UPDATED 8/7/2022
Dr. Anthony Fauci Finally Made an Announcement that Has Americans Cheering
In 2020 (Trump reelection year), the entire country (most anyway) was living in fear of probable severe illness or death from the so-called
Covid-19, the Wuhan bioweapon.
Prior to the fear year in January 10, 2017 just days before Trump swore the Oath of Office, "Dr." Fauci gave a keynote address warning
the new administration that the USA would be inevitably exposed to a near future, lethal virus. Fauci warned Trump, and he made it happen with his
close relationship to Wuhan comrades and NIH/NIAID funding to the Wuhan labs for the developpment of the Wuhan Institute Virus ("WIV"). The
goal was to develop the bioweapon, test the virus for lethality, and, eventually, release the virus in October, 2019 (one year before Trump's reelection).
The result could not have been more perfect for the Chinese, the Democrat-Socialist Party, and the result could not have been more disruptive for the
citizen voters of the USA, the Republicans, and Trump's reelection chances.
To be absolutely certain of a Democrat win in 2020, a nationwide system of people and voting machines connected to the internet was necessary to
ensure the installation of Biden, the puppet in the Whitehouse. The system included Ballot Dropboxes, Ballot-harvesting to the nth degree, and U.S.,
Chinese and European hacking of voting machines to expand Registration Databases of all U.S. counties, to electronically post ficticious votes for
120-350% of registered voters in many counties. THE 2020 election was beyond a reasonable doubt RIGGED!!!
UPDATED 1/3/2022
Winston Churchill aptly stated that if you're not a Liberal at age 20, you have no heart; if you're not a Conservative at 40, you
have no brain.
I postulate that Cuomo and the Democrat-Socialist Party had decided (similar to the Nazi's 'Final Solution' for the genocide of Jews
in Europe) to cause the death of as many older voters as possible using the Wuhan Institute Virus ("WIV") to murder all older
citizens with weakened immune systems. Transport them from hospitals to under-supplied and under-staffed nursing homes
(shower) to die of WIV infections. Cuomo is the 21st century Reinhard Heydrich only the target is old citizens.
It should also be noted that CDC, NIH, and Fauci have forced doctors and hospitals (lose licenses) to not use therapeutics like
Hydroxchloroquine and Ivermectin to treat those infected. Of course, the probability that older people with weaker immune systems
and without treatment will die is greater than 50% (chance). It's even a higher probaility that younger people (ages 55-75) who are
not healthy for various reasons could die if not treated. So, be good little citizens (sheep), wear your mask and get vaccinated
(vaccine has caused more infections and killed more people in 2021) even though it is not a vaccine because it doesn't prevent
Why murder older citizens? Older citizens have a lifetime of experiences, a lifetime of observing various Administrations through
many presidential elections. Older Americans know who is a chump, they know who is a crook, they know who is a liar, and they
know who is taking their liberty. Older Americans have seen how regimes througout the globe have murdered their citizens,
taken their freedoms, and destroyed their economies. Older Americans are intelligent and some are CONSERVATIVE. They vote for
candidates that are more likely to maintain and enhance the American way of life.
The summer of 2020 was and still is part of an orchestrated, Marxist attempt to foment insurrection in America and cause the foundations of
Federalism to fail thereby increasing the centralization of government to the federal government. The 2020 Election was massively
fraudulent! Conservatives must win a majority in CONgress (2022) and keep it in 2024. The 2020 election of Joe Biden was fraudulent and must be decertified by AZ, GA, MI, WI, NV, and especially PA! Joe Biden must be removed from office before 2024!
Pelosi, Fauci, Joe Biden (Brandon), and the Democrat-Socialist Party are NOT people who want either the American Way of Life or
Liberty and Freedom!
How did President Trump lose the November 2020 election? Do you wonder about the events of late 2019
and all of 2020? Let’s review.
In 2017, Dr.Fauci, the supposed top expert on infectious diseases, warned (1/10/17)
the incoming Administration (January 20,2017 sworn-in President Donald Trump) of the coming, inevitable
"surprise outbreak" of a new highly infectious virus. I posit that the coming highly virulent virus at the end of
2019 was not a surprise to Fauci and Chinese Communist Party(CCP)/military/Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) cohorts. If you watch this
video, you will come away thinking that Fauci/CCP/WIV were already working to produce this virus after investing
heavily into "gain of function research" to develop this virus.
FROM Dr. Fauci is Finally Unmasked, 5/17/21
The Australian article, published on May 7, was headlined "‘Virus warfare’ in China military documents."
Chinese military scientists discussed the weaponisation of SARS coronaviruses five years before the COVID-19 pandemic, outlining their ideas in a document that predicted a third world war would be fought with biological weapons.
So, what happened? Dr. Fauci, the CCP and its military, WIV, Democrat-Socialists, Main-Stream Media (MSM),
Social Media (Facebook, Twitter, etc.) conspired to destroy President Trump’s reelection chances in November, 2020. The
Democrats were shown in three years that their worthless government actions since 1829 were/are a massive
failure in the face of Trump! You say, this conspiracy is ridiculous! You will soon think that it is possible and credible.
The Democrat-Socialist Party could not have Trump around for a 2nd term because Americans would begin to
believe in themselves again after the so-called pandemic subsides. Americans would build their financial future without
the need for government. Americans would cleanse their schools of Marxist influences. They would not defund Police.
This is mostly the case in Republican-run States.
Each component of a conspiracy doesn’t need to know the entire plan to topple President Trump. During his
term, he was constantly attacked for 4 years with every stupid, foolish lie and political attack they could devise. If you
tell each component (group) to do their part using their "profession" without failure, then each would proceed to hinder
Trump with their particular expertise. Most of these components probably thought that the Democrat-Socialist Party was
constructing the usual political "smear", so they all happily dumped as much bogus trash on Trump that they could
dream up. Of course, media is only the "propaganda" part.
The House of "Reps" with the old, sociopath hag in charge devised some scams to try and convince America that
Trump was incapable politically, professionally or psychologically of holding the office. Does anyone think that Biden is anything
but a criminal? The services of NIH/NIAID, CDC, FDA, and other agencies were enlisted to develop FEAR and CONFUSION schemes
and lies to convince Trump that a vaccine was necessary. SEE
VACCINE DOESN'T WORK! Fauci and Birx used a defunct model (reportedly from Bill Gates' Microsoft)
that forecasted millions of deaths caused by WIV. Fauci's goal was to instill FEAR and CONFUSION into both government and Americans.
At the time in January-March, 2020, older
people with underlying medical conditions (heart disease, diabetes, cancer) contracted the WIV and died because their
immune systems were weakened by drugs used to improve their conditions. Governor Quomo of New York State
transferred infected elderly patients from hospitals to under-staffed and under-supplied nursing homes where these
patients transferees infected approximately 8,000-15,000 more elderly patients who proceeded to die because of the
lack of medical/nursing personnel, supplies and expertise for handling infectious disease.
Working on the advise of Fauci and Birx which was designed to cause failure from the start, Trump organized and
requested significant funds from CONgress to pay Americans out of work and develop an unnecessary vaccine - the
monies mostly went into bureaucrat pockets. Influenza (flu) kills more people each year than WIV ever did. Since that time,
various documents have shown that healthy people, age
40 and above, can recover from the WIV within 2-5 days with simple therapies such as aspirin, acetaminophen, ibuprofen,
water, and rest.
It should be noted that Fauci has vacillated, changing his opinion regarding the use of masks that do not
work against a virus molecule that is less than 1 micron in size and able to go right through a mask like the neutrino that
can penetrate anything.
See Masking the Truth About Masks
For more serious infections, Hydroxychloroquine increases the chances of recovery in very seriously
infected patients by 200%. SEE Why all the fuss about Ivermectin?
by Brian C. Joondeph But, of course, federal government agencies along with the MSM lied and covered up the
efficaciousness of Hydroxychloroquine with zinc and antibiotic. People younger than 40 had mostly no ill-effects from
the virus, demonstrated by statistically almost no deaths, i.e., less than 1%.
Hospitals were getting bonuses for handling WIV cases, so, EVERY CASE became a WIV case. ALL DEATHS were
recorded as caused by WIV. See
The Bad And The Ugly About COVID In America, by Thomas T. Siler, M.D., 8/26/2021
Most, 60%, of cases were primarily other diseases with some confounded by WIV. Newly
developed tests (by Birx and Fauci) were generating a significant number of "false positives" (the test says
you've got WIV but you don't). The counts of infected people went sky-high because of false positives, when,
in fact, only 40% of the tests were correct (less than by chance). See —>
Served Its Purpose? CDC and FDA Recall Faulty COVID PCR Test, By Brian C. Joondeph, M.D., 7/27/2021.
Then, "shutdowns" (that didn't work) destroyed the economy. 2% unemployment (the best in more than a ½ century)
skyrocketed to 30%, and the Socialists gave everybody money to stay home. What percentage of conservative peoples'
financial futures were temporarily ruined by this Fauci/Birx policy. This didn't stop banks from repos and foreclosures. MSM and
Social Media went wild reporting these fraudulently inflated statistics. Essentially, FEAR and LIES controlled most of the population.
Fauci worked with the WIV to genetically create a highly virulent, criminal,
biological warfare virus (beginning with SARS in 2008) that could temporarily disable or kill Americans (and
people of the entire Planet), not necessarily knowing that CCP’s military also wanted this weapon, then the focus would
be directed to the virus, FEAR of death, and not the election, away
from Trump and his great achievements inducing great FEAR into the American and world populace.
FROM Pride and the Fall of Anthony Fauci, 7/25/2021
Naturally, we want to know the origins of the disease and assess some measure of culpability for this worldwide disaster, and it has become increasingly clear that the virus originated in the Wuhan Chinese virology lab, and that media darling Fauci bears some significant responsibility for funding the research that made the virus, once confined to bats, transmissible to humans. Moreover, he has played a major role in covering up the source, the NIH funding for the research, and his role in providing the funding.
This week, both the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Washington Post have come around to conceding that the virus originated in the Wuhan Lab, a notion that just a year ago was “dangerous misinformation” and a wild “conspiracy theory.”
An increasing number of senior administration officials engaged in a probe of the virus are now backing the theory that the virus could have emerged from the Wuhan Institute of Virology, according to a CNN report.
Although officials still remain divided on whether the virus emerged from nature, passing from animals to humans, the acknowledgment marks a shift from the scorn that was heaped on former President Trump and a group of European scientists who first brought up the lab-leak theory during the height of the pandemic last year.
The virus has infected nearly 190 million people around the world and resulted in more than 3.5 million deaths, according to statistics compiled by Johns Hopkins University.
The World Health Organization’s director general also engaged in an about-face this week when he acknowledged that the virus could have leaked from a lab. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus now wants China to be “transparent, open and cooperate” and hand over the “raw data” that the WHO asked for at the beginning of the pandemic, he said.
Editor's Note:
Even CNN and WP can get some info right once in a while without lying or hyping or propagandizing, however, when ALL known
WIV information is analyzed, one can with high probability conclude that the release of the virus was INTENTIONAL and the target
was President Trump's 2020 reelection.
If one includes the misinformation from Fauci, NIH/NIAID, FDA, CDC, DOJ, et al., then one can only think that the USA is being
destroyed by an ENEMY WITHIN, the Federal Government. Further, Fauci and his comrades played an integral part in the
production of the virus and covering up the CCP's dastardly attack on the USA and the world.
What is the cause of this "infiltration"? The size of the Federal Government! The size has reached the critical point where government
("GOV") is no longer concerned with the PEOPLE it supposedly serves, but, instead, GOV is concerned only with increasing its power and
controlling the PEOPLE. Therefore, the only solution is to very forcefully, honestly, and efficiently reduce the size of the GOV by at least
50%. THIS IS THE ONLY WAY FOR THE PEOPLE to regain control of the GOV, to revert GOV to its primary focus — to
defend the United States of America against all enemies foreign and domestic. This "right-sizing" can be done with a purposeful, focused,
Convention of States to right-size and root out all domestic enemies within the GOV. Today, WE the PEOPLE have more domestic enemies,
especially within the GOV and a few large, "woke" corporations than immediate foreign enemies. It is disgusting to even consider that
one's own GOV could have orchestrated such a crime against a President and the population.
Also, why would the CCP permit flights from Wuhan to the rest of the world but prohibit flights
to intra-China locations? The goal was to infect the world INTENTIONALLY and, specifically, the USA and its Voters.
If the 2020 Vote Tabulation Fix with expressly proven vote flipping by the CCP via the Internet while Vote Tabulation machines were
either hard-wire or WIFI connected is inserted into the mix, then one can only surmise that the criminal Democrat-Socialist Party has its
depraved finger prints all over the scene of the crime. President Trump is the real, true winner of the 2020 presidential election. Biden
and his entire family are just grifters who scam the USA and other countries to get rich. I have often written: "If you want to get rich, get
Regardless of the so-called pandemic, President Trump held his campaign events, and Democrats like the feeble Joe
Biden who didn’t even campaign for the Presidency because he knew the great 2020 Vote Tabulation Machine Fix was in!
During the years of 2017-2019, President Trump has a very long list of achievements that this writer LOVES to
emphasize: AMERICA FIRST! President Trump completed the following great achievements with CONgress
(despite some RINOs):
- Cut Individual and Corporate taxes to the lowest level (22%) in history.
- Increased the DoD budget to $720B to rebuild the military from the devastating depletion of the
Obama/Biden years.
- Cut regulations by 25% and enforced rules requiring 2 regulations to be eliminated for every new
- For the southern border, elimination or modification of:
- Chain Migration
- Visa Lottery
- Catch & Release
- bogus claims of Entrepreneurship
- and phony Asylum requests.
- Worked with Mexico to keep migrants requesting asylum to remain in Mexico until their court appearance,
since they would disappear into the USA if allowed to enter.
- Worked with Mexico to close the Guatemala border, preventing new "caravans" from illegally entering Mexico.
- Supported immigration reform to make Illegal Entry into the USA an automatic deportation offense.
- Supported making two or more illegal entries a felony.
- Proposed that all 'emigrants' who want eventual citizenship must speak functional English.
- Current law requires a Visitor has a Visa obtained at a U.S. Embassy/Consolate or online (Form DS-160).
- MOST IMPORTANT, HE BUILT 450 MILES OF AN IMPENETRABLE WALL while being pestered every step of the way
- President Trump frequently demonstrated that corporate media in America (I call it the new "PRAVDA")
constantly lies and spews propaganda for the Democrat-Socialist Party. Old Main Stream Media (MSM) is no
different than that old official Soviet Union News Agency.
The above list is small compared to the entire list of achievements of the Trump Administration.