FROM The assault on republicanism

November 19, 2018 by Bob Livingston

[Editor's Note: Emphasis Added below]

There was a reason the Founders disdained democracy.

[Editor's Note: see Federalist 10]

Democracy is not necessarily a representative government, but it is an illusory participatory government. People tend to think that democracy is evolved or modern republicanism. Democracy is truly a veil for a wicked government that places all matters, including personal and private ones, into the public view, for public legislation. Democracy flourishes where the hard-working, creative middle class perishes, or is not allowed to develop.

Democracy is the mask of tyranny that pretends to promote public debate but always on spurious issues. He who speaks the real issues is blacked out. Note Mr. Delanian's tweet above*, where he openly advocates that the rubes in the "rural minority" be pushed to the back of the bus.

The word democracy is an agenda quite different from its innocent sound. It is a euphemism for despotic government. Democracy is a term that conceals a system of manipulating people by manipulating their thought processes. The word democracy is the most politically correct word in America and in the entire world. Every politician uses the word democracy repeatedly to numb the people and disguise authoritarianism. The politicians and the media never speak of America as republic; only as a democracy.

Democracy is more a state of mind that evolves when the people and the state become one. I call it Benevolent Totalitarianism. Those who clamor for democracy clamor for their own chains — members of the ruling class, like Mr. Delanian, excepted. Note that in all authoritarian collectivist systems in which there are purportedly no class differences, the ruling class always get the plums while everyone else gets the crumbs and chains.

[Editor's Note: I prefer to Repeal the 16th Amendment (income tax), disband the IRS and rely on excises and user fees both domestically and internationally. If more revenue is required, establish a sales tax (not a VAT) with rate no greater than 10% only for additional revenue and reguiring a public referendum of all voters to increase the tax percentage. America's first Progressive Era, 1894-1914, influenced by Karl Marx and Socialists in Europe, drastically changed AmeriKa and began altering the general thought of citizens. The Great Industrialists (negatively assigned the derisive moniker "Robber Barons") built the United State of America into the greatest financial and industrial country in the world. The Progressives and Spiteful Socialists became very envious and wanted a method to legally steal from the America's wealthy people — not just the very rich but anyone who EARNED monies greater than, say, $2,000 per annum (lot of money in 1895). Further, the U.S. could establish a directly apportioned income tax that targets debt reduction only until national debt levels are reduced to no more thatn 20% of GDP. Then the tax would be repealed (for a change). ]

* [Editor's Note: The arrogant Mr. Delanian's tweet:

And who is that minority class that is earning the reproach of the haughty, self-important pundit class? Why it's those rubes in what has come to be called "flyover country."

For example, Ken Dilanian, a blue checkmark tweeter and paid Deep State propagandist who serves as "Intelligence and national security reporter for the NBC News Investigative Unit, based in DC. Former AP, LA Times, USA TODAY, Philly Inquirer. Williams College," had this to say on Twitter:]

"The question is how much longer the American majority will tolerate being pushed around by a rural minority."