ILLEGAL ALIEN CRIMINALSThreat to Public Safety and National SecurityJanuary 2020Judicial Watch has compiled a great summary of the damage and destruction caused by Illegal Aliens to U.S. citizens and the
financial burden caused by Illegals on the health, welfare, and criminal justice infrastructure of America. The most reliable estimate of
the cost of Illegal Aliens is $134.9 Billion per year. These costs are detailed in another article by Judicial Watch at: These numbers are 3¼ years old from September, 2017. If one assumes 500,000 more Illegals per year since the report during the Obama "open border welcome", then cost estimates would increase proportionately to well over $200 billion per year. Such estimates would use an average number of Illegals per day and an average cost per Illegal based on all illegal alien counts and costs. The sample size is very large and, therefore, very accurate. Judicial Watch ("JW") FACTS, DATA, and AnalysesEach reader should realize that this Special Report is one of the most factual summaries of data and studies. Footnote references are listed in the Endnotes section of the report. As the Editor of this online version, I scanned the sections into separate PDFs from JW's very concise and brief booklet. Beginning with item 3 below, the subtitle where the text of the section begins will be either at the bottom of the first page or the middle of the first page. JW's Enforcement Project Special Report breaks down into the folowing sections:
The propensity to violence is not caused by poverty alone, but, in the case of Mexico in particular and the Southern Hemisphere in general, there is a history of violence as far back as Cortez and the Spanish Conquistadores. Before the Spanish, Incas in Central and South America and the Aztecs in Mexico were very violent. With Mexico, in particular, the Aztecs and their religion were very violent. Properly reared children can learn what is right and wrong without exposure to the violence, crime, and general mendacity of current religions. Specifically, the terrorism, fraud and pedophilia are in the forefront of thinking and criminal justice today. The vast majority of truly religious peoples are non-violent, but mendacity is present with those. Today and throughout history, religions of all flavors are the primary cause of violence mainly because of 'honor' and strong, intransigent, uncompromising stances. Today, Mexican drug cartels ravage Mexico with their lawless grip on Mexican citizens and some government officials. Drug cartels murder people who oppose them and kidnap and smuggle humans for sale in worldwide criminal markets. It is no wonder that Illegal Aliens bring violence to America. While there is a massive demand for illegal drugs in the USA, and all attempts to stop the traffic beginning with the DEA (while laudable) have failed, an impenetrable WALL with motion-sensing lighting, cameras that follow the motion, tunneling sensors, and armed drones will minimize or end drug and human trafficking in the USA from the Southern Hemisphere. Lastly, I have composed a list of items for Immigration Reform that details my thoughts about how to fix Immigration Law and the enforcement of the law. Click here or here to see WE BUILD the WALL videos showing the onslaught of Illegals crossing the border. Today's Illegas could spread the Coronavirus.