While America has a Constitution that guarantees freedom of speech, it doesn't guarantee an everyday political education. If Americans believe in their freedoms guaranteed by the
Bill of Rights, if Americans believe that Capitalism is the greatest creator of individual wealth the world has ever experienced (historical facts prove this assertion), then Americans
should know the people and organizations who want to destroy America from within. Therefore, the best documentary available that exposes and identifies these enemies who have grown
much stronger since the Russian Revolution is The Enemies Within.
"The most effective way to destroy people is to deny and obliterate their own understanding of their history."
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![]() Uncle Sam, the thief, taking citizens for a ride!!! |
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In a December 2015 column, Natural News founder and editor Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, wrote that President Obama was a �sleeper cell� and he was overseeing the destruction of American traditions, culture, security, and liberty. �As President Obama is about to make a televised speech this evening, it�s important that America realize who he really is. Obama is a sleeper cell who�s intent is the deliberate destruction of America�s culture, economy and national defense. When President Obama speaks, he�s speaking not as an American, but as a radical communist Muslim pretending to be an American,� he wrote. As you can imagine, while the column was widely read Adams was widely mocked, especially by members of the pretend media. But as it turns out, Adams isn�t the only one who thinks Obama was a �Manchurian candidate.� He was just one of the first ones. In an analysis for the Washington Times published July 1, L. Todd Wood, a graduate of the U.S. Air Force Academy who flew special operations helicopters supporting SEAL Team 6, Delta Force and others, wrote of his conclusion, �If you look at the evidence, there really is no other conclusion. The calamitous consequences of the Obama presidency will be felt for the foreseeable future.� The term �Manchurian candidate� comes from a novel by that name written in 1959 by Richard Condon. It is about the son of a prominent U.S. political family who is brainwashed into becoming an unwitting assassin for a Communist conspiracy. Obviously, Obama wasn�t an assassin but the point Adams and Wood are making is that he wasn�t who he said he was, either � that his real objective wasn�t to be president but to subvert our country and weaken it. Why else would Obama have done all these things? But Wood notes that Americans have an ace in the hole � President Donald Trump, who, over the course of 17 months has managed to reverse many of Obama�s worst policies, including extracting us from the horrible Iran �nuclear deal.� �The speed with which Trump has been able to turn things around points to the diabolical depths the Obama administration went in order to undermine our national strength and way of life,� Wood writes. �All Trump had to do was stop doing things that hurt America; America could then take care of itself. The results are plain as day.� That said, Wood believes it will take �decades� for the damage Obama did over eight years to be completely undone because the �deviousness of the Obama sedition runs deep.� He cites these examples: � Obama pulled all U.S. troops out of Iraq after trillions of dollars were spent and thousands of U.S. military lives were lost. But he didn�t have to. American troops have been in some countries for decades; their presence provides stability and would have in Iraq. When he pulled U.S. troops out, ISIS stepped in to fill the security void. Then he didn�t really put any effort into defeating ISIS; Trump did so in a few months. � Obama and Hillary Clinton allowed Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi to be deposed, which plunged Libya into an abyss where it remains today. The country is so broken Libya�s National Oil Corp (NOC) declared force majeure on loadings from Zueitina and Hariga ports on Monday, resulting in 850,000 bpd of supplies being disrupted. That�s the country�s main source of income. And let�s not forget they failed to protect Ambassador Chris Stevens, whom they allowed to be killed by terrorists. (Related: Benghazi hero Chris �Tanto� Paronto SAVAGES Obama Deep State McCabe, others, in defense of rank-and-file FBI.) �I won�t go into why Obama ran up more debt for the United States than all previous presidents combined. I won�t ask why he weakened our armed forces,� Wood wrote. �I won�t ask why he used tyrannical policies, like using the agencies of the federal government to go after his political opposition. I won�t ask why he politicized our security apparatus in an attempt to frame President Trump.� But without a doubt, those things happened he said, making him a real Manchurian candidate. [Editor's Note: I recommend the following articles about the crimes perpetrated by CIA, NSA, DNI, DOJ, FBI, and various other Deep State operatives against President Donald Trump before his landslide election in 2016 and all during his presidency:
FROM U.S. Sentencing Commission (USSC) Data on Federal Convictions |
FROM The CruxA new Congress has been seated, and it brings the prospect of perhaps, maybe, potentially, in a possible way doing something about the runaway federal deficits. And in other news, several New York area bridges are for sale, which you can acquire at a bargain price. Excessive Spending Destroys!
Joseph Story, Supreme Court Justice
[Editor's Note: what I have dubbed the "Legislative-Executive-Judicial Cabal" which the American People have caused by ignoring the generational transition from our Constitutional Republic to what now is, in effect, an "elected" dictatorship. Never mind who is elected. Never mind which bogus party is in power. The superficial, theatrically staged, choreographed appearance of debate, disagreement, and stalled legislation always resolves into more government and less FREEDOM. We the People still lose more freedom after every "emergency" or unnoticeably when CON-gress passes another general, open-ended law that enables the Executive (dictator) and its unaccountable agencies to formulate more freedom-restricting regulations (200 pages a day get posted to the Federal Register). The "Dictator's" agencies (police force) continue to pile-up more weapons to squelch uprising(s) when the People finally realize and understand their tyrannical government. ![]() A Convention of States/a> is necessary to amend the Constitution for Congressional Term Limits to twelve (12) years and restrict time in DC to only six (6) months per year. Such an Amendment is only a FIRST step in restoring America to its Constitutional roots. Back in the day when the People still feared kings, the president's term was limited by Constitutional Amendment. Currently, CONgress is just a group of socialists, progressives, and faux-conservatives (career politicians) that, on a daily basis, ignores the Constitution, many of their own past statutes, and cedes their responsibilities to the president ("elected" dictator). A comparison to the history of Rome becomes more and more credible with the Executive and its "featherbedded" lackeys gaining more power while CONgress sits back all fat-dumb-and-happy. CONgress has made recent efforts to expose State Dept. failures in Benghazi (inept political leader), Fast-and-Furious gun-running (criminal AG), IRS 1st amendment violations, gov't union Veterans Administration fraud, and whining about Obama(Reid)-killer-Care, but these efforts are mostly politics as usual. Most "citizens" will forget about these infringements from our unaccountable, uncontrollable Executive branch with its tyrannical agencies staffed by socialist unions that extort "juicy" contracts from the "elected" dictatorship. Most positions in the federal government whether elected, appointed, or hired are nominal, make-work jobs (confidentially) designed merely to grow government, bilk money from private businesses and citizens, and eventually fully transform America into a totalitarian state. When this happens, CONgress will have destroyed the economy and the country by their negligence and counter-liberty policies, and it will be almost impossible to Restore America. The 'Restore America' list is only a beginning too.]
[Editor's Note: a Constitutional Convention is required to reverse the damage to freedom and liberty since 1900. This Article V was ratified by the participants at America's founding Constitutional Convention as an alternate path for repairing damage to freedom and liberty, a path for the People to restore damage caused by our failed representatives in the Legislative, Executive, and Judicial branches of a government designed to represent the wishes of We the People. The States must "demand" a Convention and explicitly specify an agenda of:
These Amendments should further specify and clarify the powers of the Legislature and Executive Branches. A good example is the definition of a "Bill". A Bill should contain ONLY verbiage in regards to the topic of the future law. NO earmarks and NO unrelated sections or attacments. Many past Bills sent to a president for signature contained unrelated but essential funding sections that rendered the Bill veto-proof when it warranted a veto. CON-gress can override a veto if the Bill is deemed absolutely necessary by CON-gress. If the Bill requires SPECIFICALLY related amendments, the CON-gress can "debate" (with its usual theater) and vote any new amendments. The original text of the Constitution contains some very GENERAL clauses enabling both CON-gress and Executive branches to write laws and regulations with their particular nuances expanding powers beyond intent. "Intent" may be gleaned from a complete understanding of Federalist Papers. An example of further specification and clarity for CON-gress should be a clear, very specific definition of the boundaries for the interstate Commerce Clause. To restore freedom, liberty, and individuality - minimally these must be repealed:
Currently, even with computer-searching systems, the list of antiquated and/or obsolete statutes (and related regulations) is unwieldy. These statutes must be invalidated unless there remains an applicable reason for retaining the law(s). Aside from invalidating statutes, there are many regulations that are biased in favor of large enterprises (who buy support from bureaucrats) at the expense of the competition, effectively repressing the Free Market. Any regulations not related to public safety that gives a financial advantage to some companies over their smaller rivals must be rescinded to enable all companies with good consumer products to excel without burdensome regulations. Additionally, the Convention should adopt for ratification at least these new Amendments or statute modifications:
Regarding a Constitutional Convention itself, some of the available literature warns the reader about a possible "unstructured" and "mismanaged" Convention that might propose and adopt amendments that could damage the Republic. Possible, however, it is difficult to envisage how much more damage could done over what the L-E-J Cabal has already done. If the Convention's agenda and rules of order strictly prohibit violation of the rules and enable a vote on unlisted Amendments AFTER all others are adopted, then the Convention will be properly structured and managed. ] |
Why Do We Need Term Limits? John Adams said, �Without [term limits] every man in power becomes a ravenous beast of prey�. That being said, here are some of the reasons we believe our country needs Term Limits.
Term limits for lawmakers: when is enough, enough? [Editor's Note: If you want to get rich, i.e. advance from a low paying government bureaucrat job on the local or state level, THEN GET ELECTED TO THE US CONGRESS (House or Senate). Once you're elected, it's easy to steal from your campaign contributions or the Congressional budget allocated to your seat and staff. You can go on a government-funded junket with 'lavishly' paid expenses. The list of ways to steal from the government while in office is inexhaustible. There are only a few Congressmen who left Congress just wealthy instead of a multi-millionaire. Of course, there are several who arrived in Congress as multi-millionaires and don't need to steal from the government.] |
The CONgress (by Article V of the Constitution) has proposed and States have ratified many new amendments to the Constitution, some that increase their power over us citizens. CONgress can propose amendments, and the alternative method to CONgressional proposals can come from States via Article V. When "We the People" — meaning a very large majority — are opposed to Acts of CONgress like the INCOME TAX or ENDLESS WARS or the FEDERAL RESERVE, Acts that restrict and regulate our LIBERTY, Acts that are a waste of money, Acts that have caused unrecoverable indebtedness, then through local representaatives of our States WE can propose Amendments to be ratified by States just like CONgress. STATES and the PEOPLE of America are very angry at the federal goverment's violation of its constitutionally-defined boundaries. States created the federal government in 1787 with LIMITED powers defined in the Constitution. All powers not given by States to the feds remain with the States by Article X. The feds have through deceit, distortion, and falsification rearranged the entire contractual agreement between States and the federal government. The feds have become a very powerful, all consuming force in American government. The time has come for States to rein in the federal government, to take power back, to limit the federal government's power, and to add some detailed restriction to the definition of CONgress, the Executive, and the Judiciary. In 1787 a central government was (is) necessary only to provide for the common defense and ensure equality under the law for all Citizens, to provide a final arbiter for the resolution of unsolvable problems among States and People. Most laws and regulations that the federal government has wreaked on the States and the People are unconstitutional. States are independent, sovereign countries who realized the need for a limited and defined central government to prevent wasteful duplication of effort. The federal government, in 2017, is OUT OF CONTROL, infringing and interfering with State sovereignty and their separate economies. A problem arose in 2012 with Arizona's attempt to secure their border with Mexico. An article is here. States can prevent infringements by the federal government with an Aricle V Convention of States to not only reverse past federal government "power grabs" but prevent future federal government violations of their Constitutionally-defined boundaries. A new, well-organized group of volunteers in all 50 states have gathered to restore America to its roots by limiting all 3 branches of the federal government with a Convention of States (CoS) organization (alternate site, CoS Action). This is a Convention of States to AMEND the Constitution — NOT rewrite it! Recently, CoS held an Article V, Convention simulation with appointed volunteers from all 50 States. The simulated Convention demonstrated how a well-organized CoS can vote for proposed amendments to the Consitution that are popular enough to be ratified by the necessary 3/4ths of States (38). Obviously, only proposed Amendments that are likely to pass both Houses of the legislatures of thirty-eight (38) States, that is, the required 3/4ths of States to ratify an Amendment to the Constitution should be proposed. See the Final Report here. The purpose in a Convention of States, simulated or real, is to PROPOSE AMENDMENTS that give power back to the People. The proposed amendments must reflect the thinking, objectives — the goals of people of States — who want to restore our Constitutional Republic to one that represents the people.
A real CoS, requires that 2/3rds of States (34) send an "application" to CONgress requesting that CONgress schedule a CoS. State Legislatures are composed of an Assembly and Senate. Each "house" must pass a bill separately and send the resolution to their Governor. Then the State sends an "application" to the CONgress. When the federal CONgress receives applications from 34 States, the CONgress is required to set a date for the Convention of States. CONgress is NOT involved otherwise. The States have the Convention, propose amendments, and dispatch the precisely worded amendments to their respectives assemblies and senates for ratification. CONgress only schedules the Convention. |