[Editor's Note: Citizens who have paid in to Socialist Insecurity (SS) all their working lives vehemently protest any tampering with SS. However, SS was installed as a government program in 1935 when the world was in Depression. Franklin Roosevelt (FDR) deserves the dubious credit for the massive expansion and, eventually, today's federal government with all of its ancillary agencies that regulate --- EVERYTHING --- to restrict life, liberty and property (probably happiness too!). What president since FDR hasn't added a new Department or Agency?
FDR confiscated all domestically owned gold (which provided total control of the dollar) and used his newly gained power to inflate the dollar (dilute its value using the FED) and expand his contemporary view of American socialism. The Communist Revoluion with Marxist 'economics' and Karl's manifesto was popular in the US from 1917 thru FDR's reign and on. FDR could have passed a ham sandwich in those days. SS is just another source of revenue for government socialists. SS is a SOCIALIST program disguised as a "safety net" This so-called "safety net" is the personal piggy-bank of the federal government. CON gress has bought votes over the decades by enabling the use of SS funds for all manner of other unrelated outflows such as today's very fraudulently abused SS Disability expenditures whereby there is an entire legal structure used to steal from SS.
If government had established a PRIVATE savings plan (like CON-gress has for itself) where citizens own their account but cannot withdraw from the account until retirement age, SS would be solvent today and government couldn't (legally) ROB it like today. Lastly, and more important, SS would have a positive return-on-investment (ROI) and at least 30% free cashflow instead of paying recipients more than its investments earn. Currently, SS has a negative ROI. Leave to the thieves to waste the citizens' mandatory deposits.
Our 'mis-representatives' represent only themselves --- NOT their constituents! Mis-reps are on a power trip to gain more and more power over us. An informal historical study of the last 120 years with Teddy's "trust-busting", depression, recessions, world wars, 'police actions', and inflationary devaluation of the dollar (most of which was caused by government) shows that each event was used as an excuse to tighten the control over citizens.
Our mis-representatives have legislated themselves an increasingly larger slice of the economic pie while slowly destroying the private economy which provides their piece of the pie. CONgressional budgets purposely give a generous share of their confiscated pie to government employees to bribe them for their support. These incentivized bureaucrats generate oppressive regulations to enforce laws that are by CONgressional intent vaguely and ambiguously written to enable the writing of almost any enforcing regulations which increase the power and control of the feds. Mis-representatives sit high above those who testify and make their photo-opportunistic tirades to impress the public and the suckers of AmeriKa who vote for the best speech --- not the proof of a real representative's effort to downsize government and remove government intrusion from American life. Central Planning will INEVITABLY FAIL !
The government procedure for gaining complete, totalitarian control of the nation is first to 'help' everyone become dependent on government, either by supporting people financially or eliminating all choices except the government choice. The three branches collusively and secretly behind the scene write VERY GENERAL, VAGUE, and AMBIGUOUS laws enabling the Executive to promulgate any regulations they want that enforce the laws and further restrict freedom. When the law and its regulations are challenged in court, the court just agrees with the government or reinterprets the law favorably for the government. COLLUSION, CONSPIRACY, GAMING the SYSTEM! Then, government can do anything it wants. These government power-freaks will succeed at one and only one thing: the government will drive companies off-shore and cause the creation and expansion of a black market for all goods and services that will destroy the economy. Eventually, all citizens who can leave America will expatriate to a more favorable country. Government in this country was NEVER envisaged to consume 40% of the economy and NEVER meant to meddle in the lives of FREE people.