Joe Biden: fraudulently elected poser who would be King of America

The following provides information from NRA-ILA regarding the fraudulently elected President Joe Bidens's obvious political attempts to unlawfully and illegally deprive, restrict, limit and restrain Americans from enjoying their 2nd Amendment, our Right to Keep and Bear Arms by the Joe Biden. You may answer each question for your own benefit, but the answers are not transported.

  1. Do you support or oppose Joe Biden's call for a national gun registry that would require you to submit your gun-purchase history and personal, private information to federal bureaucrats so they can keep track of you in a government database?
    Support Oppose Undecided
  2. Do you support or oppose forcing law-abiding Americans to obtain a special license from the federal government before exercising their Constitutional right to purchase a firearm?
    Support Oppose Undecided
  3. Do you support or oppose Joe Biden's demands for a sweeping ban of semiautomatic rifles, shotguns, and pistols?
    Support Oppose Undecided
  4. Do you support or oppose legislation that would ban any magazine capable of holding more than 10 rounds of ammunition?
    Support Oppose Undecided
  5. Do you support or oppose a bill proposed this year in Congress that would impose a crippling 1,000% tax on the sale of semiautomatic firearms and 10+ magazines — increasing the cost of a $500 rifle to an astounding $5,500 and a $20 magazine to an absurd $220?
    Support Oppose Undecided
  6. Joe Biden has had more judicial nominees confirmed in his first year than any President in more than four decades. Do you support or oppose the confirmation of anti-gun judges to our U.S. federal courts?
    Support Oppose Undecided
  7. Do you support or oppose forcing law-abiding Americans to undergo a federal background check every time they purchase a single box of ammunition?
    Support Oppose Undecided
  8. If Joe Biden convinces Congress to pass a nationwide semiautomatic firearm ban and a ban on 10+ magazines, do you believe criminals will turn in their firearms and magazines?
    Support Oppose Undecided
  9. Joe Biden's political allies at the state and local level flat-out refuse to prosecute numerous crimes and often release violent criminals back onto the streets immediately. Do you believe that cracking down on hardened criminals is the best way to fight violent crime?
    Yes No Unsure
  10. Would you ever vote for a candidate who supports anti-gun legislation?
    Yes No Unsure