Dear Eric,

A stunning New York Times now suggests...

The coronavirus is less contagious than we thought.

How is that possible?

Well it turns out, up to 90% of the tests are "false positives."

Which means the mainstream media was DEAD WRONG about coronavirus.

And Trump was right all along.

Click here now for the shocking proof.

— Kelly Sullivan

P.S. After you watch this video, be sure to share it with your liberal friends. They won't be able to deny the smoking gun proof at 0:37.

============================= Editor's Addendum ============================

If you don't believe that "Deep State Operatives" could create a massive scam, a massive lie designed to terrify the American Public into submission with the Wuhan Institute Virus ("WIV"), then read this! Seemingly Dr. Fauci, et al.'s, (Birx, FDA, CDC, FBI, DOJ) function was as a political saboteurs during the last year of President Trump's first term to politically destroy Trump's reelection chances, weaken the economy, kill jobs, and small businesses that don't contribute to Democrats.

Most of the Federal Government employees and officials are "flaming" Democrats(Socialists) who want to convert America into an Administrative State where they would have complete control over citizens. Such control is already evident in States run by Democrat governors with Democrat majorities in Legislatures. America has experienced the most diabolical and dangerous threat to our liberty in the previous eight years of the Obama Administration. This radical Socialist has awakened all radical activists—both in government and out—disrupting and sabotaging any and all efforts of the Trump Administration in an attempt to regain control in 2021 (they succeeded temporarily). If voters can't see and understand these socialist revolutionaries, then America is doomed!

The following are WIV statistics from March, 2020 that should eliminate the fear caused by our trustworthy Federal and State governments, the CCP, NIH/NIAID, Dr. Fauci, mainstream media, social media and the Democrat (Socialist) Party. These statistics will be modified with truthful numbers and counts when citizens realize that 90% of all WIV tests were false positives, i.e., the test says you are infected but you aren't.

[Editor's Note: See SOLUTION: completely Free Market — AND — Karl Marx Has Achieved His Goal ]



Many Illegal Aliens are thieves or drug traffickers. Others lie to receive Medicaid or schools. All Illegals must be deported.



FROM The Crux

A new Congress has been seated, and it brings the prospect of perhaps, maybe, potentially, in a possible way doing something about the runaway federal deficits. And in other news, several New York area bridges are for sale, which you can acquire at a bargain price.

Excessive Spending Destroys!

Feds Have a Spending Problem — DO NOT RAISE THE CEILING!

Feds Have a Sewage Problem!


Social Security (SS) monies flow into the Feds via paycheck withholding. The Feds buy US Treasuries and the Bond purchase money is deposited into the treasury. Benefit money must therefore be paid out of the Treasury. If there had been a SS brokerage account (instead of the Feds spending it), the monies could have been invested very conservatively to receive a modest 5-8% annual return on investment and the SS "Trust" Fund would be solvent even with retiring baby-boomers. Another mismanagement failure is SS Disability which has been defrauded by mendacious citizen malingerers especially from 2000 to 2016.