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Libertarian Party News 
Fight the Fingerprint 
Vote Fraud, Fair Vote Count 
US Post Office promotes individual rights: hypocrisy 

Kill: Know Your Customer Rule 

Rights Abridged 

A Sound Conservative Fiscal Policy 

Thievery, 1-800-BE-ANGRY 
Strike for Freedom 
IRS special agent training 

Re-legalize Drugs 
Clinton to Participate in New Clinical Drug Trial 

Truth: Repubs and Democrats 

  1. Balanced Budget
  2. Government Micromanagement
  3. Spending and Income Taxes
  4. Surplus (ha ha)
  5. Social InSecurity
  6. Socialized Medicine
  7. Unconstitutional Military Action
  8. Anti-ballistic Missile Defense
  9. Political Sham Defense
  10. Reagan ended Cold War?
  11. Tax Cuts (ha ha)
  12. Federal Judges
  13. Firearms
  14. Abortion
  15. Today's Politics=Lies
  16. Vote !
  17. People want a 3rd Party
  18. People want Freedom from lies
  19. Republican Excuse for Failure

New Hampshire -- Live Free or Die -- public schools could go private?
"But believe it or not there is another solution to the problem, which nobody in New Hampshire has even bothered to think about. If the people of that state truly cherish freedom over money, then a very simple way to live free, avoid an income tax, and reduce property taxes significantly would be to privatize the entire state education system."

Underwear Filter Inspired by Gore's Campaign Against Methane 
Communists Promise To Be "Citizen Friendly" 
Eco-Terrorists Accidentally Kill Woodsy Owl 
Congress Passes the "Legal Paper Reduction Act" 
High Praise for New "Open Music Standard" 
Proposed Asteroid Defense Utilizes Silicon Implants 
Teacher Fired for Teaching Phonics 
Clinton's IRS Gestapo 
"Let's face it. When we filed this lawsuit, America did not necessarily believe its president was a perjurer, a rapist, an obstructer of justice and a traitor who would sell out his country's national security for campaign contributions. Today, you could sell all those ideas and people would be willing to believe worse."

Animal Rights Activists Protest Easter Candy 
Eco Toilet Paper Company Closes its Doors 
Day Care Workers Dispute Study Findings 
California Democrats Propose Legislation to Tax Rain 
Government Scientists: Water is Most Deadly Substance 
The End of The Empire: Is the fall of America near? 
Winning The Cultural War 

"Government is not reason; it is not eloquence; it is force! Like fire, it is a dangerous servant and a fearful master."

George Washington.

" ... There will always be a party for giving more to the rulers, that the rulers may be able in return to give more to them. Hence as all history informs us, there has been in every State & Kingdom a constant kind of warfare between the governing & governed: the one striving to obtain more for its support, and the other to pay less. And this has alone occasioned great convulsions, actual civil wars, ending either in dethroning of the Princes, or enslaving of the people. Generally indeed the ruling power carries its point, the revenues of princes constantly increasing, and we see that they are never satisfied, but always in want of more." 

-- Benjamin Franklin, in a letter to the Federal Constitutional Convention, as recorded by James Madison on June 2, 1787.

Read Ayn Rand's book Atlas Shrugged

Buy Ayn Rand's bookSilencing ScienceScience Under SiegeShadow University


Deseret News, Mar. 13, '99
Letter by Michael T. Hannan

Last Saturday, one of the front page headlines read "Clinton and GOP present their plans for Social Security." A March 8 op-ed piece by James Ferrin was titled, "Stop the Social Security poverty machine." The contrast of the information from the two articles couldn't have been sharper. 

The initial "plans" of Clinton and the GOP are nothing more than variations of the old "robbing Peter to pay Paul" routine, feel-good attempts to fix something that can't possibly be fixed, at least not by the methods alluded to by respective party spokesmen. 

But the article by Mr. Ferrin hit the nail right on the head. Social Security is not worthy of being saved. It is a flawed system that was never designed to bear up the loads it is being asked to bear. Therefore the payroll tax to pay for it has grown like a cancer and still the program is in trouble with a capital T. 

This is a fact which politicians on both sides of the aisle seem unable to understand or admit. Unfortunately, most Americans don't want to accept the simple fact that Social Security deserves to die the quickest death possible. 

There is plenty of documentation available to underscore the pitiable economic returns Social Security offers and the illusion it creates in the minds of Americans that planning for retirement is mostly a federal responsibility. An insightful book by Marshall Carter and William Shipman, "Promises To Keep," details in understandable English why Social Security is flawed, how we can painlessly phase it out during a transition period, and how everyone in our country can reap the benefits of the freedoms that will accrue from this changeover. I urge everyone to obtain a copy of this book, to read it and to act. 

Let Americans assume once more the responsibility for their own future, and give them the 12 percent of their wages now confiscated to establish a safety net in their own name. 

Michael T. Hannan, Salt Lake City 

by Jay Ambrose

The AFL-CIO is one of the labor organizations that have signed on to an all-out national campaign to thwart the partial privatization of Social Security. That would be fine and good except for a couple of things. First, it's contrary to the interests of American workers and, second, it's out of step with many labor unions around the globe. 

Establishing individual retirement accounts within Social Security is not some brash, untested idea, but a practice employed in government-sponsored retirement systems in Europe, Latin America and elsewhere. The return on investment provides a revenue stream reducing the need for higher taxes or lesser benefits to keep Social Security afloat. As various statistical studies have demonstrated, workers would almost certainly receive more retirement income after some such reform, and might actually accumulate significant wealth they could pass on to their children. 

In some other lands, labor has either come to see the light or else has led the way. In Australia, a left-leaning Labor Party adopted privatization as a chief goal and brags that it has now put in place one of the best Social Security systems in the world, that word "best" being largely defined by how average workers fare. 

So why are some American unions combating this idea so fiercely? It would probably take some expert on the inner dynamics of the American labor movement to figure out the answer, though it probably has to do with deeply embedded prejudices against Wall Street, a distrust of any policy embraced by many conservatives and a sense of safety in clinging to programs that once served workers well. In terms of best serving those whom these unions represent, however, their stance is neither objective nor rational. 

employer match
employer match
1 exemption
NET in your
$10,000 $1,530.00 $127.50 $1,500.00 $200.00 $50.00 $7,416.67 $519.17 
$15,000 $2,295.00 $191.25 $2,250.00 $300.00 $75.00 $11,125.00 $778.75 
$20,000 $3,060.00 $255.00 $3,000.00 $400.00 $100.00 $14,833.33 $1,038.33 
$25,000 $3,825.00 $318.75 $3,750.00 $500.00 $125.00 $18,541.67 $1,297.92 
$30,000 $4,590.00 $382.50 $4,453.20 $600.00 $150.00 $22,296.80 $1,560.78 
$35,000 $5,355.00 $446.25 $5,853.20 $700.00 $175.00 $25,355.13 $1,774.86 
$40,000 $6,120.00 $510.00 $7,253.20 $800.00 $200.00 $28,413.47 $1,988.94 
$45,000 $6,885.00 $573.75 $8,653.20 $900.00 $225.00 $31,471.80 $2,203.03 
$50,000 $7,650.00 $637.50 $10,053.20 $1,000.00 $250.00 $34,530.13 $2,417.11 
$55,000 $8,415.00 $701.25 $11,453.20 $1,100.00 $275.00 $37,588.47 $2,631.19 
$60,000 $9,180.00 $765.00 $12,898.20 $1,200.00 $300.00 $40,601.80 $2,842.13 
$65,000 $9,945.00 $828.75 $14,448.20 $1,300.00 $325.00 $43,510.13 $3,045.71 
$70,000 $10,710.00 $892.50 $15,998.20 $1,400.00 $350.00 $46,418.47 $3,249.29 
$75,000 $11,475.00 $956.25 $17,548.20 $1,500.00 $375.00 $49,326.80 $3,452.88 
$80,000 $12,240.00 $1,020.00 $19,098.20 $1,600.00 $400.00 $52,235.13 $3,656.46 
$85,000 $13,005.00 $1,083.75 $20,648.20 $1,700.00 $425.00 $55,143.47 $3,860.04 

J U L I E   M O U G E O T T E  
He Said, She Said…
Social Security Apocalypse 

Email Pinocchio
Clinton to Appear on Jerry Springer 
China Promises Not to Target Nukes at U.S. 
India & Pakistan Developing Fed-Ex Nuclear Delivery System 

Let Americans save and invest their own hard-earned money without government interference. Anyone who really saves and invests 12.4 percent of their income can, over their working lifetimes, make themselves financially independent millionaire retirees, not poverty-stricken elderly of the "Social Security class," regardless of the job they choose. 

Social Security is, in fact, the single tallest, most difficult hurdle standing between most working-class Americans and their hopes for security in their senior years. Let's recognize this fact, and let's end it now. 

"On Opting Out" 

Alan Greenspan, Fed. Reserve Board Chmn. 

"My own preference is strongly in the direction of moving towards a privately financed system." 

Thief  Social Security and government Pigs, 1-800-BE-ANGRY 

Edward H. Crane, Pres., Cato Institute 

"Social Security privatization is, nowadays, the single most important step toward a society of liberty. It combines personal freedom with widespread property ownership, and those are the pillars of a free society." 

Free MarketsLibertarianFree Markets

Privatization of Everything

Freedom's Signature