wage controls, price controls, capital controls, etc. And the more they regulate the economy, the faster prosperity declines."



The Crowning Glory of Keynesianism

by Jeff Thomas


Readers of this publication will know that for some time, I�ve forecasted the creation of a new monetary system by which governments and banks gain total control over all monetary transactions.

On the surface of it, this may seem an impossible goal, as it would be so all-encompassing and would eliminate economic freedom entirely. Surely, it would not be tolerated. However, I believe that it�s not only relatively easy to create, but it will be sold in such a way that the public will see it as an absolute panacea to their economic woes. Only those who are far-sighted will understand its level of destruction in advance of its implementation.

It might transpire like this:

Part 1: The Currency

  • Any one of a number of triggers (decline of the petrodollar, dumping of US debt back into the US market, Europe defaults on its debt, sanctions backfire, etc.) causes a crash in markets.
  • Deflation kicks in.
  • The Fed creates massive QE to reverse deflation, ending in dramatic inflation and possibly hyperinflation.

    [Editor's Note: these 3 almost done by the US federal government caused housing market collapse.]

  • Government declares a state of economic emergency, states that cash is (and has been) the problem and must be done away with for recovery to occur.
  • A new electronic currency is created, to be issued by banks.
  • All economic transactions of any kind�both debits and credits�are to be done through a currency card (purchases as small as a candy bar or as large as a home; all credits, including wages, dividends, sales of goods, etc.).
  • Entire economic system becomes greatly simplified, as only the currency card (or smart phone) is now needed by anyone.
  • See this supporting article: The War On Cash: Officially Sanctioned Theft

Part 2: Taxation

  • At this point, every transaction, no matter how small, is on record, so government can assess the cardholder�s income to the penny, without the need to file for income tax each year.
  • Government announces that the tax system is a mess and that it must be simplified to relieve the people of the burden. In future, tax will be taken by direct debit from the currency card account.
  • Government later announces that, as the annual filing is such a hardship on the average person, tax debits will in future be done monthly.

It would be easy to present the above as a boon to all citizens. Indeed, it might well be peddled as �the only possibility for a return to prosperity.� It will take a while for the fact to sink in that citizens have entered into a state of complete economic bondage to their bank and government, and that to operate outside the system is difficult in the extreme.

There can be no doubt that barter would become more common (whether legal or not), but virtually all other transactions would be centrally controlled and audited.

David Stockman, in a recent edition of Zero Hedge, stated,

Harvard economist Kenneth Rogoff even argues in the daily paper FAZ that cash currency should be banned altogether. Central banks could impose negative interest rates more easily that way, he explained. Tax evaders and criminals would also find life more difficult. From this perspective, banknotes and coins appear superfluous, he said at a presentation at the IFO institute in Munich. Measures to spur the economy could be implemented more easily that way.

This, of course, is the concept detailed above, although he adds two nice touches. First, he suggests that negative interest rates are desirable; that cashless currency is the answer. He also adds that a new system will help to eliminate criminal behaviour.

Socialism Foothold

In 1936, John Maynard Keynes published his signature book, The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money. It was an instant success with both socialists and governments around the world�the latter, because his new �economic principles� stated that governments should control the monetary system�full stop. It was music to their ears, and most governments have been devotees ever since.

Mister Keynes was, first and foremost, a socialist. Although he received his education in economics, right from the start, he treated economics as a philosophy, not a science. By his own admission, he sought to redraft the laws of economics to serve an unrelated end: the advancement of socialism. Like the best socialists, he believed that truth was irrelevant; all that mattered was the objective.

However, in recent years, we�ve seen a small rebirth in the popularity of Classical Economics. More and more people, observing the repeated failures of Keynesian Economics, have been crediting Adam Smith and likeminded economists as having had the right idea all along. After all, economics is the science of how money works, not an art form that may be altered at the whim of the theorist to fit some political preference.

And so, there are many (myself included) who are eager to see what we believe would be the well-deserved downfall of Keynesianism, as the debt-ridden, entitlement-driven economies of the world collapse under their own ponderous weight.

[Editor's Note: The US and Europe with their entitlement-driven (48% of US population is on foond stamps) economies are near collapse.]

But this hope may well be premature. In my belief, there is a final rabbit in the Keynesian hat, and that rabbit is the electronic currency described above. And if such a currency could be sold to a gullible public in one country, it could be sold just as easily in other jurisdictions.

This being the case, it would not be much of a leap if the concept were to be discussed universally and many governments were to announce that an international electronic currency, issued by the IMF, would solve all the currency problems, including those of currency exchange and international trade.

For at least one hundred years, there have been those who have hoped for and worked toward a one-world currency. There can be no doubt that the push for such a creation would receive support at the highest levels, internationally. If so, daydreams of a return to Adam Smith or a realisation of the dreams of Ludwig von Mises and Friedrich Hayek may, for the foreseeable future, be just that: daydreams.

As to what the overall effect might be, we might consider the words of uber-financier Mayer Rothschild:

�Let me issue and control a nation�s money and I care not who writes the laws.�

Herr Rothschild knew whereof he spoke. This principle led him and his descendants to become immensely wealthy and powerful on an international scale.

An electronic currency leads directly toward the bondage of the people�directly away from freedom. As a hedge against such controls, diversification into hard assets such as precious metals and real estate might be considered. Just as important, assets held outside any country that is increasing its controls might be a positive move.

The ultimate way to diversify your savings internationally is to transfer it out of the immediate reach of your home government and into something tangible. Something that cannot be easily confiscated, nationalized, frozen, or devalued at the drop of a hat or with a couple of taps on the keyboard�while retaining as much privacy as legally possible. Physical gold and silver stored abroad in a non-bank vault fits the bill.

Gold and silver have served as money for centuries and across many different civilizations. They have always been inherently international assets. There is nothing at all particularly American, Chinese, Russian, or European about gold or silver. Buying gold and silver is perhaps the easiest step you can take toward internationalizing your savings. The next step is to store your precious metals in a safe foreign jurisdiction.

Today it is easy and convenient to own physical gold and silver offshore in places like Singapore and Switzerland in a non-bank private vault. Find out how you can internationally diversify your precious metals by downloading this guide.


See the following links for more information:

FROM The Crux

A new Congress has been seated, and it brings the prospect of perhaps, maybe, potentially, i n a possible way doing something about the runaway federal deficits. And in other news, several New York area bridges are for sale, which you can acquire at a bargain price.

Excessive Spending Destroys!

Feds Have a Spending Problem — DO NOT RAISE THE CEILING!
Feds Have a Sewage Problem!

Joseph Story, Supreme Court Justice
... when the court wasn't part of the L-E-J Cabal

Joseph Story (1779�1845) was born during the American Revolution, and came of age in the early years of the new United States of America. He was a scholar of the U.S. Constitution, and, eventually helped found the Harvard Law School.

In 1811, Story was appointed to the Supreme Court by President James Madison — who knew a few things about the U.S. Constitution, in that he helped write it. Story was a contemporary of another famous member of the Supreme Court, Chief Justice John Marshall (1755�1835).

In 1833, Justice Story published a study titled, Commentaries on the Constitution of the United States. In a discussion of the Second Amendment, Story stated:

"The right of the citizens to keep and bear arms has justly been considered, as the palladium of the liberties of a republic; since it offers a strong moral check against the usurpation and arbitrary power of rulers; and will generally, even if these are successful in the first instance, enable the people to resist and triumph over them."

See the following links for more related articles:

[Editor's Note: what I have dubbed the "Legislative-Executive-Judicial Cabal" which the American People have caused by ignoring the generational transition from our Constitutional Republic to what now is, in effect, an "elected" dictatorship. Never mind who is elected. Never mind which bogus party is in power. The superficial, theatrically staged, choreographed appearance of debate, disagreement, and stalled legislation always resolves into more government and less FREEDOM. We the People still lose more freedom after every "emergency" or unnoticeably when CON-gress passes another general, open-ended law that enables the Executive (dictator) and its unaccountable agencies to formulate more freedom-restricting regulations (200 pages a day get posted to the Federal Register). The "Dictator's" agencies (police force) continue to pile-up more weapons to squelch uprising(s) when the People finally realize and understand their tyrannical government.

A Convention of States is necessary to amend the Constitution for Congressional Term Limits to twelve (12) years and restrict time in DC to only six (6) months per year. Such an Amendment is only a FIRST step in restoring America to its Constitutional roots. Back in the day when the People still feared kings, the president's term was limited by Constitutional Amendment.

Currently, CONgress is just a group of socialists, progressives, and faux-conservatives (career politicians) that, on a daily basis, ignores the Constitution, many of their own past statutes, and cedes their responsibilities to the president ("elected" dictator). A comparison to the history of Rome becomes more and more credible with the Executive and its "featherbedded" lackeys gaining more power while CONgress sits back all fat-dumb-and-happy.

CONgress has made recent efforts to expose State Dept. failures in Benghazi (inept political leader), Fast-and-Furious gun-running (criminal AG), IRS 1st amendment violations, gov't union Veterans Administration fraud, and whining about Obama(Reid)-killer-Care, but these efforts are mostly politics as usual. Most "citizens" will forget about these infringements from our unaccountable, uncontrollable Executive branch with its tyrannical agencies staffed by socialist unions that extort "juicy" contracts from the "elected" dictatorship.

Most positions in the federal government whether elected, appointed, or hired are nominal, make-work jobs (confidentially) designed merely to grow government, bilk money from private businesses and citizens, and eventually fully transform America into a totalitarian state. When this happens, CONgress will have destroyed the economy and the country by their negligence and counter-liberty policies, and it will be almost impossible to Restore America. The 'Restore America' list is only a beginning too.]

"The accumulation of all powers, legislative, executive, and judiciary, in the same hands, whether of one, a few, or many, and whether hereditary, self-appointed or elective, may justly be pronounced the very definition of tyranny."

James Madison, Federalist Paper 47, Friday, February 1, 1788

Anyone who believes this country is free is an idiot!


"Extortion and thuggery are good things when they're called law!"

Larken Rose

[Editor's Note: a Constitutional Convention is required to reverse the damage to freedom and liberty since 1900. This Article V was ratified by the participants at America's founding Constitutional Convention as an alternate path for repairing damage to freedom and liberty, a path for the People to restore damage caused by our failed representatives in the Legislative, Executive, and Judicial branches of a government designed to represent the wishes of We the People.

The States must "demand" a Convention and explicitly specify an agenda of:

  1. laws to be repealed or modified,
  2. Amendments to existing constitutional clauses that define the co-equal branches to further specify and define, and
  3. new Amendments or statutes to be eventually ratified by States.

These Amendments should further specify and clarify the powers of the Legislature and Executive Branches. A good example is the definition of a "Bill". A Bill should contain ONLY verbiage in regards to the topic of the future law. NO earmarks and NO unrelated sections or attacments.

Many past Bills sent to a president for signature contained unrelated but essential funding sections that rendered the Bill veto-proof when it warranted a veto. CON-gress can override a veto if the Bill is deemed absolutely necessary by CON-gress. If the Bill requires SPECIFICALLY related amendments, the CON-gress can "debate" (with its usual theater) and vote any new amendments.

The original text of the Constitution contains some very GENERAL clauses enabling both CON-gress and Executive branches to write laws and regulations with their particular nuances expanding powers beyond intent. "Intent" may be gleaned from a complete understanding of Federalist Papers. An example of further specification and clarity for CON-gress should be a clear, very specific definition of the boundaries for the interstate Commerce Clause.

To restore freedom, liberty, and individuality - minimally these must be repealed:

  1. the 16th Amendment,
  2. the Federal Reserve Act,
  3. the War Powers Act,
  4. all Asset Forfeiture laws,
  5. the Controlled Substances Act (CSA)
  6. the P.A.T.R.I.O.T. Act
  7. NDAA
  8. Homeland Security which includes TSA
  9. the Dodd�Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act
  10. most Eminent Domain laws, and
  11. the Affordable Care Act

Currently, even with computer-searching systems, the list of antiquated and/or obsolete statutes (and related regulations) is unwieldy. These statutes must be invalidated unless there remains an applicable reason for retaining the law(s).

Aside from invalidating statutes, there are many regulations that are biased in favor of large enterprises (who buy support from bureaucrats) at the expense of the competition, effectively repressing the Free Market. Any regulations not related to public safety that gives a financial advantage to some companies over their smaller rivals must be rescinded to enable all companies with good consumer products to excel without burdensome regulations.

Additionally, the Convention should adopt for ratification at least these new Amendments or statute modifications:

  1. clearly define and limit the role of government in regards to the term "general welfare",
  2. Term Limits for CON-gress (12 years) including a 6 month limit on time residing in DC,
  3. strict Prohibition of Lobbying (with a comprehensive definition of "lobbying"), and
  4. a Balanced Budget Amendment to stop wreckless spending. During a CON-gressionally declared "war" (only after USA is attacked or attack is proven "imminent"), deficit spending is permissible.
  5. Restore America to its roots, i.e. Defense, State, Treasury, and Justice. Some Agencies are required like CIA and NSA, both respectively focused on defense against real foreign aggressors and not fictitious paranoid delusions of war mongers. Other agencies help where certain interstate communications are necessary. Most agencies like Agriculture, Education, DEA, IRS (eliminated with 16th Amendment) and many other listed here should be eliminated.
  6. Restore the world Gold Standard with five contentious steps, and
  7. Replace the IMF, World Bank, and Export-Import Bank with facilities that reflect the new Gold Standard, and
  8. After decentralizing and economizing, if tax revenue is needed to fund all or part of the federal government, then implement the Fair Tax.

Regarding a Constitutional Convention itself, some of the available literature warns the reader about a possible "unstructured" and "mismanaged" Convention that might propose and adopt amendments that could damage the Republic. Possible, however, it is difficult to envisage how much more damage could done over what the L-E-J Cabal has already done. If the Convention's agenda and rules of order strictly prohibit violation of the rules and enable a vote on unlisted Amendments AFTER all others are adopted, then the Convention will be properly structured and managed. ]

Why Do We Need Term Limits?

John Adams said, �Without [term limits] every man in power becomes a ravenous beast of prey�. That being said, here are some of the reasons we believe our country needs Term Limits.

  1. Term Limits can help break the cycle of corruption in Congress. Case studies show that the longer an individual stays in office, the more likely they are to stop serving the public and begin serving their own interests.
  2. Term Limits will encourage regular citizens to run for office. Presently, there is a 94% re-election rate in the House and 83% in the Senate. Because of name recognition, and usually the advantage of money, it can be easy to stay in office. Without legitimate competition, what is the incentive for a member of Congress to serve the public? Furthermore, it is almost a lost cause for the average citizen to try to campaign against current members of Congress.
  3. Term Limits will break the power special interest groups have in Congress.
  4. Term Limits will force politicians to think about the impact of their legislation because they will be returning to their communities shortly to live under the laws they enacted.
  5. Term Limits will bring diversity of people and fresh ideas to Congress.

Term limits for lawmakers: when is enough, enough?

[Editor's Note: If you want to get rich, i.e. advance from a low paying government bureaucrat job on the local or state level, THEN GET ELECTED TO THE US CONGRESS (House or Senate). Once you're elected, it's easy to steal from your campaign contributions or the Congressional budget allocated to your seat and staff. You can go on a government-funded junket with 'lavishly' paid expenses. The list of ways to steal from the government while in office is inexhaustible. There are only a few Congressmen who left Congress just wealthy instead of a multi-millionaire. Of course, there are several who arrived in Congress as multi-millionaires and don't need to steal from the government.]




BECOME a MEMBER-PARTICIPANT of CONVENTION of STATES here. Get into the Action; Get information. Join here.

The CONgress (by Article V of the Constitution) has proposed and States have ratified many new amendments to the Constitution, some that increase their power over us citizens. CONgress can propose amendments, and the alternative method to CONgressional proposals can come from States via Article V. When "We the People" — meaning a very large majority — are opposed to Acts of CONgress like the INCOME TAX or ENDLESS WARS or the FEDERAL RESERVE, Acts that restrict and regulate our LIBERTY, Acts that are a waste of money, Acts that have caused unrecoverable indebtedness, then through local representaatives of our States WE can propose Amendments to be ratified by States just like CONgress.

STATES and the PEOPLE of America are very angry at the federal goverment's violation of its constitutionally-defined boundaries. States created the federal government in 1787 with LIMITED powers defined in the Constitution. All powers not given by States to the feds remain with the States by Article X. The feds have through deceit, distortion, and falsification rearranged the entire contractual agreement between States and the federal government. The feds have become a very powerful, all consuming force in American government. The time has come for States to rein in the federal government, to take power back, to limit the federal government's power, and to add some detailed restriction to the definition of CONgress, the Executive, and the Judiciary.

In 1787 a central government was (is) necessary only to provide for the common defense and ensure equality under the law for all Citizens, to provide a final arbiter for the resolution of unsolvable problems among States and People. Most laws and regulations that the federal government has wreaked on the States and the People are unconstitutional. States are independent, sovereign countries who realized the need for a limited and defined central government to prevent wasteful duplication of effort. The federal government, in 2017, is OUT OF CONTROL, infringing and interfering with State sovereignty and their separate economies. A problem arose in 2012 with Arizona's attempt to secure their border with Mexico. An article is here. States can prevent infringements by the federal government with an Aricle V Convention of States to not only reverse past federal government "power grabs" but prevent future federal government violations of their Constitutionally-defined boundaries.

A new, well-organized group of volunteers in all 50 states have gathered to restore America to its roots by limiting all 3 branches of the federal government with a Convention of States (CoS) organization (alternate site, CoS Action). This is a Convention of States to AMEND the Constitution — NOT rewrite it! Recently, CoS held an Article V, Convention simulation with appointed volunteers from all 50 States. The simulated Convention demonstrated how a well-organized CoS can vote for proposed amendments to the Consitution that are popular enough to be ratified by the necessary 3/4ths of States (38). Obviously, only proposed Amendments that are likely to pass both Houses of the legislatures of thirty-eight (38) States, that is, the required 3/4ths of States to ratify an Amendment to the Constitution should be proposed. See the Final Report here. The purpose in a Convention of States, simulated or real, is to PROPOSE AMENDMENTS that give power back to the People. The proposed amendments must reflect the thinking, objectives — the goals of people of States — who want to restore our Constitutional Republic to one that represents the people.

ARTICLE V Convention of States—Restore the Appropriate Balance!

ARTICLE V Convention of States—Restore the Appropriate Balance!

ARTICLE V Convention of States—Restore the Appropriate Balance!

A real CoS, requires that 2/3rds of States (34) send an "application" to CONgress requesting that CONgress schedule a CoS. State Legislatures are composed of an Assembly and Senate. Each "house" must pass a bill separately and send the resolution to their Governor. Then the State sends an "application" to the CONgress. When the federal CONgress receives applications from 34 States, the CONgress is required to set a date for the Convention of States. CONgress is NOT involved otherwise. The States have the Convention, propose amendments, and dispatch the precisely worded amendments to their respectives assemblies and senates for ratification. CONgress only schedules the Convention.