NATIONAL MAINSTREAM MEDIA SURVEYAs an introduction to this survey, it is necessary to define "Mainstream Media" (MSM) by listing their companies and stating some Journalism 101 precepts that should be internalized by all so-called "reporters" representing any media business. In America, the Constitution provides the definitions of the framework of our form of a federal government. Our federal and state governments each comprise three co-equal branches: Legislative, Executive, and Judicial. Amendments to the Constitution can alter previous clauses revising the methods of government or adding specificity. WE have the Bill of Rights, the 1st ten Amendments to the Constitution. Founders demanded that the Liberty of the People be defined before voting to ratify the Constitution in 1787. These Amendments have been weakened with laws passed by CONgress since 1787. Amendment number 1 of the Bill of Rights itemizes the freedoms of speech, the Press (media), religion, assembly, and petition. All of these freedoms in the 1st Amendment have been weakened by laws. Petitioning is ignored. People who practice various different religions are discriminated against. To assemble, groups need licenses and police scrutinize these assemblies. It is understandable that speech of any kind such as yelling "FIRE!" in a crowded theater is prohibited, but, today, many other kinds of speech are prohibited. The MSM is defined by companies that control the various means of communications which are broadcast, cable, satellite, and internet. These companies are specified by their acronyms: ABC, BLOOMBERG, CBS, CNN, CNBC, Facebook, FOX, FOXBUSINESS, Google, MSNBC, NPR, PBS, Twitter, and various other Internet sites are extremely biased against Conservatives in general and President Trump in particular. So what are the Jouralism 101 precepts? When writing or broadcasting News stories, a real journalist should include information about Who, What Where, When, and if factual information is available from at least two sources, Why the event occurred. All of these facts can be misrepresented or twisted to state a subjective opinion held by the writer or speaker. To minimize controversy, no opinionated or "decorated" facts should be presented to color a given story. As Sgt. Joe Friday of "Dragnet" fame said frequently, "Just the facts, Maam." ![]() The following are Mainstream Media (MSM) survey questions regarding the subjective, irrational, dishonest, politicized reporting of Mainstream Media:
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by Sean Robertson | Dec 20, 2019For more on the Steele Dossier, go HERE. ![]()
by Ryan James | Dec 11, 2019![]() Eric Raines,
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