Pay Your "Fair Share"So the Socialists can pass it out as Food Stamps for government dependency
![]() In regards to AMAZON: "Pay your fair share!" Why? So, those who haven't earned anything can be paid their fair share? Please quantify "fair share". Should AMAZON pay for the lack of creative use of technology, the lack of innovation by other companies? Should AMAZON give all non-innovators a "living wage"? What is being asked of AMAZON? I think Jeff Bezos is a "Robber Baron", and his company should be taxed out of business! Is that the proper way to behave if AMAZON only has 10% of the retail market? The Robber Barons of the 1800s (steel, railroads, petroleum) built America, but when Standard Oil became a monopoly, the U.S. government with Theodore Roosevelt at the helm broke up the company. Same with AT&T in 1984. Why? Because the natural competitiveness of Capitalism was prevented. The technological innovation of the era(s) was stifled. Technological innovation is NOT stifled by AMAZON. In fact, Wal-Mart, the company that ran all of the so-called Mom-and-Pop retail stores out of business in the 1970-80s is NOT a monopoly, but competitors got bigger and better because of Wal-mart. The same is true today. AMAZON's competitors are getting better at online marketing. United States Postal ServiceThe U.S. Post Office fails because of email, smart-phones, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and on-line banking. Who sends a hardcopy letter today? One can easily email a 500 page report or movie script as an attachment. Postal workers/union demands, pensions, healthcare, costly post office buildings/locations, vehicles, bogus federal regulations, and equipment—you name it. The decades of neglect, mismanagement, and failure to upgrade fast enough have caught-up with the USPS. AMAZON's contract with the Post Office probably helps because USPS ships some Amazon packages to areas that may not be covered by private shippers. Private shipper stores aren't as plentiful in rural, less populated areas. Today in the 21st century, United Parcel Service (UPS) has small, less costly, full service, franchised, for profit, postal stores in most neighborhoods of cities. Just as "single-payer healthcare" fails around the world today, our centralized single-owner postal service (USPS) is a failure today. The Constitution grants CONgress the power to establish a postal service that delivers first-class mail. USPS is now an "independent agency" that like many other independent agencies is insolvent due to the fact that federal workers can't be fired and don't have a profit motive. Franchised UPS stores, FedEx stores, various printing services stores, and on-line printing services enable customers to complete all of the services that at one time could only be done by the postal service. Solution: Cut Costs and ServicesA solution for USPS might be for CONgress and the Executive to eliminate all USPS services except mail that can fit in envelopes of all sizes. Leave packages to private services. Then, sell the huge, costly federal buildings and lease much smaller facilities in many neighborhoods. Also, sell all vehicles and maintenance facilities to private companies who maintain postal vehicles. USPS will rent the use of properly painted USPS vehicles from the owner like Hertz or Avis rent-a-car. The general idea is to minimize USPS overhead such that all-sized envelope mail pays for the federal service. Also, there are many investment services that could make postal service pension systems profitable. Lastly, the statutes and regulations that control federal employees must be significantly changed to enable managers to terminate non-performing employees. The only remaining problem is the lack of a profit motive. Maybe "incentive pay" or "bonus pay" for industrious, on-time employees is a possibility. To date, federal government has never been known for downsizing various departments or agencies. In fact, along with union pressure, the Feds have increased the size of every existing agency and added more agencies. Govenment is not known for productivity and efficient, efficacious minimization. Maybe to cut the massive national debt and annual budgets, the government should start thinking about efficiency and productivity. |