Do you agree with President Trump that our Nation's safety should be our first priority?
Did you approve of President Trump’s decision to close our borders to China in January?
Do you agree that President Trump’s decision to close our borders to China in January saved many American lives?
If you don't believe the above statements regarding "advisors",
then read this!
Seemingly the "advisors" function as political saboteurs during a Republican Administration potentially destroying the economy, employment, businesses, and the
President's reelection chances. Most of the Federal Government employees and officials are "flaming" Democrats(Socialists) who want to convert America into
an Administrative State where they would have complete control over citizens. Such control is already evident in States run by Democrat governors with
Democrat majorities in Legislatures. America has experienced the most diabolical and dangerous threat to our liberty in the previous eight years of the
Obama Administration. This radical Socialist has awakened all radical activists both in government and out disrupting and sabotaging any and all efforts of
the Trump Administration in an attempt to regain control in 2021. If voters can't see and understand these socialist revolutionaries, then America is doomed!
Do you approve of President Trump temporarily closing ALL borders to Keep America Safe?
Do you approve of President Trump’s swift decision to sign the CARES Act, which will provide immediate relief to our Nation and its citizens during this difficult time?
Do you approve of the job the White House Coronavirus Task Force is doing?
On 11/03/20, most Americans will take the 'red pill' (to see the truth) and vote in a LANDSLIDE reelection
for TRUMP and 'America First' for the first time in 95 years!
80% of All Counties in the USA had less than six (6) deaths. 52% had no deaths. Source:
Daily Signal
As I stated before, this is another massive conspiracy between China operatives, Wuhan Labs, NIH, Fauci, Birx and Democrats to destroy the
American economy and President Trump's reelection chances. The evidence continues to pile up just like it did with the Russia Hoax, the Climate Change
Hoax, and the Impeachment Hoax.
I have an idea: a new design for N95 masks is a new model with builtin, filtered straws so that people who MUST wear a mask in
public can drink their favorite beverage without removing their mask. Also, for those very fearful people, a Clorox mist stored
in a pressurized can could be attached to a proximity alert device that causes a spray of mist on people who violated the six foot
proximity rule.
Is there anything else you’d like to share regarding how President Trump is handling the coronavirus threatening our Nation?