The 2020 Election is paramount to the future of this Nation.
This Election will decide if President Trump will Keep America Great, or if this Nation will turn into a flown blown Democratic-SOCIALIST country.
Our President is committed to winning this fight against the Liberal Left, but he needs the advice of respected Republican leaders, like you, to help
create our Official Republican Platform and Campaign Strategy for the 2020 Election Cycle.
Instead of asking 84 MILLION registered Republicans across the Nation, we are asking a select group of trusted conservatives in each county, to
take our Official 2020 Republican Platform Survey. Your answers will represent the views of EVERY Republican who lives in the 85041, 85339, 89450 area.
The President really wants to hear from you, Eric.
Your answers will help us show that the majority of American families strongly support President Trump’s agenda, and oppose the corrupt socialist
agenda of the deranged Democratic Party.
Take our Official 2020 Republican Platform Survey before 11:59 PM TONIGHT to be one of the first responses President Trump sees.
With your help, we’ll build a strong Republican Party and a strong America.
Thank you,
Team Trump 2020
- Do you believe President Trump's legislative agenda supports policies that represent your values?
- Do you support President Trump's historic Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, which reduced taxes for most Americans and bolstered the economy?
- Do you agree that the "Green New Deal," that would cost $93 TRILLION, ban air travel, and impose a 70% tax rate, would be terrible for America?
- Do you believe President Trump should close the Southern Border by finishing the wall?
- Do you agree that illegal aliens, that have been convicted of crimes on U.S soil, should NOT be allowed to vote in' US Elections?
- Do you agree that convicted terrorists, such as the Boston Marathon Bomber, should NOT be allowed to vote in US Elections?
- Do you agree that single-payer-healthcare, that would cost American Taxpayers $32 6 TRILLION, and ban private healthcare, would be bad for America?
- Do you believe the Republican Party should continue to protect 2nd Amendment rights so that the Democratic-Socialist Party can't take away guns from law abiding citizens?
- Do you agree that Democrats' plan to legalize infanticide is disgusting and should be outlawed?
- Do you support Republicans efforts to reduce federal spending?
- How would you rate President Trump's job performance?