- Are you an American citizen?
- How did you become an American citizen?
- Which of the following best describes your political affiliation?
[Editor's Note: question modified to eliminate any 'political correctness'.]
- Do you believe that all sovereign nations have the right and the duty to secure their borders and control who can and cannot immigrate to their country?
- Do you believe that all sovereign nations have the right and the duty to determine who can and cannot become citizens of their country?
- Do you think it makes sense that the babies born to foreign women who came here illegally should be granted automatic U.S. citizenship?
- If it were up to you, which of the following would make someone an American citizen? (Please check all that apply.)
- Before reading this previous email, were you aware of the history and intent of the 14th Amendment?
14h Amendment was written in 1868 after a bitter Civil War ended slavery. It was written to ensure the civil rights of freed slaves and to correct the injustices spawned by the 1857 Dred Scott decision which denied that blacks were entitled to citizenship under the Constitution. Surely it cannot be seriously argued that the authors of the 14th Amendment had in mind babies born to residents of Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador who managed to sneak their pregnant bodies past a U.S. Border Patrol that didn’t exist yet in violation of immigration laws that hadn’t been written yet?"
- Before reading this previous email, were you aware that there are already roughly 4.5 million anchor babies in the United States and that 300,000 anchor babies are born on U.S. soil each year?
- Before reading this previous email, did you know that the parents and family members of anchor babies can apply for full U.S. citizenship once the baby reaches 21 years of age?
- Do you favor or oppose the current policy of Birthright Citizenship?
- Do you fear we are losing our country by cheapening the price of citizenship?
- Do you believe the time has come for Congress to rewrite The 1965 Immigration Act (which led to the reading of the 14th Amendment to mean U.S. citizenship should be granted to anyone born on U.S. soil) and end Birthright Citizenship?
- How important to you is it that we do what must be done to end Birthright Citizenship?
- Would you support another government shutdown if that is what it will take to end Birthright Citizenship?
- Are you willing to help Stand With Trump/TCC pressure Congress to enact legislation to end Birthright Citizenship?
Eric Raines, eeraines@bmstahoe.com