Joe Biden: 2nd Amendment Encroachment

The following provides information from NRA-ILA regarding the unlawful/illegal actions against the 2nd Amendment, our Right to Keep and Bear Arms by the fraudulently elected President Joe Biden. You may answer each question for your own benefit, but the answers are not transported.

  1. Since becoming President, Joe Biden has repeatedly called on Congress to pass national gun registration — so that federal bureaucrats can track your gun purchases and personal information in a massive government database. Do you support or oppose Biden's plan for national gun registration?
  2. In his first year in office, Joe Biden took regulatory action to ban certain ammo imports. Now he is calling on Congress to completely ban online ammo sales. Do you support or oppose Biden's ammo bans?
  3. Joe Biden is demanding that Congress restrict the number and type of firearms you're allowed to purchase in any given month. Do you support or oppose Biden's plan for national gun rationing?
  4. Joe Biden wants to give federal bureaucrats the power to dictate how you store your own gun in your own home - even if that means your gun would be stored in such a way that it was useless for self-defense. Do you support or oppose Biden's plan for mandatory gun storage requirements?
  5. Joe Biden has called on Congress to ban the importation, manufacture, and sale of thousands of semi-automatic rifles, shotguns, and pistols - and any magazine that can hold more than ten rounds. Do you support or oppose Biden's plan to outlaw millions of firearms and magazines?
  6. Joe Biden has had more judicial nominees confirmed in his first year than any President in more than four decades. Do you support or oppose the confirmation of anti-gun judges to our U.S. federal courts?
  7. At a time when many states across the country are working to remove barriers to gun ownership and to strengthen Right to Carry laws, Joe Biden wants to use your tax dollars to set up state-based gun-licensing programs — requiring millions of law-abiding Americans to request permission from their state government before they can purchase a gun. Do you support or oppose Biden's plan to enact nationwide gun licensing?
  8. President Biden has said if he could only have one item on his gun-ban wish list, it would be repealing the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act - exposing gun manufacturers and gun shop owners to a flood of frivolous, agenda-driven lawsuits funded by billionaire gun haters like Michael Bloomberg. Do you support or oppose this scheme to bankrupt and destroy America's firearms industry?
  9. Joe Biden wants to "fight crime" by imposing nationwide gun registration - requiring you to submit your gun-purchase history and personal, private information to federal bureaucrats so they can track you in a government database. Do you believe hardened criminals will submit information on the guns they own?
    Yes No Not sure
  10. Even though semiautomatic rifles are very rarely used in crimes, Joe Biden has called for a complete ban on these firearms owned by millions of law-abiding Americans. Do you think banning semiautomatic rifles will stop the crime wave that Biden's failed policies have unleashed on America?
    Yes No Not sure
  11. Joe Biden has vowed to fight crime by outlawing online ammo sales. Do you think a ban on online ammo sales will stop criminals from committing armed robberies, assaults, and murders?
    Yes No Not sure
  12. Joe Biden says Congress should combat crime by repealing the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act, thus exposing gun manufacturers and gun shop owners to a flood of lawsuits funded by billionaire-backed anti-gun groups - all but ensuring a massive wave of bankruptcies. Do you think bankrupting the entire American firearms industry will help stop crime in our cities?
    Yes No Not sure
  13. Joe Biden has promoted a "crime-fighting" plan that would force American citizens who own semiautomatic firearms capable of holding more than 10 rounds to either hand their guns over to federal agents or submit themselves to a registration process that costs hundreds of dollars and takes years to complete. Do you believe even one single criminal would obey this law?
    Yes No Not sure
  14. This November, will you vote for ANY candidate at ANY level of government who supports Joe Biden's gun-ban agenda?
    Yes No Not sure
  15. Would you ever vote to re-elect a Member of the U.S. Congress who supports Joe Biden's anti-gun agenda?