If Trump does run for President in the 2024 election (and win), he has a very difficult job ahead of him.
He must:
- Generate a proposed Constitutional Amendment requiring CONgress to combine duplicative Agencies, i.e., Agencies with the same general mission, to eliminate obsolete Agencies that no longer have a mission in today’s reality, and, MOST IMPORTANT, the Amendment must reduce the funding of the remaining Agencies by 5% per annum for each of ten years following enactment. This Amendment would necessarily require a reduction in employment.
[Editor's Note: most likely, CONgress would NOT pass such a resolution with a 2/3 majority so it could go to States for ratification. Gov employee unions support members of CONgress. But a Convention of States could and likely would propose this Amendment because the faceless, authoritarian bureaucracy limits freedom and liberty of citizens who they supposedly serve.]
- SEE Downsizing the Massive Federal Government
The Internal Revenue (Election Rigging) Service, By Clarice Feldman 
- Generate a proposed Constitutional Amendment requiring Term Limits for House (6 - 2 yr terms), and Senate (2 - 6 yr terms). Franklin Roosevelt served four terms. Since Founders created America to prevent Kings, the 22nd Amendment to the Constitution was proposed and ratified by 3/4 of States. The 22nd limits the number of terms a person may serve as President to two.
[Editor's Note: most likely, CONgress would NOT pass such a resolution with a 2/3 majority so it could go to States for ratification. Members of CONgress have made careers out getting reelected and using the power of their position to become wealthy and limit the liberty of everyday citizens. Employees of agencies and CONgressmen collude to increase the size and power of the federal government. The Founders envisaged temporary statesmen who would serve their country for say, 4-6 years then go back to their home State.
A Convention of States is needed and would pass this proposed amendment although the above suggested number of years may be excessive.]
- Get CONgress to make Trump's tax cuts along with additional cuts PERMANENT.
[Editor's Note: While CONgress might pass this, a Convention of States could propose a MUCH BETTER SOLUTION! See Repeal (or COS) the 16th Amendment. A Convention of States could propose the repeal of the 16th Amendment and propose an Amendment that would replace the 16th with the FAIRtax.]
- Reverse all of Socialist Biden’s regulations from all of the Agencies.
- Eliminate ALL of Socialist Biden’s Executive Orders, but especially the Orders that do not have prior legislative foundations.
- Require the National Republican Party to work in all States to ensure ELECTION INTEGRITY. One day voting, NO DROPBOXES, NO MAIL-IN VOTING. If machines are used, the electronics of any machine that enables connection to the Internet must be disabled or removed from the machine.
- Investigate NIH, NIAID, CDC, FDA, and DOJ in regards to the so-called 'pandemic'. Terminate Dr. Fauci and any person or group of persons who prevented nationwide doctors from treating their patients with Ivermectin. 800,000 Americans died due to malpractice and malfeasance of these Agencies.
Covid Lies: Fraud Assessed and Fraud Rehearsed.
Canadian Researchers Find Carbon Nanotech and Thulium in Moderna and Pfizer Covid Injections.
SHOCKING – At least 77K Dead & 7.3 Million injured due to COVID Vaccination across USA, Europe, UK & Australia.
Editor’s Note: "Dr." Fauci has stated that he will not work for Trump again.
Why would Trump use Fauci's "expertise" again after the massive failure of the last 2½ years?
Fauci's advice to develop a vaccine knowing full well that a $vaccine$ against a virus will
work only against the $first mutation$ and $multiple vaccines$ must be developed for future strains.
Regarding Fauci's "expertise": where is the Ebola vaccine? Where is HIV vaccine?
Fauci probably never had any expertise except politics. Working with his friends at
Wuhan Institute, the CCP, and the Democrat-Socialist Party, Fauci developed the
"perfect storm" and unleashed it in October, 2019, i.e., the Wuhan Institute Virus ("WIV").
Fauci and friends focused the American Voters on fear, confusion, and death, knowing full
well that Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin were VERY efficacious treatments for the WIV.
Fauci and friends at the NIH/NIAID, CDC, FDA, and DOJ prevented doctors nationwide from
treating their patients, and, therefore, of approximately 1 million deaths, 800,000 could have
completely recovered within 5 days of the onset.
Fauci's work for Trump has been a complete disaster comparable to a simultaneous nuclear
holocaust from East and West. The only difference is that Americans have recoved from the
deception and lies to realize that many government agencies are not working to maintain
liberty and freedom. MOST of ALL: a voter that votes for a Socialist is either a fool or a
- FINISH THE WALL along with armed drones (specially designed arms chambered in 22LR) with cameras piloted by an Air Force attachment to the CBP and flying along the WALL where there are no Ports-of-Entry.
- SEE Immigration Reform
- Resume ALL oil & gas exploration and production, replenish depleted supplies, resume Keystone Pipeline. In regards to Climate Change, terminate all efforts to create new money-laundering sources of money for Greenies. An example of this laundering is to create a non-profit company with the mission of expanding the use of solar panels on residences. This new company takes money from the U.S. Government, then goes bankrupt. The money disappears into bogus expenses (the company owner's pocket). This flavor of money-laundering occurs all over government and business funded by the stock market.
Helping the Greenies Understand Fossil Fuels, By Jon N. Hall
Remove America from the so-called Paris Climate Accord. Climate changes with or without human activity. See The Real Experts Are Stepping Forward to Restore the Scientific Definition of “Climate Change”.
Also, see How much has the Sun influenced Northern Hemisphere temperature trends? An ongoing debate
Also, see The Great Global Warming Swindle By Rhoda Wilson on June 11, 2022.
- Terminate all failing attempts to develop an arms reduction agreement with Iran.
- Get CONgress to reform government employment, i.e., if any government employee commits any illegal act or any act that violates employee rules, then the employee must be terminated and, where deemed necessary, prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
- Get CONgress to pass a special 'enhancement' to criminal laws regarding bribery and money-laundering such that any federal governemnt elected or employed person found guilty of either crime must serve a mandatory ten year sentence in federal prison.
- Get CONgress to enact laws requiring a permanent investigative task force that constantly searches for government bribery, money-laundering, and kickbacks. Another example of possible money-laundering is with campaign funds. Hypothetically, U.S. money could be sent to help foreign countries with the understanding that the
Dictator of the foreign country would keep most of the funds but must deposit an agreed upon percentage into an account earmarked for the U.S. president, senator, or representative who managed the appropriation from CONgress. Or, maybe a group of U.S. officials can share in the kickbacks. Why is U.S. money being sent to foreign countries?
- Make sure ALL MILITARY is prepared and fully funded.
- If Taiwan and Ukraine are considered to be friends of America, then ship all types of weaponry that will enable them to defend against China and Russia respectively. Since America has satellites, intelligence information can be provided both to Taiwan and Ukraine. AMERICAN TROOPS from any branch must never be used -- only when America is attacked.
Lastly, when Trump completes these tasks and, very likely, many more America 1st tasks, Trump must continue expanding CONgress with new America 1st candidates, AND, Trump must reinforce and continue his LEGACY. This require candidate to continue strengthening America. The USA must NOT become a province of the New World Order!!