The Senate Rules Committee's markup meeting for the #CorruptPoliticiansAct (S.1) is TOMORROW!
During the markup meeting, committee members can propose and vote on amendments to S.1, the Corrupt Politicians Act.
We can expect the Left to double down on rigging our election laws in their favor.
We need your help in getting the word out about what Democrats are trying to do. You can:
- On May 11, follow along with Heritage Action on
Facebook, and
Instagram and
participate by sharing our posts and your own, using the hashtag #CorruptPoliticiansAct.
- Write a letter to your local newspaper editor, highlighting the extreme provisions in S.1. You can find a sample letter to the editor
- Make sure your friends, neighbors, and family know about S.1. - feel free to forward this email.
S.1. will give child molesters and felons the right to vote, remove the FEC's bipartisan oversight, overturn overwhelmingly popular voter ID laws (
75% support them), and
give public money to politician's re-election campaigns.
Corrupt politicians vote for corrupt policies. You can learn more about this bill and tell your Senators that you want them to vote "NO" on S.1 by visiting
our "Save Our Elections" toolkit.
Janae Stracke
Grassroots Director
Heritage Action