Government is big business.

In 2019, about 14.84 million people were full-time employees of U.S. state and local government. More than half of all Americans receive some sort of government assistance. Business and industry from farming to manufacturing get massive infusions of corporate welfare.

It's nigh on impossible to go through a day without some sort of forced interaction with some aspect of government.

The political Kabuki over funding government lends one to think that government doesn't work. I say government does work. But who does it work for?

Government is a masterpiece of corporate cynicism, propaganda perfection and people control. It was not created for the people, by the people nor of the people. It was created or at least evolved for the power and benefit of the elite and their politicians and bureaucrats.

Government is not haphazard and bungling. It does everything with careful calculation for the benefit of government and the concealment of its fraud upon the people. It plays one economic class against another, one race against another, and it prostitutes the intellectual elite to conceal the nature of government and its purpose.

Government creates the public mind and the public will. It programs and channels human thought, human energy and human production and wealth to itself.

Government does work. It works perfectly for the elite. It is organized crime and organized force at the national and international level. It just doesn't work for the people, it works against them.


FROM 'The More Power The Government Has...'

July 7, 2014 by Bob Livingston

"The more power the government has, the greater the risk to the people and the more dangerous the abuse."
Edmund Burke, 1771.

Big government is organized crime in all but name, and the man in the street is numb to the universal risk in today's world.

Politicians and bureaucrats are spending the world into oblivion while secretly hoping and expecting to escape debt with depreciated dollars: yours. The public is unaware.

Note that your "elected" politicians never talk about the ongoing depreciation (inflation) of paper money (U.S. dollars). They don't want you to think about this. They would rather you think about Donald Sterling and his frivolous racial comments.

But you should be on high alert. Liquidity is not only negative; it is at its most negative level in history. Are we facing the second Great Depression or worse?

For the third time in 14 years, U.S. stocks are in a bubble and far more leveraged than ever before. There are now more corporate bonds outstanding in the U.S. than there are mortgage-backed securities. This is significant, and the heart of the next crisis and the debt bubble will be non-financial corporate debt.

Investors beware! Stockholders beware!

Thanks to the Fed, it now seems that we have a bubble in all asset classes much larger than 2007. The Fed and other central banks with their expansionary monetary policies, all designed to boost asset prices, are similar to a juggler who is trying to keep all his balls in the air. The Big One is coming and there will be no place to hide except in very depressed gold stocks.

The people have come to depend upon government from cradle to grave. They are taught from early on to look to government for all their sustenance. Government wants to funnel every dollar through itself so that its denizens [Editor's Note: "Deep State"] can skim and leech from the producers and savers.

People no longer shrink from a handout from Uncle Scam, and the stigma once attached to doing so is fading. In fact, we have reached a time in America where most people consider handouts from government as something that they deserve as a right rather than a privilege because of their financial hardship or unemployment — in today's case, both of which were created by government power grabs under the guise of "a public health emergency."

[Editor's Note: See CAGW: Sep20 Pig: De Blasio and Death to Integrity & America ]

As a result, the two false sides of the political aisle are fighting over whose idea it was to "give" people $2000 "stimulus" checks "from the government." As if anything should ever come "from the government" since the government is supposed to be of the people, for the people and by the people.

But the people now think they're "getting checks from the government." This is how governments want people to think. That the people are separate from the government. That government is a self-contained entity that rules over them and "grants" them rights, and privileges, and $2,000.

That, instead of realizing that government is there to administrate itself and do the will of the people. That money is theirs to be made and kept, not confiscated by government. That their lives are their own. That they can and should think and do for themselves. And that they are allowed to, and the government has no "right" to take away that right.

It is very difficult to get the truth about this, or any truth in America, from the politicians or the controlled media. It is risky to believe anything official.

Generational government wealth

There are now several generations of people who have only known government handouts for their income. They depend upon government for their food, housing, transportation, entertainment and healthcare. This is part of the national collectivism designed and perpetrated by politicians on both sides of the aisle ... the "creeping fascism" move from a benevolent to full totalitarianism. Only it's not just creeping anymore, it's up to at least a fast walk and getting quicker by the day.

[Editor's Note: See SOLUTION: completely Free Market and Karl Marx Has Achieved His Goal ]

The Founding Fathers would be appalled at what the nation has become. James Madison, the author of the Constitution, told the House of Representatives that welfare is not the duty of the federal government. "[T]he government of the United States is a definite government, confined to specified objects. It is not like the state governments, whose powers are more general. Charity is no part of the legislative duty of the government."

Benjamin Franklin once said, "I am for doing good to the poor, but I differ in opinion of the means. I think the best way of doing good to the poor, is not making them easy in poverty, but leading or driving them out of it. In my youth I traveled much, and I observed in different countries, that the more public provisions were made for the poor, the less they provided for themselves, and of course, became poorer. And, on the contrary, the less was done for them, the more they did for themselves, and became richer."

He also wrote, "Repeal that welfare law, and you will soon see a change in their manners. St. Monday and St. Tuesday, will soon cease to be holidays. Six days shalt thou labor, though one of the old commandments long treated as out of date, will again be looked upon as a respectable precept; industry will increase, and with it plenty among the lower people; their circumstances will mend, and more will be done for their happiness by inuring them to provide for themselves, than could be done by dividing all your estates among them."

When the government "shuts down," it's not really shut down. Always "essential" government services — payments to Congress members, military operations (though not always military paychecks), etc. — continue. But things like park access are restricted and Social Security checks are delayed; anything that can make the American public feel pain is done. It makes for good theater even if it is bad governance. The more pain the people can be made to feel, the more they think they need government.

Growth not government

The only way for true economic growth is by the transfer of services, goods or wealth between people (or businesses) who actually produce something. In other words, if someone provides a service and gets gold or silver (actual wealth) or widgets for compensation, both the service provider and widget maker have benefited and each has something that has bettered his standard of living.

Americans need all those "authorities" and the government to get out of their personal lives, their health, their jobs, their businesses, their religion, and their personal preferences and choices and let them decide for themselves whether to go out, whether to stay in business, and what to do with their own money.

Government ("It") is a parasite; It produces nothing. It only feeds off the producers. As one person said, the fatter the government, the skinnier the producers. When government cannot meet It's obligations or fulfill the promises It made to the public, It'll figure ways to appropriate the producer's money to fund It's projects. Government doesn't produce wealth; It only redistributes your wealth after skimming off the top. Desperate government will always resort to expropriation, which is outright confiscation (theft). The only way to get government out of your business is to cut government in half. This requires a Convention of States — a majority of citizen Americans who stand up for government reduction and reform.

The American people don't "need" $2,000 of their own money sent to them. They need to be able to earn it for themselves, then keep it, and not have the government and every leech in the parasite class siphon from it until there's nothing left.

What the American people need is for bankster Steve Mnuchin not to take $350 billion of the CARES Act money and stash it in a slush fund. What the American people need is for corporate America NOT to get $12,000 per American sent to them from the Fed.


FROM More Evidence That The U.S. Government Is A Criminal Enterprise

July 15, 2013 by Bob Livingston

The U.S. government is a criminal enterprise and is out of control. The U.S. Constitution was drafted to limit government and affirm the natural rights held by the people, but it is serially ignored and violated by the President, the Congress, the Supreme Court and law enforcers both Federal and local.

The result is growing tyranny and a police state and a Nation that is becoming a simmering cauldron of unrest — sparked by the passage of unConstitutional laws by a Congress controlled by moneyed interests; the affirming of those laws by the Supreme Court; long-term high rates of unemployment; a declining standard of living; increased regulation by unaccountable, bought-and-paid-for psychotic government functionaries; money printing; a presstitute mass media; [Editor's Note: love that word!] increasingly militarized and militant local law enforcement officers; and a declining morality encouraged by both the political and celebrity classes — that is poised to explode.

The elected class and their handlers have been at war with the American people, the Constitution and the American way of life for many years. In the beginning, they used gradualism to sneak small abuses by an unobservant public. But as the unConstitutional encroachments gained ground, they accelerated. We are now rapidly heading toward a calamitous event that will rock the system to its core and, hopefully, restore us to Constitutional governance.

Americans need to stop advocating for their own financial slavery. Don't advocate for and fight over the scraps from Longshanks' table while he still rules with an iron fist.

And, as always, protect yourself with precious metals. The long dry spell because of manipulation in silver has caused extreme underappreciation even at $25 per ounce. The only negative is time. No one knows when silver will rise up to where it should be priced, so this uncertainty has kept investors from buying. But some of us see this as the perfect opportunity to buy more.

I always like U.S. 90 percent silver coins minted before 1965. They can be purchased in bags of $1,000 face amount or in smaller increments — even individually. (Find a local, reputable coin dealer with a good rating with the Better Business Bureau and a history in the community.) Buy for great price explosion upward as well as for survival coins.

Yours for the truth,

Bob Livingston

Editor, The Bob Livingston Letter®

FROM The Crux

A new Congress has been seated, and it brings the prospect of perhaps, maybe, potentially, in a possible way doing something about the runaway federal deficits. And in other news, several New York area bridges are for sale, which you can acquire at a bargain price.

Excessive Spending Destroys!

Feds Have a Spending Problem — DO NOT RAISE THE CEILING!

Feds Have a Sewage Problem!


Social Security (SS) monies flow into the Feds via paycheck withholding. The Feds buy US Treasuries and the Bond purchase money is deposited into the treasury. Benefit money must therefore be paid out of the Treasury. If there had been a SS brokerage account (instead of the Feds spending it), the monies could have been invested very conservatively to receive a modest 5-8% annual return on investment and the SS "Trust" Fund would be solvent even with retiring baby-boomers. Another mismanagement failure is SS Disability which has been defrauded by mendacious citizen malingerers especially from 2000 to 2016.

Joseph Story, Supreme Court Justice
... when the court wasn't part of the L-E-J Cabal

Joseph Story (1779–1845) was born during the American Revolution, and came of age in the early years of the new United States of America. He was a scholar of the U.S. Constitution, and, eventually helped found the Harvard Law School.

In 1811, Story was appointed to the Supreme Court by President James Madison — who knew a few things about the U.S. Constitution, in that he helped write it. Story was a contemporary of another famous member of the Supreme Court, Chief Justice John Marshall (1755–1835).

In 1833, Justice Story published a study titled, Commentaries on the Constitution of the United States. In a discussion of the Second Amendment, Story stated:

"The right of the citizens to keep and bear arms has justly been considered, as the palladium of the liberties of a republic; since it offers a strong moral check against the usurpation and arbitrary power of rulers; and will generally, even if these are successful in the first instance, enable the people to resist and triumph over them."